Sunday English Service 11 a.m. (7/18/2021)

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Ephesians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:02:54
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Morning, welcome to Summit. Bible Church. Nice to see everyone on this beautiful day. We haven't had one so beautiful for like the last 2 weeks. A lot of rain. Thank God. The flowers need to hit the grass, needed it. But beautiful. Today we thank him for that. We're going to go ahead and start our service this morning. Would you ask you to stand and sing with us? Faith is the victory. We have a lot of old ones today so some you haven't heard in a very long time. So all right,

And the food we find drawn up and try to tell me.

I think for this to your dad,

Davis jr.

I sing praises to your name.

Save it to your phone.

Glory to your name.

Glory to your name.

I can forward it to you.

Sorry to you.

Father to you.

Name is great and greatly to be praised.

name is great and greatly to

Name is great and greatly to be praised.

What's up?

Who is Ha Ha ha ha.

Free free free.

I just came to praise.

I just can't stop praising his name.

I just came to pray. I just came. I just hate you.

I just came to say,


I just came to praise him, I just came to the agency.

I just I just came to pray.

Thank you.

Good morning, everyone.

How are you today? How are we today?

As you know, my name is Pastor Eddie. Of course, I can Windows Movie Maker.

No. If you were here, last week we are going to continue our series on election.

if you have your mind blown, Please turn with me to the book of Ephesians. Tell you we have a quality or enough preaching to the choir. I think we have classes during the week for something for women's studies and then studying for the henries, dry cleaning a nice survey of the Bible. And if we have the prayer night on Wednesdays, So don't be shy. Come by. all right, so if you have your Bible, please, can we come into the book of Ephesians Ephesians chapter 1 verses 4 through 6 of American. Hardship.

Ephesians 1:4 through 6 lb traditional reading from the Bible.

Kalologie geology. Geology.

Call Seth. Jungle Book shows this weekend before the foundation of the world that we should be home.

If you want. Having predestined us to adoption and Sons by Jesus Christ to himself. According to the good pleasure of the swim. To the Praises of the glory of his great. By the way, she made us accepted in the guitar. Words of comfort for my Lord. That we can't do anything without the Lord's blessings be with me. Heavenly father bless this message. And give me your help us to glorify you with our lives. Help us to understand your teachings on the election on election and predestination show us your love, help us to see what you see when it comes to your sovereignty and human free will help us to have your humble attitude towards those two coexisting offices. Give us your peace and all things in Jesus precious name. Amen.

We are continuing our message on the election. As I said before, it's an important important for us to have a healthy balance of the sovereignty of God. Right. On one thing and the human Free Will, and the other is our Tails, because the Bible teaches. in the last message, we focus on the sovereignty of Salvation is this message? We are going to see the other side of the theological for We are going to see what God has to say about human free. Will open. The Bible, the Bible teaches that responsibility that every human being carries, we are held accountable for how we live our lives. We are held accountable for either accepting Jesus as our personal savior, or rejecting Jesus as our Lord and savior. We learned last week that you committed to this guy, the father who has to draw Sinners towards his precious son Jesus. That no one can come to Jesus unless Godfather costume. Said that salvation is a solvent Act of God, but in the last message, we might we left off asking a very serious and profound question. And then why do human beings have? The free will to reach Jeff Godfather's drawing for calling on our lives. In other words, can you give me the beans with Jack? Got the father's calling on the gospel of salvation? Will you take David and the context of the passage talks about Israel and how they have rejected, Jesus as their Messiah, their rejection of Jesus, as their Messiah has known positively impacted all of the Gentiles Gentiles meeting. None seems like you and me. But the percentage of Jews have rejected, Jesus, Jesus has now come to the Gentiles. In Romans 11, 28 and 29.

Is there any McDonald's? Mama is going to 20391. Paul is talking about the Jews and how they have come to have. They not have come become enemies of the Gospel. He says, in the gospel, they are enemies for your sake. Who said the Gentiles, but concerning the election, meaning the ability to choose certain people for salvation therapy long, for the sake of their father. Speaking of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Israel are so sorry about the revocable. And there's our answer. All this thing that God has selected certain Jews that comes from the line of Abraham in the Old Testament. This was called a red moon, meaning in a small, minority of people who remained faithful to God. And still be safe house meant I mentioned this and quote from Isaiah in Romans 9 27, just a few chapters Pryor. When he says Isaiah. Also praised out concerning Israel, do the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the Sea. The Remnant will be staying and enrollment process even though Even. So then at this present time, there is a Remnant according to the election of Grace. So, why did you choose certain Jews for salvation by drawing that they call you? But why? Because he's Jews are. Who got to choose because he needs to got juices are still beloved because promises that God made favor him. In other words,

They are a bunch of Jews who hate Jesus, but the Jews are still the people of God. And God still loves him because he chose our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So don't continue still net for juicing juice for salvation, for the sake of their father.

Are you being a gentile? So, But what does it mean for something to be your remote control that they're calling is irrevocable. Irrevocable is something that cannot be changed. It cannot be reserved or recover is something that is final.

Would be the word irreversible. That's what God is saying. Is that he left? In this case, they cannot change your mind to say, You know what, nevermind? I don't want to believe in Jesus. Give me someone else.

Because they have been constantly chosen by an all-powerful God decide to choose for yourself. Decide to choose you for salvation. They cannot be undone. So I can tell you, he cannot be reversed, you will love me and you will surrender to the lordship of Jesus the Christ. So the answer is simple to his son, Jesus, with you to the saving message of the Gospel, then you cannot and do not have the power to overrule again. Because it is his will that you're going up again? It's his will that yours two? Distinct calling There's what they call a general calling something called a universal calling. Similarly, another car is labeled ineffectual or special calling which can be also known as God's applications or special race on the person. You going to say to me? Well, what do you mean by replication? I'm not a Bible scholar or English, what does that mean? That something will be successful in producing he desired or intended. Result, it is affected by God. I will another words what it comes to Salvation has great, which is the effectual calling is the instantaneous work of God, empowering the human will and it's raining the human heart to Faith In Jesus. The Christ it is this effectual calling that God the Father uses to gather his elect Just call me the newest me affect the visitation of God whereby. He draws a person to the power of the Holy Spirit and renders individual willing to respond to the guy. Not your child of God that happened to you. This is what God did to drawing you and believe in the gospel of salvation. Therefore, this calling is a special calling that only pertains to God's elect. All of the elections are the recipients of the vacations. Great application is effective because it cannot be rejected because it is something that has, that was already predestined before the foundation of the world, as you just heard cost, Give me a passage or Romans 8:29 is 30. When he said for boom, he foreknew talking about those who got new inches. As I mentioned last week. So, if you load, you have believed that to know someone in the Bible carries with it, a personal intimacy with an individual and not just a knowledge of that person. For example of New Year's Eve, his wife and she can see, add a chain knew his one, and she can see the word in Hebrew carries, many nuances, that suggests an intimate knowledge of someone. For whom he foreknew, he also predestined mean, got head decided to stay. To be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the firstborn among many Brethren. He also called Ineffectual call minigynon mistreated the effectual call to the Holy Spirit, whom he called.

That is the truth of God, you have been made right with God. You're no longer his enemy. That is your position in Christ. And bougie Justified, he also glorified.

You're going to say what what is that mean? You position Ali? In Christ and he will glorify you criminally and do that in the next life to glorify someone in the Bible signifies God prison. And Honor on the believer. Benefits of Psalm 19:1, the heavens. Declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork As a child of God, you are the living embodiment of God's handiwork to also see you. You are God's representative on Earth. For this reason, you are called to be different to be holding meaning set apart from the world and culture of our day. The presence of God has been given to us by the indwelling of the holy spirit. In the honour of God, has been given to us seeing that we are now positionally his role children. A child of God, you are a child of the one true king. Therefore you must act like a child. having a righteous and pure Spirit, having a humble in loving attitude, showing the glory of God with everyone who called Kill you. so that they may say,

How can I be more like that? Why is that guy so different? What is it about? You like used to show the love of God, we're not called to act and to speak. Like the perverse culture of our day of beelzebub's near you were chosen to be complete to be the complete. And that is how you glorify God.

Your call to glorify God. Our God is Not powerful God. And if the pastor already, will your election to happen? Nothing is going to stop him from carrying out his will. Nothing in this present time is nothing in the coming between us to the coming future together. God makes this very clear and Isaiah 46, 9, and 10.

I am God and there is none like me only. I can tell you the future before it even happened. Everything I plan will come to pass. Why do whatever I wish. No. There is a call that pertains to all human beings, right? And this isn't Universal called that goes out to all the people in this permanently to who the gospel. The Bible in the most explicit terms, teach that the universal. Ulta. Address to everyone. Process of Romans 1:16 one of my favorite person. What is this song? Process primary chain. Raise the power of God, for salvation to everyone to everyone one more time to everyone. Did you first? And also to the Greek? Give me the pronoun, everyone. In the Bible, there are many verses that you was not only visited Universal pronoun, but many others as well. We see this all throughout the New Testament. in the Gospel of John, one of the most famous verses to denote, if you don't, you guess, if you watch football, you know this person, John 3:16 For God. So loved the Earth or the world that he gave his only begotten, son, that whoever believes in him.

Think 11:00 should not perish but have eternal life. What do you mean by? Whoever, you mean to tell me that my lost wife in training for to get paid? You mean to tell me that we lost, children can come to the state and College of price.

What is the weather out, inclusive? Universal pronoun, and make it crystal clear that whoever or used to latter believes in the son of God? Will be staying. Here is another popular one that comes from acts 2:21 that says she'll be saying wait what do you mean everything?

I got to leave you like this. I thought only guys chose me as if to say that the saving gospel message was Universal. Okay, that's what it says in Romans. 10, 11 13. 52 Palms. Mini crazy creative phone number. for the scripture says, Weather, what weather for there is no distinction between the riches.


For whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be safe. At the money. Did you pay attention to how many times has the sizes? Not one, but three times. And come to see me all the racing across the board without exception Universal. Conical down to every human Phone uses for all the Bible uses, whoever or whosoever has everyone.

I forgot about calling on the whole human race.

Why does ganja? Because despite what any Theologian might be. It is a little. Bearable, meaning in Chrome Terror imperfect flawed Rayleigh in which my message the good news of salvation for all of humanity.

Yes, I got it in for, you know, the Old Testament, the good news because the good news of Jesus salvation and not get a ride.

But God did preach with. A wisdom that will be people on the right path of Life filled with blessings and not curse. In case you're not familiar. On way anybody could even need to be saved, which is completely contrary to what your culture like to say. Because

You into thinking that everyone is a child of God. I'm pretty late times at work.

Right. Sure. And that everyone is a good person and a good person. Yeah, I never been locked up. What if everyone is a good person? Why would Jesus have to die? Let me direct your attention to real quick to The Reason. Because the real origin of human history is not taught in the public school. In Genesis chapter 3, speaking of the fall of Man, when God created Adam are human by the father in which all human and or even before that maggots or any other animal that eventually bomb. Into a human being created in the image and likeness of God. Donkeys Adam-12 full. One simple command one single thing.

That would Adam and his wife Eve in the garden and told Adam in the garden. Citrus successful one, the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. God told Adam in Genesis 2:17 but of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil you shall not eat. Turn the day that you eat of it, you will surely die.

God was not just talking about this is that because he has to be a hundred, 930 years old.

Spiritual death happens, instantly. Scripture that leads to feed of spiritual alienation. As a result of Adam sent all of them people with the exception of the Lord, Jesus Christ are born spiritually. this is why Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:3, Jesus answered and said to him, I say to you unless one is born again, he cannot see the bikini. Give me the more precise, God tells us in John 3:5.

Worcestershire. I say to you unless one is born. And the spirit which are cinnamon synonyms for the same thing.

He cannot enter.

The original Greek in the original movie, it could be stated unless you are born from above. You cannot enter.

For Adam and Eve sin, brought the creation from God. Banishment from his presence in for picture of spiritualized First Corinthians 2:14. But the natural, man. Those born without the spirit of God and Humanity, your baby. Don't need to see me, God. Black and white does not receive the things of the spirit guy for their foolishness. Northgate, can we know him? Nor can we know them because they are spiritually discerned.

On the record.

2nd. Corinthians, 2:14.

214 Saint Regis to 1400.

Take me to Michigan. What does that mean being spiritually discerned? Mean that humans cannot perceive you understand or recognize the spiritual things of God. when Adam and Eve went ahead and disobeyed got one and only command by embracing this year, They thought they could do it would be like in license and fulfill, get the opposite occurred. when did eight of the Forbidden tree their eyes were open but not in the way they had expected that because of Madam we have all made ourselves a little guys, we have in our creator we have rejected, Our God, do we have become Fallen creatures like Lucifer and his Fallen Angels, We resemble more

In the father of light. We have become children of Darkness. Rather than children of light.

Yvonne herded, a spoonful is falling, nature are simple and fall nature brings forth the rent which is God's righteousness laser towards City. Nerf worker, invite God's punishment on all Humanity.

For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of him who stood truth in unrighteousness.

Because God is holy and righteous. God must punish sin in Genesis and Matthew 25:40 today. And then speaking of all the spirits,

Will go away into Everlasting.

But the righteous into eternal life. This is true as apology. 101 anthropology being the study of man. You won't learn the truth about man in any public school.

This is why God calls you to train up your children in the truth of God's word. If your parent that says your children to public school, God expects you to teach them the truth because if you're not going to teach them about God, Satan will gladly do your job for you. And the father of Lies with teach your children, that there is no God. Don't be surprised when your children grow up and want nothing to do with your God. I would encourage your father has to take the initiative and is being the high priest, in your home and teach your children, the truth. You're not doing your children, any good by being a terrible example, and you're not doing your family, any good by not coming to church if you love me as much as tribute to church regularly impeached.

But this is where we will comes in. God, says to his people and Ezekiel 33, 11, as surely as I am. And I take no pleasure in the death of wicked people. I only want them to turn from their Wicked Ways. So they can live. Her. good morning from your wickedness shrimp, but why should you God desire for people is that we should turn or a pen. As you may know repentance to turn away from Evil and had a complete change of heart and mind towards the things of God. I mean, one must surrender their life over to God. Got to see turn. Turn from your wickedness. Why should you die? Clearly there is a choice that you minion can make and we can see that it's hard to know all of us. Similarly, he says anything Q 1823, do you think that I like to see Wicked people?

That is asking a question. Do you think that I like to see Wicked people die?

We are born enemies. Does The Sovereign, Lord, of course, not. I want them to turn from their Wicked Ways.

Another word down is calling on our her human free will to respond. Got to say that men and make this decision for himself. Because our creator is not an impatient and angry monster, but he is long-suffering and loving father. You think your 18:32 says of God for? I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who died. I'm sorry. Anyone anyone?

Brian Fletcher in the death of anyone.

declares the Lord God therefore, repent and You can really see the heart of a loving father in these Old Testament verses, one of my favorite passages in the Old Testament. Comes from Joshua 24-15. I even had that little place just before you come to the door that says, we Joshua gives people an ultimatum and tell them to decide choice. You have a free will make your decision. He says it depends if he's real in your site conservative or choose for yourself today, who you were with your father's sir, we would be on the river.

Or the guys of the Android in those two, whose land, you are. but as for me and my house, I will serve the Lord. God told the Israelites to decide on where they will either accept or reject him as you're done.

Are you more a good and ready to forget it and they funded emergency to all of those? Dunkin Donuts, near 4522 look to me. And be safe all of your how many 1 and 1/2 in all the ends of the year. I am gone. There is no other. We'll just admit, it was a universal cost to attend. They called it went out to all of humanity and not just a select few and called it appealed to man. Free will, would you mind me thinking do we have the ability to turn from their wicked ways? That is a funny question. Isaiah said to seek the Lord while he may be found Call upon him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his file Let him return but he may have compassion. and to our God for he will abundantly

We can see the Same Heart, the Same Heart of God in the New Testament, as well to include.

Jesus is in Matthew 11 2830.

Technical difficulties today.

Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for. I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find a back for your soul. For my yoke is easy. And my burden is my Dia supposed to all who will listen to come to me, all, who are weary and heavy-laden, ginger has the same word, again, for the proclamation of the Gospel, Mark 16:15, Gracie, and he said to them, go into creation to Creation creation. Plastic. Jesus uses. His favorite. All inclusive words and Luke. 24:46. Accept 4746, Luigi's, estate. And he said to them, and to Christ who suffer and Rise Again, from the dead on the third day, and that repentance forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in his name to all the nations. Beginning contributions. Peter says the next 1043 of him. Again, all the prophets bear witness to him, talk about Jesus. Everyone receives forgiveness. Everyone. Once again, like, Jesus, Peter, give it to the universal, call to everyone who will believe. Moreover, Peter gives us further insight into the heart of Dalmatian and II, Peter 3:9. Because the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some kind of slap now, but as long as suffering for is not willing that any should perish. Any should perish? They all should come to repentance. Birds found in compasses guys, Universal called to repentance, but Peter also wants to let us know how impatient he got his horses and revealed. His will for all humanity. And yet we see guy waiting. And yet we see got waiting for a response from you. And me, his desire for us is that we should all come to repentance surrendering. Our Lives to him, the reason why I got his gift to pour out his Wrath of all and all Humanity. The reason why I'm getting has yet to happen is because God is paid. Waiting for humans to surrender their lying to him. He is waiting for you.

Your lost loved one. Your neighbors.

Acts 17:30 231.

But now, they're dumb and everywhere to repent, because he has appointed a day of which he will judge the world in righteousness, by the man whom he has ordained.

Every every little little kids number 150, answer key. He has given Assurance of this to All by raising him from the dead. In other words, she is without excuse. Now we have biblical historical geographical scientific and prophetic evidence of the existence of God. Jesus. Can you call all of humanity to repent and believe the gospel? The way we measure time has even been shaped by the factual evidence of the first of our, Lord, and savior. For we are in 2021 kg have a domino meaning in the year of the Lord but of course culture to the change that is pretty soon. If you haven't already, furthermore hotels Timothy, in 1st. Timothy 2:4 that God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. That typically we can infer that God is giving us a choice. I didn't say anything in his will that any man should perish.

One of enemies. Any man.

Not his will but in the Old and New Testament both in the Old and New Testament but that they should come to repentance and believing. 24 responsible.

He's waiting for a response once again. We see that we have the free will to choose. Why else would he do any of the respondent doesn't make logical sense, right?

We can either Embrace him or rejection. That is a lot of money. We have we have a decision to make either embrace

He's waiting for a response. 2nd Corinthians 5:20 says, well then we are ambassadors for Christ as the reading to us. We implore you on Christ's behalf be reconciled. Deleted scene from the beginning of time till now got his, God gives us the universal call and the firms that we have, the free will. Pikachu. Show me. See how this works.

Somebody out there and be on the internet. you know, it was never my intention for you to know everything about Hebrew, who were You know, when it comes to guys, Universal ready to text you and call me, God does not call. You can know everything about salvation and the mysterious ways that we can have it. Our minds are not capable of grasping how God's sovereignty and ministry will call exist. but he expects you to use your god-given free will to choose life rather than

To choose him, rather than yourself to make him your guy in to deny yourself, the Free Will of being your very own.

you are not called to know how God starring Peyton Manning free wheels of coexist in this creation even though the political But you are called to respond to the universal call.

Every human being is call to believe. This is your primary objective in life.

God calls everyone to believe the gospel of salvation. Which brings us to the good to do the green thing? This is the very reason why Jesus came into the world because she loves you. And he's got a human being.

Okay, because he loves you, I don't get it because he loves you. With his Precious Blood, he took the wages of sin is death that you inherit from heaven and nailed him to the cross. Bill Ripley died in your, he was buried in Rose from Death to life to prove to the whole world that he was to God.

The very God that brought life into existence. And the Very God that caused you to be born again.

What? You lost the data. You cannot regain in your Christ is the gospel. This is the great news. for unless you are born again, born from above You cannot enter the key.

If you have never surrendered your life to Jesus, if you have never accepted Jesus, as your God, and you want to be more and you want to be born from above, why don't you? But I'm not talking about being religious or being religious because his religion doesn't say something to put on right, sugar. I am talking about being born again and having God come and live inside you. How do you guys take over your life and making you a new creation? Having a real relationship with the God who made you. That is that is what you Manatee law in the fall. And this is why Jesus came to give us once again. Got Universal, invitation goes out to all Humanity. Why? Because again, she is love. I know, it's hard to drink. And it is not his will that anyone? Anyone How many anyone should perish? Do it anyway.

If you want to be granted access to the keys. If you want to be able to see and experience all that God has to offer one another. Free Victory. All your call to do is believe. He is the one that grants repentance in you. It is the spirit that brings Life, The Flash profits. Nothing you've heard you say that before. Why don't you repeat after me?

I am. And I need you for you.

Forgetting. And see it. Grant me eternal.

And imma give it to. Give me your Holy Spirit. And make me born again. Help me to surrender to you. And help me to live my life for you. I believe in Jesus. The Lord. My love. It isn't okay.

Hey man. Thank you. Meant that with all your heart. You are a child of God. You have been born again and you now have access to the kingdom of God. You would not be able to see and understand some of the great Mysteries.

Okay. Come back and grow in the grace and knowledge of God. Hey man. Thank you, Pastor Eddie. What a wonderful God. We serve a yes. We pulled out this really old song. And has already reached right out of it and that's God. So hopefully you guys remember this. It's probably been a good five years since we've done it. So declare his glory.

And Jesus.

He declared his whole career.

God is sovereign.

Declare his glory through all the nations, through all creation, his triumphs thing till all Earth people found adoration and Jesus Christ. Be Everlasting King What a mighty God we serve. Go out this week. Declare his glory. Come back and see us next week. We're looking forward to it already. And God bless you all.

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