Facing Fears
Big Idea of the Message: Fear grows when we feel our inabilities or are anxious about the unknown, but God has promised to protect us and to walk with us through danger.
Fear Grows
Fear Grows
What do you fear the most in life, why do you have that fear - better yet what caused that fear to grow;
What is fear;
Anxious dread or terror in the face of danger; also reverence to or awe of God.
Jolley, M. A. (2000). Fear. In D. N. Freedman, A. C. Myers, & A. B. Beck (Eds.), Eerdmans dictionary of the Bible (p. 457). Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans.
How does your fear cripple you from doing things you might otherwise enjoy;
According to Chapman Survey Researchers these were the top three fears of Americans in 2019, corrupt government officials, pollution of bodies of water, and loved ones becoming seriously ill.
So how do we as Christians - Christ followers - handle fear, how does the Bible tell us to handle fear;
In the Bible it says 365 times, in differing variations, “Do not Fear” which is also followed with either “Thus says the LORD” or “For I am the LORD”;
It is fine to be concerned about things but when that concern brings you to a stop in life that’s the problem.
Faithlife Study Bible Psalm 23
Psalm 23 is a psalm of confidence in Yahweh—showing an intimate relationship between the psalmist and Yahweh. As a hymn of trust, it expresses the psalmist’s confidence in Yahweh’s guidance, using images of a shepherd (vv. 1–4) and host (vv. 5–6) to portray God’s care of him.
Psalm 23 is a very common passage used for funerals, I cannot tell you how many times I personally have preached these words;
These words are intended to bring comfort, peace and promise in a time of loss, grief and the fear of what now or what’s next;
These words were written by David reveal the promised kindness of God towards His people;
So as we move through this tonight I want you to consider this question;
“Do I truly believe this passage to be true in my life?”
Philippians 4:6-7
Application Point: In a fearful situation you are facing right now, put down the baggage of fear and trust God to be the Good Shepherd as he leads, protects, provides, and comforts you.