Psalm 01
The Godly Person
Psalm 1:1-6
Psalm 1 was a Psalm that I memorized as a teenager at El Rancho de Paz
Psalm 1 is Eloise’s favorite Psalm
In it David gives a description of a godly person
- The Godly Person Defined
- The Godly Person Described
How would you describe a godly man or woman?
I. The Godly Person Defined vv. 1-3
1. Defined by what he does not do
1) Does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly
Commentary: “He is not guided by the world’s maxims.”
There are many different plans by which the world lives:
*To die rich
*To live short and merry
*Believers: “For me to live is Christ.”
When a godly person is considering counsel his chief concern is what God wants and what God desires.
Even if counsel comes from another he is going to run it though God’s word and prayer.
2) Does not stand in the path of sinners
He does not model his conduct after that of the world
What a shame that the Church in many cases is just a few years behind the world in what we consider acceptable.
3) Does not sit in the seat of the scornful
Pulpit Commentary, “has no fellowship with them in the “scorn” which they cast upon religion.”
So many in Churches today bring scorn upon the Church
Many are those who have scorned the Church from outside:
The French philosopher who pledged that Christianity shall be swept from existence within 100 years. Yet just 50 years after he died in 1779, the German Bible society had occupied Voltaire’s house with stacks of bibles.
During World War II, Adolf Hitler erected a massive stone structure in Monte Carlo. It was to be a radio station from which to broadcast Nazi propaganda into North Africa. Today from that very building, Trans World Radio beams the gospel of Christ’s redeeming love all across Europe and into Russia and Africa.
Summary: Christian is to be separated from the world and the counsels of those who are set apart from God.
2. Defined by what he does do
1) He delights in the Law of God
This is in direct contrast to the negatives
Psalm 112:1 “Praise the LORD! Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, Who delights greatly in His commandments.”
Job 23:12 “I have not departed from the commandment of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth More than my necessary food.
Psalm 119:162 “I rejoice at Your word As one who finds great treasure.”
Proverbs 2:4 “If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures
2) He meditates in the Law of God
Question: Have you ever seen anyone nourished by simply looking at bread?
The same is true with the Word of God. We are not nourished by simply looking at it or listening to it. We must go deeper. Mediation!!
Psalm 63:6 “When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches.”
Psalm 119:15-16 I will meditate on Your precepts, And contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word.”
Joshua 1:8 “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”
Mediate means that it is at the forefront of our minds. Continually before us in all that we do.
II. The Godly Person Described
Again we see both in positive and negative terms
1. Positively described:
1) He is like a tree
*A healthy tree is firm and steadfast: A godly person is steadfast
*A healthy tree is a conservation tool: It prevents erosion. A godly man is going to be seeking to meet spiritual needs in others and prevent them from leaving the Church
*A healthy tree provides what is needed for survival: Oxygen. A godly man is a provider for the spiritual needs of others.
2) He is planted:
*A tree does not do much good if it is not planted
*Coming in the mail or from a store: What it can do is very limited. Life is short until planted.
*A godly man is planted in the Lord and in His Word: provides for unlimited growth. Finds his nourishment in Him.
3) Planted by rivers of water: Needs are provided in abundance
- Brings forth its fruit in its season
- Leaf will not whither
- Whatever he does will prosper
What is the Psalmist saying here?
2. Negatively described: In contrast to the ungodly
1) The ungodly are like chaff which the wind blows away
Chaff is a picture of that which is weak and worthless, no value
The godly are rooted firmly in God and His word
He is going to stand firm and not be tossed to and fro
2) The ungodly will not stand
a. Before God in the judgment
b. Before men in the congregation: Church discipline???
Today so much is done in the name of making Church “friendly” that often sinners are allowed to stand in the Church
3) The ungodly will perish, but God knows the righteous
Whole Psalm goes well with Psalm 112 that we saw a couple of weeks ago.