God the Father
We continue our series this morning Convictions: What We Believe
Do Christians have nonnegotiable beliefs, and if so, what are they?
This eight-week series looks at eight key topics in evangelical theology that all Christians agree about. Our faith will be challenged as we ask ourselves, “When it comes to my beliefs, what is important and why?”
So far we have covered two beliefs/ doctrine. Week one we look at the Holy bible and how it was a gift from God that we do not have to do anything too. A perfect gift.
Week two Last week. We look at Trinity and how there is only one God but he shows himself in three different ways The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. The idea of the Trinity confronts us with a lead of faith. We have to have a little faith to believe God is who He say he is.
Over the next three weeks we will be look at all parts of Trinity and what they do and mean. So this week we will look at God the Father.
So if you have your bibles turn to Genesis 1:1- 2:25
Before we dive into today passage and talking about God the Father. I have a question for you.
Were you created for a purpose?
Were you created for a purpose?
If you think you were. Who do you think created you? Who were the be people or person behind you being born?
You might say your parents but sometimes our parents aren’t the best people to look too. Sometime they can say thing like you were an accident, you were unplanned, I wasn’t ready to be a father/mother. Or they tell you that you have to follow in the family business and if you don’t you will no longer be part of the family.
You might also have great parents and they would do anything for you but they still cant give you a purpose.
So were you created for a purpose?
The answer is this. God created you for a purpose. He is the Father that we can rely on. He is always there and never fells us. We might think he is not there because this happen in our life that we do not like but he is always where.
How do we know God created us for a purpose?
How do we know God created us for a purpose?
What does the bible say about how God created us. How can he be heavenly father that sits in heaven? Let look to the bible.
Where do you go when you start a book? The very beginning. And when we open the Bible to the first chapter of the first book, this truth is what we read:
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
God created everything
God created everything
There is no doubt what is being said; there is no linguistic wiggle room. God is the Creator, and as we saw last week, God the Father was doing the creating through the Word (the Son) and by the Spirit. He created everything in seven days.
In seven days.
day one he said “ let there be light”. He created light and darkness
Day two he said “ Let there be an expanse between the water.” The expanse was called the sky
Day three. “ Let the water under the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear.” The dry land was called earth on this ground he planted vegetation and all the fruit trees.
Day four : “ Let there be a lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night” God made the sun to govern the day and the moon to govern the night.
Day 5. “ Let the water swarm with living creatures and let birds fly above the earth.” So he create all thing in the oceans stream and lakes and all the birds of the air. Then he created the livestock ad and all the thing creatures to their kinds.
Day 6 is the big day.
26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness. They will rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, the whole earth, and the creatures that crawl on the earth.”
27 So God created man in his own image; he created him in the image of God; he created them male and female.
God created us in his image.
God created us in his image.
did you caught the reference to the Trinity? Let US/ not let me let us. All three were present like we say last week. Mankind was no just created on a wime. God made us like him. Yes we all look different on the outside but we are all the same on the inside. There is no one greater than the other. We all have the some bones, the same organs, the same heart, the same brain because we all were created in God image.
This series is called “Convictions,” and this is a good time to pause and point out that these convictions are not on the periphery. They are central to the Christian faith. By affirming that you believe these things, you are affirming what Christians from different cultures, traditions, denominations, and branches of Christianity all believe. Rather than being an exclusive statement, affirming God as the Creator is an inclusive statement in which we say to fellow Christians, “You and I may disagree on the authority of the Pope or on what happens at communion, but we both agree that God is the Creator.” This should be seen as a starting point of dialogue between believers.
The question for believers should not be did God create everything, but
why did God create everything?
why did God create everything?
When we say God is the Creator, and that he created everything—including you—that implies intention. When you open Genesis 1, you don’t read, “In the beginning God dropped something on accident, and as a result there was life.” Rather, we read, “In the beginning God created…” He set about to do something when he created, which means you have purpose and value.
You were created for purpose!
You were created for purpose!
Your life has worth. Our lives are not meaningless, and we are not worthless. We do not have to leason to the parent that say we are worthless or we should have been born.
Genesis 1:1 says something completely opposite: there is meaning and value in each and every one of you because God created you.
The whys and hows are different, but one thing is the same: God created you to be in a relationship with him. Do you have a relationship with God? Or did you previously, and it has since dried up? Let’s start there today, focusing on our relationship with the Creator who made you.