Transcendence of God
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· 13 viewsGod is far above, beyond and outside the created order.
God is outside and above all creation
God is outside and above all creation
Ps 113:4; Is 40:22
Solomon confesses that God transcends containment by the temple:
Solomon confesses that God transcends containment by the temple:
1 Ki 8:27; 2 Ch 2:6
Job 37:23 Elihu declares the Lord to be beyond reach; Ps 8:1; Ps 57:5; Ps 57:11; Ps 97:9; Ps 108:5; Ps 148:13; Is 33:5; Ac 7:49; Ac 17:24; Eph 1:20–21 Jesus Christ is above all, in the place of highest honour and authority; Eph 4:6; Heb 7:26
God is able also to draw near to his creatures
God is able also to draw near to his creatures
For thus says the High and Lofty One
Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy:
“I dwell in the high and holy place,
With him who has a contrite and humble spirit,
To revive the spirit of the humble,
And to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
The invisibility of God
The invisibility of God
God is invisible to people and hidden from their sight
God is invisible to people and hidden from their sight
Ex 33:20; Is 45:15
See also Ex 3:6
Job is unable to find God in his suffering:
Job is unable to find God in his suffering:
Job 9:11; Job 23:8–9
Ps 10:1; Ps 13:1; Ps 89:46; Jn 1:18 Jesus Christ has made God known; Jn 5:37; Col 1:15 Jesus Christ is the image of God; 1 Ti 1:17; 1 Ti 6:16; 1 Jn 4:12
OT saints who saw God
OT saints who saw God
Ex 33:11 These exceptions indicate that God’s invisibility is not inherent, but the result of sinful people’s inability to look upon a holy God.
See also Ge 32:30; Ex 24:10; Jdg 13:22; Is 6:5
God is made visible in Jesus Christ
God is made visible in Jesus Christ
Jn 1:18; Jn 14:9; 2 Co 4:4; 2 Co 4:6; Col 1:15
Redeemed people will be able to look at God’s face
Redeemed people will be able to look at God’s face
Mt 5:8; 1 Co 13:12; 1 Jn 3:2; Re 22:4
God’s ways are beyond human understanding
God’s ways are beyond human understanding
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
See also Dt 29:29; Job 5:9; Job 11:7; Job 36:22–23; Ps 139:1–6; Pr 25:2; Ec 3:11; Is 40:28; Ro 11:33–34; 1 Co 2:11; 1 Co 2:16