Church @ Philadelphia (The Faithful Church)
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Revelation 3:7-13
Revelation 3:7-13
Philadelphia was an very prosperous city located about 30 miles SE from Sardis. It was situated on a hillside. It’s name was derived by it’s founder Attalus II, king of Pergamum. He named Philadelphia “brotherly love” because of his unusual love for his own brother.
This city was located in an area that had a lot of volcanic activity. This volcanic activity spawned hot springs, which was good and made the ground very fertile, but it also brought on many earthquakes. These earthquakes, it seems, happened from time to time.
There is one in particular that was recorded by a few historians:
The AD 17 Lydia earthquake caused the destruction of at least twelve cities in the region of Lydia in the Roman province of Asia in Asia Minor (now part of Turkey). The earthquake was recorded by the Roman historians Tacitus and Pliny the Elder, and the Greek historians Strabo and Eusebius. Pliny called it "the greatest earthquake in human memory"
The city of Sardis (the dead church), the former capital of the Lydian Empire, was the most affected and never completely recovered from the destruction.
15 cities were destroyed or damaged by this earthquake, including Philadelphia.
There was idol worship in this city. Dionysos was a god that was worshipped in this city.
He was considered a god of wine or of the consumption of wine. Often, he is referred to as the god of drunkeness. Some even say that his essence has the meaning of freedom to drink wine. He is considered a god of agriculture and vegetation.
One thing that is said about the teaching of this so-called god, was that the right amount of wine would ease suffering and bring joy.
Now, to the heart of the message from Jesus to this faithful church:
The intro that Jesus gives is one like all the others.
Jesus tells them Who it is that is talking!
One that is Holy: Pure!
In being undefiled, Jesus is the only One with the qualified to make an assessment of this church.
He that is True: Real, as opposed to the mythical gods worshipped all around this church.
He that has the “key of David”: Christ Only has the authority to grant entrance into the Kingdom of God.
He that shuts and no man opens, that shuts and no man opens: Isaiah 22:22 “And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; So he shall open, and none shall shut; And he shall shut, and none shall open.”
The authority that Jesus has is to open and shut the doors of Grace.
Grace and Judgement is in the Hands of Jesus!
Verse 2 Jesus tells this church as He has others, “I know your works”
Hebrews 4:13 “Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.”
Jesus also reiterates that He is the only One with the authority to open and shut the door of the Kingdom of God!
Then, He speaks of this church’s faithfulness: They were without strength, but they kept the Words of Jesus and have not denied the Person and Work of Jesus Christ!
Jesus the Christ, the Son of the Living God was their banner, their life.
They did not have a lot of ability, they had little mighty deeds. They didn’t have a whole lot of flash that so many people seek in churches.
Jesus, however, saw their faithfulness, even if the world did not.
Worldly reviews is not what we are going for, it is the review of Jesus Christ that we strive for!
I heard this and I will repeat it....If we attract people to the church by worldly means, we will have to keep them by worldly means!
No matter what is happening in the gathering of the saints the power that we have is the Truth of Jesus Christ! That is what will cause you to be recognized by Jesus!
There was some there, as it was in Smyrna (The Persecuted Church), that said that they were Jews but they did not believe in Jesus Christ and they would act religious, but were not God’s people. They caused much trouble for Christians, they had no regard for God at all, only for themselves.
They lie, Jesus said!
Christians are God’s chosen people! Jesus said that those of the synagogue of satan will be made to worship Christians!
“It is to the church that all, Jews included, must ultimately make their submission, for Christ is in it. They will also come to know that Jesus has loved them.”
They worship because they have kept “the Word of My patience”: The command to persevere!
Matthew 10:22 “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.”
Now, because of this church keeping Jesus’ Word, they will be kept them from the hour of temptation, which shall come to all the world and test all that dwells therein!
There has been a lot made of this verse.
Some say that Jesus is speaking of the great tribulation and this could be a reference to the rapture....
Some believe that the church will go through some of the tribulation, but God will keep believers strong through it.
There are other thoughts on this, but the idea is this: Those that are faithful in following Jesus, will always be kept by the power of Jesus!
1 Peter 1:3-7.........
I personally believe that Jesus is speaking of the rapture, but this can be used for all testing upon the earth.
The reason I believe Jesus is referencing the great tribulation and the rapture because is the first part of verse 11, “Behold I come quickly....”
This is a reference to His coming to judge the earth and to establish His Kingdom on earth for 1000 years!
The next part of verse 11 is a call for all of us to “hold fast” (continue) what we already have. This is a call to believers to hang on to our faith/trust in the Person and Work of Jesus Christ!
Not to let go or not to an idea that your crown can be taken! No man can take it, but man can convince you in another way or another Jesus!
Jesus again calls for one of these churches to “Overcome”! This is just continuing the call of Jesus to continue in His Word, in His Truth!
Notice that Jesus says to those who overcome, He will make them a pillar in His Temple!
I read after one writer that gave an extra strong meaning to this! This is why we must diligently look into God’s Word! The history of the times, the people that His Word is written to and why it is written.
The writer wrote that this city had been devastated by earthquakes quite frequently and that on a few occasions the city would be leveled!
The people of the city would come back to their home and see everything collapsed except for the pillars! It seems that no matter how hard the earthquake the pillars would make it through the devastation!
This knowledge amplifies what Jesus is telling them! They would be indestructible because of their faith in Jesus Christ! No amount of testing, could touch their spiritual strength!
What a powerful vision of our faith in Christ!!!
No more wavering, dictated by the shaking of earthly things, but we are dictated by a firm foundation!
The name of God will be written upon the overcomer, the name of New Jerusalem and the Name of Jesus Christ!
The characteristics of God and Jesus, as well as the Kingdom of God will be seen in us!
The New Name that Jesus speaks of: Jesus in how we see Him now, will pale in comparison to when we see Him as He truly is....Revelation 1:17 “And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:”
When John saw Jesus in His glorified state, he fell as a dead man! Truly, overwhelming!
Hear what Jesus said to the church at Philadelphia!!!!!