20s-01 The Benefits of Wisdom
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Proverbs 3:1-12
Proverbs 3:1-12
It’s good to be back after a refreshing week of vacationing in the Black Hills. The faces are still there! It was good to spend that time together as a family.
We are once again entering a phase in our family (last one) as our youngest begins the process of learning to drive. Here’s a benefit of the church as the extended family…she has 100 sets of eye watching her—if you see her fly by you in an unsafe manner, come talk with me. No…she’s doing well so far.
Its a principle of driving that if you want to end up at the right destination, you have to choose the right road. It is an important lesson—you don’t just end up where you need to be by coincidence. There’s a spiritual lesson along the same lines. Life is a journey and if you want to end up where you ought to be—be careful to take the right path.
The Bible goes to great lengths to instruct believers what that path is and how to stay on it. As we’ve been studying Eph—Paul has much to say about the Xn’s walk…walk worthy of your calling, walk in love, humility, unity, love, light and wisdom.
Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise,
Be careful where you put your foot—because you live in a dangerous world that is filled with obstacles that are designed to make you stumble. Paul’s instruction is to walk in wisdom.
Wisdom is absolutely essential if we are to be the people God wants us to be. In all times of life (especially during times in which we face trials) the wisdom of God needed by the people of God.
Dr. Roy Zuck (Bib Theology of OT) “Wisdom means being skillful and successful in one’s relationships and responsibilities … observing and following the Creator’s principles of order in the moral universe.”
In Job’s response to his “friends” who turned out to give foolish counsel to him, he writes: Job 28:12-22
After showing all the false ways of wisdom Job simply says—Vs 23.
God is the source of all wisdom. Paul recognizes that truth as he prays that God would grant the Ephesian believers wisdom, understanding and enlightenment (Eph 1:17-18).
But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
The believer needs wisdom. The Heb “to be skilled in technical matters, experienced.” It refers to godly cleverness; skilled in the art of Xn living.
In the OT wisdom understands that the human will is subject to God’s sovereignty. Wisdom is not something theoretical or speculative but practical. It is based on God’s revealed principles of right and wrong and sees those principles lived out in everyday life.
An illustration of wisdom in OT is Solomon. His God-given wisdom (what he asked from God) enabled him to devise a means to determine which of the 2 women claiming to be the mother of a child was in fact its real mother (1 Kings 3:16-28).
Proverbs (part of genre “Wisdom Literature”) highlights the principles that enable believers to live godly lives. In our passage there are 5 attitudes of those who pursue wisdom and the corresponding benefits:
1. Steadfast Commitment
1. Steadfast Commitment
(vv 3-4)
2 cardinal virtues that attend every person pursuing wisdom:
Lovingkindness (mercy)—it means a loving disposition either toward God or one another. Here it could very well mean both.
Truth—standing to one’s promises—shutting out all forms of falsehood, hypocrisy.
These are 2 characteristics that belong to God and so should be the virtues of God’s people. Love and truth form our human responses to God and other people. So those pursuing the walk of wisdom will remain steadfast in their commitment to love and truth.
Solomon explains how these qualities are not to be external only. “bind them” referring to a signet that is tied to a string and worn around the neck. It was to be a constant reminder of one’s commitment to God and man. But this was not only the external commitment (going thru motions). “write on tablet” indicates that love and fidelity were to be deeply impressed upon one’s heart the duty of both virtues so that you’re driven from the inward to the outward.
The Benefit
God says that the one who will do this will find favor/grace with God and man. I am reminded of Jesus:
And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
You will also find good repute—Lit. good understanding, prudence, insight. When you seek wisdom and its benefits, you will be known as an individual who is considered competent, effective having a reputation for prudence.
2. Dependent Thinking
2. Dependent Thinking
vs 5-6
2 familiar verses
“Trust”—Basic idea in Heb is firmness or security. Used in Jer. 12:5 “ground” Placing one’s trust in the Lord God means reliance upon Him and to have confidence in the firmness of God’s nature (there is absolute security in that). Other religions prize the idea that man is somehow in control of his own destiny. One of the chief characteristics of those involved in pagan religions was anxiety. Anxiety is the result of not trusting the Lord with all your heart.
Jews knew a God who revealed Himself to be faithful and trustworthy.
As Samuel was addressing Israel after they defeated the Ammonites: recounting their history and when they forgot the Lord they wee taken captives:
1 Samuel 12:11 "Then the LORD sent Jerubbaal and Bedan and Jephthah and Samuel, and delivered you from the hands of your enemies all around, so that you lived in security.
Ps 27:3--confidence
The contrast between anxiety and confidence is even more striking when we realize that those in false religions had different mechanisms they believed would control their destiny. But the Jew recognized that he was completely without resources to control his destiny.
You can see why people have anxiety today (do you ever encounter anxiety?). If you think that you are the one controlling your paths, goals, driving your opportunities...and not being utterly dependent upon the gracious and dependable God—then you will be anxious (sin). The world falls apart when we try to control it.
Solomon gives this instruction “trust in the…do not lean…”
“Lean” means to support yourself on something or someone in total and helpless reliance. Don’t support yourself with your own understanding. Why? Our understanding is prone to failure. When we support ourselves we will fall. That is why a person who wants to enjoy a carefree existence, a life without anxiety will forsake the sin of leaning on his own understanding and become dependent on God.
Solomon adds the necessity of acknowledging God in all your ways. “acknowledge” lit. “to know” In everything you do your actions, thoughts, behavior, is to indicate that you know God is present. Your intimate knowledge of God and His nature should flesh itself out here.
The Benefit
God’s Direction is revealed. Making paths straight, level. Speaks of removing obstacles that would cause us to stumble or turn aside from going the right direction. God will make our paths smooth, plain.
3. Humble Obedience
3. Humble Obedience
vv 7-8
“Wise in your own eyes” speaks of not merely being proud of your own wisdom but being self-sufficient in it. When you are self-sufficient and become wise in your own eyes you cannot see the need to refer things to God. But the antidote, if you will, is to fear the Lord. Reverence and respect Him in humble obedience. Those who fear the Lord are on the path to receiving wisdom.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments; His praise endures forever.
Of course obedience will cause you to flee from evil, recognizing those things bring displeasure to God so walk away from them.
The Benefit
God’s refreshment is the benefit here. The health your body and soul longs for is given. Often times our physical health is directly related to our spiritual health (psychosomatic issues). A person with chronic ulcers may realize how that stems from anxiety and worry b/c he has not trusted the Lord with all his heart. God reveals that when your life/your walk is in harmony with God, you will receive healing to your bones. This is not a guarantee but a truism that relates to those who submit in humble obedience to God’s commands.
4. Generous Giving
4. Generous Giving
vv 9-10
“honoring…firstfruits…” was a way of expressing gratitude to God for His gracious provisions during the harvest. It was the way to acknowledge that God caused the abundance.
The Old Testament Jews brought the Lord the firstlings of their flocks (Ex. 13:1–2) and the firstfruits of their fields (Lev. 23:9–14) this was to acknowledge that God was good and that He was in control of even the harvest.
Jesus explains
“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Giving faithfully (regularly, sacrificially) to the Lord is an indication that you are trusting in the One who gives in abundance. Now, your offering is not a payment for God’s blessings but evidence of your faith and obedience.
There is a general principle that godliness brings gain and piety brings prosperity. The benefit of generosity then will be:
The Benefit
In return God filled their barns (grain) and their vats (wine). They received abundance.
5. Submissive to Discipline
5. Submissive to Discipline
vv 11-12
The God in whom we can trust to make our paths smooth/free from obstacles and who will supply our material needs can be trusted and honored b/c He demonstrates his love by disciplining His children.
God does not correct His people b/c He enjoys causing pain. But the sole purpose of discipline is to correct unrighteous behavior so that we would replace it with righteous (holy) living.
Heb 12:5-11
God loves us and wants us to share in His holiness. He wants us to reflect His glory to the world. And this is impossible when we live in sin. God will use discipline (many forms) to correct our behavior b/c He loves us.
For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren;
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.
The Benefit
Thru sanctifying discipline you will encounter God’s love as He molds you into the image of His beloved Son. Humbly submit to His discipline…don’t resent it, or reject it b/c it is designed to bring you into conformity with God who is holy.
Those who seek wisdom are characterized by those 5 attitudes:
Steadfast in their commitments, dependent in their thinking, humble in their obedience, generous in their giving, and submissive in their experience of discipline.
And the benefits: God’s favor, God’s direction, God’s refreshment, Abundance and encountering God’s love—what a way to live!
Next time, we’re going back to Eph to see how this fleshes itself out in your life—walking in wisdom.