¡No descuides la casa de Dios!
Los creyentes deben tomar cuidado del lugar de adoración, la casa de Dios.
La actitud de menosprecio al Templo.
No es el tiempo de hacerlo.
Nuestra casa es más importante.
Consecuencias de descuidar la casa de Dios.
Mucho esfuerzo y pocos resultados.
Dios disipa el fruto de tu esfuerzo.
Dios detiene la bendición.
Mrs. Colleen Evans, wife of the pastor of National Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C:, has a book called Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread. In it she shares the story of a friend in California called Bill, who was rather late affiliating with the church. He had been an alcoholic.
After identifying with Christ, he began studying the Bible in earnest. He recognized the tithe as a basic right of the Lord. Gradually he began to adjust his life-style, and eventually altered the accepted biblical standard of tithing, the giving of a tenth to God and operating on the 90 percent left, into operating on 10 percent and giving away 90 percent! Not everyone could do this, of course, but what a marvelous answer to Malachi’s query, “Will a man rob God?” (3:8); and to Paul’s declaration—“Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!” (2 Cor. 9:15).