Aptitude, Attitude, Altitude- 1 Peter 5-5-7 - SD 480p
Father in Heaven. God, we thank you so much for your goodness to us and we thank you, Father, for how you have chosen to allow us to be in this day we pray today. Father that you would superintendent, right? Eye causes be profitable to my brothers and sisters into myself. May the words of my mouth and that takes my heart be acceptable in thy sight. Oh Lord, my strength and My Redeemer in Jesus name. Amen. Well
We are beginning to embark on another series and this particular series. I think it's a proposed triumphing through troubles right now United States of America, cuz well, as other countries in the world are coming through and managing and navigate through covid-19, I think that that will forever be in the Lexicon of every person on the face of this planet as we have suffered greatly and the same time, we still have folks will coming through triumphantly and we praise God for that. We see that businesses are beginning to reopen the churches as well. I beginning to reopen, and even though there is a third iteration, if you will love this virus that seems to be making its way through the Midwest, we still see that. They're those individuals who have taken the time to actually have gotten to the vaccinations that those individuals still. Maine the most protected. So we praise God for that, but that's a suffering of a different kind, it is in the midst of trials and tribulations, that we need to know how to adjust if you will out sells a lot of that has to depend on how much information we have in order to make those changes, how to change the sale. So that in the midst of storms were able to navigate through and get on the other side. And even in the midst of that, we have to have a certain attitude. That we must adopt in the midst of difficult times. We, we might adopt an attitude of where we are in the midst of learning. We're absorbing information to learn how to better deal with the situation that we're in. Or they may be a situation where it is something happening within a family. And so, we have to have a certain posture. In order to properly handle that situation. And some cases it may just very well be that that what has to happen is that our attitude will be adjusted as we go through that particular trial. but then, after the trial is come, after we've gone through those particular troubles, then there's a certain height that we will Ascend to an announcer to diff you will You don't have to do with you. These is set by the the FAA about how high a plane should fly in order for it to get to its destination in and without having any Collision, the other planes and the reading for that usually is found in what they called. A kollsman window in the cockpit youth adjusted at different places, two different stations so that you're able to navigate from point A to point B and understand the existing air space around you. Well, today we going to look at some of those things today. As we look at 1st Peter, chapter 5 verses 5 through 7. now, the the author is none other than the Apostle Peter The audience is for Christians who are Roman and their situation is hostile. That's always in that type of context, that, that the Apostle Peter is riding. He says, like, why is he younger submit yourselves unto the Elder? Yay. All of you be subject. One to another, and be clothed with humility for God, resisteth, the proud and give it grace to the humble. Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you? In due time. Casting all your care upon him. For he careth for you. That's a beautiful passage. It is helping us deal with this triumphant through troubled times and and I like to give to you today just for a few moments just to understand how we're going to be navigating through this text. Three ideas to think about the aptitude the attitude and the altitude of those who Triumph through troubling times has stated that this is written by the Apostle Peter. He first identified his on it by letting them. Know two things first he says you are scattered that is when he begins the whole book. He opens up by saying you're scared of you are the diaspora so to speak and that he says to them this this diaspora has come about because persecution has begun. I watch this, it hasn't happened, you know. Gil on the entire church around the world, but in that particular place, there are people who are leaving those areas because they're going through difficult. But the second thing can you say is that I think is very, very important verse number to of First Peter chapter 1. He says the elect according to the fall knowledge of God, the Father, through the sanctification of a spirit into obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ, grace to you and peace. Be multiplied that he's bringing out just in that introduction to those individuals that he's talking to right now. Is that his recognizing one? He says that when he says according to the foreknowledge of God, what he saying your name, is this right here, not only does God, know where you are diaspora but God knows and he has sovereignly selected you at this particular time to navigate through this trial and tribulation, which suggests very strongly then that he expects you to be victorious. He goes on by saying, in the same passage. She says, through the sanctification spirit, that means that you've been set apart by the spirit and the primary thing that is supposed to happen during this difficult time for you, the Manifest of spirit and attitude, and action of obedience. In other words, he's saying. What is happening to you? God knew it. He knew it and he chose you knowing that you would come through. You know, I don't know about you but this isn't encouraged me to meet that. God knows that the troubles that you and I face or something that you and I are well equipped to navigate through equipped to navigate through covid. Will will will equipped to navigate through Anarchy. Even we want to quit because God has placed within us all that we need in order to go through troubled times. We're well-equipped to go through child issues when children are acting up. God is equipped as for that. When there's Strife in the house between husband and wife. Has equipped us to navigate through that you say how ribbon simply by his word, his word equips us to be able to handle things, he gives us the right watch this attitude watch this first more aptitude that is we become what we get the right amount of information and then we could develop the right attitude which helps us go to the right altitude. you know, for example, when God is talking through the mouth of Jeremiah They're going through a difficult time. S o at the end of God's sister's name. Something that we really we like this particular promise, we like this idea because it sounds good. But the context out of through, which Jeremiah say, this is a very, very difficult time. But the same thing he says for God knows the plans, he has for us. Thoughts of good that we might have a future hope that we might have a design and that he might Prosper us. So, it's even in the midst of watch this challenging times, troubled times. That God is already equipped us because he has a purpose for us that when he first begins. This particular passage is a couple things that that he brings out. That is the Apostle Peter about how they can have the right attitude attitude and altitude as I was doing my research one. That thinks that was brought to my attention about this book by a scholar, by the name of Howard Marshall, says that he listed at least eight different theological ideas as relates to this whole idea of the church here. That Apostle Peter is talking to That he's eat rights. First of all in chapter 5 when he starts. He writes first of all, to the the elders. And then he turns around and he writes to the followers, you know, what we were talking about the book of Timothy, it talks about how the church needs to be set up. There's usually leaders and then there's followers, there's usually pastors and then there's deacons that's the way that it set up in the Bible. But but but this book right here, at this particular passage gives a snapshot of not only how the pastor and the elders. If you were with your trance Trent up there and they're interchangeable terms, not only is he speaking about that, but he speaking about that interaction between the pastor and the congregation if you will. And he speaking to them about this, in the midst of a difficult time, helping to understand what the posture of both person should be with the posture of the elders leaders to be, or with the posture of the members should be. But how would Marshall says, he gives you say things, but the 6th one was the one that we got my attention. He write the church is especially important to Peter. He is writing to the congregations who form living temples of God whose members share together in teaching and service who are characterized by deep love and affection for one another the members must have a deep mutual respect and leaves in particular, are to be respected and obeyed. 1st and 2nd Timothy and Titus Paul lays down how was church is constructed in terms of leadership and 1st Peter, he tells them how they should respond to each other. So, there's nothing to see here, but the Apostle Peter, he lays that down here and I want you to look at the first of all, what he says. And, and chapter 5, verses 1 through 5, the things that he says, it's basically this, he says to the olders that the elders, which are among you, I exhort home, also an elder, I am an elder and the witness of the sufferings of Christ. And also a protector of the glory that Shelby review. He says to them feed the flock of God, which is among you taking the oversight there, if not by by constraint but willingly, not for, filthy lucre, but I'm ready. Mind neither, as being of Lords, over God's Heritage button samples to the block. And when the when the chief Shepherd shall appear, he shall you shall receive a Crown of Glory that faded, not away. The first thing he says to me gives him like he gives them three things that you do first while he says, feed the flock of God. And that is that, that, that he is to make sure that he spends time in the word, giving them the word of God, that could be in Bible study that can be going by the way, that is encouraging them by the word of God. And then that's a regular dissemination of the word of God. The preaching the word of God every Sunday and every Wednesday, as the Lord would see fit, The second thing he talks about here is he says, to take oversight, the word oversight is the word. We get the idea episcopus from and he speaks to those those different responsibilities that pastors have. For example, watch this, the pastor has been designated or understood as functioning in three capacity. He is the episcopus that is he is the overseer of the word Epi means over and scope US mean. See, he is the overseer but then also, he's what they called, the pointment he is the Shepherd. In this case, the undershepherd Jesus is the chief Shepherd, but he's The Under Shepherd, and so being under Jesus. He is to feed the flock of God, he is to have oversight, but not only that, he is to be what they call a press buterol submitting an elder, someone who is, watch this older and mature and the Apostle Paul said she may possibly Peter says he says I'm I'm all three of those. I am a Elder with you and I am also a witness as well, but he goes on his feed. The flock of where I was the one you taking over side. They're not by constraint. That's what he says also and not forcing. Not forcibly. But willingly willingly serving. God's people and God in particular. I can say a whole lot about that passage, because there are times when you find that, there's some pastors who they rule with an Iron Fist and unfortunately, they're people who respond well to that. And there's some people who don't do that at all and choose to you know, just let things go. Anyway. They want to But in any case, the thing that he brings out here is that the Lord is calling the person to function as an elder to do it willingly and he says not for money. Whatever redimind, in other words, that the objective is not the paycheck. The objective is to be willing to do what God has called you to do that. God has called you to serve in the capacity. And I know, just in this city alone, the stories that I could tell about pastors, who have refused to Pastor or have refused pastors because their package wasn't enough fat. Remember, one gentleman saying, quite clearly, that did you think I was going to wait? 25 years before you gave me the money that I want it? And then he says, not as Lords. But as examples, not watch this neither as being Lords over God's Heritage but being a sample to the Rock, and other words that the pastor needs to spend his time, being example to the flock of what God expects us each of believe each believer. That means he can't be conniving. You can't be immoral. He can't be mean nasty and honoring, you know, in some cases that you can understand why some will become that way. But even in the midst of that God has charged with the responsibility of being, that type of leader. Because Jesus said that way remember they killed him. I think is the rationality verse 3. He says, when the chief Shepherd shall appear, you shall receive a Crown of Glory that faded, not away. It is here that we begin to transition into our main passage for this morning and that is the passes between verses 5 through 7. And he says here in this passage as he transition, he begins to focus his attention. Now on the response of those who are being led to the leader, He said, it's like why is she younger submit yourselves unto the older and I watch this what he's nut now doing. He's starting out helping you to develop the aptitude watch this for navigating through troubled times. You know what happens, whenever there is trouble whenever there is Crisis people generally speaking, they're looking for leadership and sometimes what they do is they sacrifice the leadership that they have right there. Or worse yet. They follow the wrong leadership. And the way God has said his church up, is this only really one designated leader? Nothing. Lord, Jesus Christ. And then he has placed in his church that is the local assembly of those who meet from week-to-week. He's placed in that. Mitch there a pastor, in this particular case, he placed Elders that because in the New Testament talks about plurality of Elders, he's play zoellner's there by which the church is to be laid. Sometimes you have some individuals who may be one of the elders wannabe if you will. The only problem is that they're operating outside of the gym at bounds of authority and therefore they are in Rebellion to God and they should expect God to respond to them appropriately. But you're not too. Get yourself wrapped up into that. You're that God, address those issues in the way that he sees fit. So, what he's talkin about this situation, it's just like, why is she younger? You know, those young folks who are some time or what bus you talkin about people? Using between the ages of 40 and younger, some folks would think they were 40 at time Scholars, we say, but most the time, these folks were forty years younger and he says, for them to submit yourselves unto, the Elder. And then he goes a step further. He says, ye all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility before, God, resists the proud and give a great summer. And I want you to know something here in developing our aptitude I think he brings out about this. This is simply this right here is that you and I have the responsibility to have what I call a mutual submission. Now watch this, the elder or the pastor. He's he's mutually submit to to you as a brother in Christ and he's to be one who is gracious and kind to you as a brother cuz he's the lead you as a brother in Christ under. Watch this the authority of God's word. As an example, he's the lead, by example, in word and in deed and we would like to believe in thought but just in case, somebody might decide to say well he's not talkin about me. Then he takes a little bit further, ye all of you be subject to one another and be clothed with humility another. This phrase be clothed with humility. Is it is it is it different kind of word it in the you Testament in that it had to deal with a person taking on, if you will kind of like a servant apron in order to serve. So what he said that you should take on the manner of being humbled ranking oneself under another for a greater good. You know, you see this happening today where you have a church that's been stagnant for years. Trying to figure out what's going on in that are usually what you don't have, if you don't have unity in the body and you don't have unity in the leadership is so that church will stay stagnant as long as that remains, one particular leader. But what you find out is that this is in the DNA of that particular church. So what happens is that since there is rebellion and fussing and fighting and the midst of a challenging time they can't move forward the text message. No right here. He says that, the first thing you have to recognize that you have to, you have to rank yourself under be willing to subject, you one itself. One another in order to achieve God's agenda And it's a particular case. Remember they're going through a difficult time, they're going through, if you will. It's hostile and so they are trying to make sure that they're I witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. He says, clothe yourself with humility. and then he comes back and he says why, for God resisteth the proud,
And gives grace to the humble.
In the Bible says, if a pride goes Before Destruction, the holy spirit before the fall. That's what it says. And the only reason why people will not submit to one of you see any Minnie marriage? The Bible in Ephesians chapter 5, the first thing you think it says it tells her husband princesses, Zales wives, submit to their, to their husband, but it did it tells husband's at the same time that they should be submitting to one another and godly fear. Why? Because the objective is to be one in Christ just as Christ and God I won. So should a husband and wife p1y just so that I should a pastor and a church, be one. But, but, but they only reason why it won't happen. Is because people have chosen not to do it. It makes it difficult. Reminds me of the time that these two birds were fighting in the middle of the road. They were fighting in the middle of the road, they were fighting in the Middle Road and they were just going at one another and a car came along and killed both of them. Why did that happen? Well, because they neither one with you. Neither one would stop long enough to see that their death was impending. And because their death was impending, they should have just moved away but they didn't, they would not hear it. So what happened was they both died. That's what happens. Jimmy speaking. So it may not be immediate. But it'll happen. Here, he says, the aptitude of those who try and into trouble in time, is one person who is learning about humility, and then he goes to what we call the attitude. First, six, humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you, in, due time to watch this, the attitude that we need to adopt. In the midst of trouble time is an attitude of humility of humbleness a pasture where we in the midst of learning from one another in exchange, in one another and trying to help one another, because in the mist of trouble times, there's all types of challenges. So if you want to try up through those times with willing to love and to learn from one another, but when we are prideful, we won't learn from one another. Beloved. Let me share something with you. No matter who you are, where you are. You know what you need to yield. You don't need it, you're not yielding to your spouse, you're not using to your children, you not using to your job, you're not using to your pastor, ultimately you're using to God.
You know, it's all folks. We simply say, this doesn't make sense for me to yield when I know so much more than they do. It makes me you cuz I'm older than them. I shouldn't you because I I have been here for a long time but the text lets us know that has nothing to do with your station on your stature. Everybody here is just a member I want you to do it in a text anywhere, it never States any postural place or does it even do any position to spoken up? Here is an elder and a member But what are you saying is that we both have to submit to one another why? Because we're trying to go after I got it and it takes humility to do that, because he gives us the perfect purpose cuz he he says under the humble yourself, under the mighty hand of God, which is an idea of discipline because evidently something else is going on. In that, he didn't say exactly what. But he says, purpose Clause that he may exalt you. Here we come with the altitude. Watch this.
Of those who are Triumph into trouble time. He says that he may exalt you in due time, the original word is in Kairos me. Meaning in due season that we don't know when that is. Maybe maybe after you transfer, maybe if you come out of your trials and tribulations or at whatever it is, what it says is that at the end of your trial, the end of the thing that you're going through that God, It's going to exalt. You remember, Pride goeth Before Destruction, the holy spirit, before the fall.
Now, how do I? Do this pastor Stanley. Because you know, there's some people that just get on my last nerve and and and and you know Pastor there. Some people who I would rather not deal with Pastor Stanley. How do I do that? Read something and went something like this at some cases and I believe this is actually true. As I'm saying about those two brothers that got killed you know you got to walk away, walk away from arguments that lead you to anger walk away from people, deliberately put you down walk away from pleasing people never see your work. Walk away from any thought that undermines your peace of mind. Walk away from judgemental. People who do not know your struggle of what you been through. Walk away from your mistakes and fears, that they don't determine your face. The more you walk away from The things that poison your soul. They help you. You be. Any more cases, you'll be expressing. Humility.
How do I? Walk away from things like that well verse 7 tells us. Casting all your care. Upon him.
for he, Terrace. For you.
the tense of the verb here was very instructive to us, because it is an air-to-air has tense of the word, which means that I have laid watch this Throne this upon the Lord once and for all It's an act of the will. I never revisit it? I never go back. I never go back to try to pick it up and if I think about it I remember that I gave it to the Lord. Give me. Someone said, take your burdens to the Lord. And leave them there.
You say, why is it that we can do this? Because God is Not indifferent to your suffering of my suffering. He's a very present help in the time of trouble. He promised you and he promised to me. That he would never leave us nor forsake us. No, not at any time. Because he will never leave us nor forsake us. And any time we have confidence that the god that we serve will help us through any challenge that we face. Pull up, but you can trust God. You can trust him to do exactly what he said that he will do.
Let us pray.
Heavenly Father, we thank you so much God for your goodness to us. We thank you Father, that you have helped us with developing the information we need in order to operate. But that right attitude and because of that father I'll altitude will change. Father, we will be lifted up by you, exalted by you. In due season. Father, we trust you with that today. Father, I pray for anyone in my audience floor, that is going through a difficult time, father, that they too will receive this word from you and use it. Lord to help them. To navigate through those troubling times that they might Triumph through them with the right attitude.
Father, I pray to God and ask this in Jesus name, amen.
but you might be here today, and You may not know how to do all the things that I talked about just a few months ago. So I would say to you, if you simply say Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. Forgive me of my send. Come into my heart, take over my life and make me the person you want me to be. The Bible says in Romans chapter 10 verse 13, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. God makes that promise to you. And so, if you said that prayer, that, today, that Jesus spoke to the thief on the cross, he stopped down just for a moment. To say this day, Thou shalt be with me in Paradise, so I offer that to you today. That you might become a child of the king. In the meantime, I look forward to speaking to you on next week. Did it without serious triumphing to troubling times? May God bless you richly. My beloved have a great week. Bye, bye.