Jericho's Sacked While Rahab's Saved
The Book of Joshua • Sermon • Submitted
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· 6 viewsThe Lord works to deliver Jericho into Israel's hand while simultaneously delivering and saving Rahab and her family. Obedient faith is proved to be the means by which they see YHWH at work.
VV.1-2 -- an interesting contrast that could have left Joshua scratching his head. First, the city is strongly fortified, so much so that no one could leave or enter. Next, God points to this fortified city and says, "Look, I have handed Jericho...over to you."
VV.3-4 -- note the repetition of "seven." The ark is symbolic of God's presence.
V.5 -- in order to conquer Jericho, Israel would need to be obedient to an odd and specific battle plan.
V.8 -- seems to confirm that the ark is symbolic of God's presence. Here, it simply says that the troops went before the LORD.
VV.11-15 -- the Israelites were careful to obey Joshua's instruction.
V.17 -- it might be tempting to think that the call for total destruction is harsh, even brutal, causing some to question the character of God and even going so far as to draw a distinction between the God of the OT and the God of the NT. Let’s camp here for a moment because of the nature of what’s going on.
Total destruction of an enemy wasn’t an exclusively biblical practice. But, the nature of things (especially in our culture) is to demonize what happens in a Judeo-Christian worldview.
The destruction is clear evidence of God’s judgment on the Canaanite practices. As a matter of fact, Jericho sounds a lot like the Hebrew word for “moon” and many believe Jericho could have been the center for pagan moon worship.
This is not a command for indiscriminate annihilation of every nation from this point moving forward. It only applies to the Canaanites and serves as judgment and also a measure of protection for Israel to keep them from wrong worship.
There is one family in all of Jericho that has repented and trusted YHWH and they will be spared. They are the only family to have submitted to YHWH and they are therefore the only family that will be spared.
The truth of the matter is there is not a single thing/person set apart to the Lord for destruction that did not deserve it. Even today some wonder how a loving God could send a person to Hell and eternal judgment. Bear in mind that God does not "send" anyone there, it is the natural destination of every person born a sinner. Every person in eternal damnation is there because they deserve to be.
V.18 -- a disobedient person would bring trouble upon all of Israel. Should Israel prove disobedient, they will set themselves apart for the fate of pagans.
V.19 -- it is God's victory, not Israel's. So, to the victor goes the spoils of war. Also, God is acting as Israel's King and is worthy of the King's ransom. Further, the vessels are for YHWH’s treasury, so they’re not for common uses.
V.20 -- The people’s faith is clearly revealed. Their final act of obedience reveals trust in God’s command, and at the end of chapter five, when Joshua encounters the Mysterious Warrior and learns who He really is, he (Joshua) loses it and falls face first before Him. Here, the walls have the same EXACT response. Now, rabbit trail for just a moment — the rocks of the wall fall down in a worshipful manner. Do you think Jesus was maybe being literal when He said the rocks themselves would cry out in worship if the people were quiet?!
V.23 -- Rahab and her family are spared, though they are placed outside the camp of Israel. While she is spared, there is not a full inclusion into Israelite life. This does leave the reader with an interesting question: should Rahab have been included in Israel because of her faith/repentance? Salvation history will tell the tale and we know the rest of the story. Truth is, she is likely placed there because of the need for ritual purity rites to be carried out.
V.27 -- Joshua was not great because of his inherent greatness but because the LORD was with him.
Activity of God - "God is not passive or remote from His creation but dynamically involved in all He has made. In the past, this activity was seen in the history of Israel and in the ministry of Jesus Christ. In the present, God's activity can be seen in the life of believers and of the church."
God is active by nature:
-He actively works out His purposes (Jn.5:17).
-His name reflect His activity and involvement in His people's lives (Gen.22:14; Ex.15:26; Ex.17:15; Ps.95:6).
-And, His Word is active (Is.55:10-11).
God is active in nature:
-In making the universe (Neh.9:6)
-In sustaining creation (Ps.103:19)
-In the stars and heavenly bodies (Job 38:31; Ps.19; 104:19; Is.40:26)
God is active in salvation history/Israel:
-Calling and creating Israel as His people (Ex.6:6-8)
-Saving and delivering His people (Ps.106:2)
-Judgment of Israel (Nu.25:3-4; 2 Sam. 21:1)
-Victory in battle (Ex.14:27-28; Jos.6:2; Judg.7:22)
-Raising and sending leaders to His people (2 Sam.7:8-9; Esther 4:14; Jer.7:25)
God is active and sovereign over all nations:
-He rules over the nations (Ps.22:28)
-He works through other nations (Assyria - 2 Ki.17:18-23; Isa.28:11, Babylon - 2 Ki.24:10-14, Persia - 2 Chr. 26:22-23)
God is active through His Spirit (Gen.1:2; 2 Ki.2:16; Ez.8:3; Ezk.11:1; Ezk.43:5)
God is active in His church (He gives gifts by the Spirit to work in and through His people in the church - 1 Cor.12:6; Gal.2:8; Gal.3:5; Eph.3:10, 20-21; Php.1:6; Php.2:13).
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