Seeing the God Who Sees

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Tension: How does God redeem the sin with Hagar?
Resolution: By stabilizing, seeing, hearing, and looking after Abram, Sarai, Hagar, and Ishmael.
Exegetical Idea: God redeems the sin with Hagar by stabilizing, seeing, hearing, and looking after Abram, Sarai, and Ishmael.
Theological Idea: The all-knowing God redeems sin by entering into a sinful world through Christ.
Homiletical Idea: The God who sees redeems us when we see Christ.


Introduction: Have you ever been in a place where you look back on your life and you wonder, how in the world did I get here? What happened for me to get here? What went wrong?
1-6: What went wrong?
We see here a systematic breaking of all 10 commandments
failing to trust the promises of God (commandments 1-4)
propagating offspring without any regard to their well being (Commandment 5)
abuse and harming one another (commandment 6)
a total disregard for their marriage (commandment 7)
stealing Hagar’s own dignity, Hagar trying to take the position in the house that wasn’t hers (commandment 8)
blaming each other but not taking responsibility (commandment 9)
wanting something so bad that they are willing to sin to get it (commandment 10)
It is so easy to think that minor breaking of the 10 commandments, little white lies, cutting the corners, not telling teh whole truth, will not matter. But when those tiny little infractions add up, they are incredibly destructive.
We also see here an adoption of the cultural codes. What happened with Abram and Sarai was actually a relatively common practice within teh culture of its day. IT was common for a woman to give her maidservant to her husband if she coudln’t proeduce an heir. However, this was done under the presupposition that the maidservant would not displace the wife. Rather, she would become a concubine.
Of course, the critique that the Bible is making here is that trying to regulate sin doesn’t work. Of course Hagar comes to look on Sarai with contempt. Of course Sarai responds by abusing her. When you ignore GOd’s design for marriage and sexuality, that they belong together, then you can’t expect something as trivial as a law on a piece of paper to hold the forces at bay.
God’s design is for good. And when we do somethign because “it isn’t breaking the law” even though it is unbiblical, it will end poorly. There’s nothing illegal about standing outside with a piece of metal in a lightning storm, but that doesn’t make it smart. There is nothign illegal about watchign pornography, but it will destroy you. There is nothing illegial about going to a bar and getting wasted night after night, but it will drain teh life out of you and everyone around you. There is nothing illegal about
This is why God consistently calls Christians to not be shaped by culture. Romans 12:1-2 is very clear. We cannot let the world conform us to itself. Instead, we need to be transformed. We live in this world. But we are not of this world. And when we live according to the standards of the world, rather than according to Christ, then we put both oursevles and everyone around us in danger.
Romans 12:1–2 ESV
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Failure to repent of past sins - We also see here that there is a major failure to repent of false sins and deal with false sins. Did you all notice where Hagar comes from? Where does she come from? Egypt. Part of the reason that is mentioned is because this is to try to connect this episode to the episode at teh end of Genesis 12. In other words, this episode was a direct result of his misadventure down in Egypt. And the reality is, I think, if Abram would have repented of that sin, if he really would have addressed it, this disaster never would have happened. But it is because he was unwilling to deal with his sin that he has this mess to deal with. Christians, are you dealing with yoru past? Are you repenting of the things that you have done wrong in teh past? Are you giving those things to Christ?
Original Sin: What is incredibly interesting about these three verses is that there are all these links to Genesis 3. Abram wasn’t willing to address his own sin, much less Adam’s sin. Just like God condemns Adam for “listening to the voice of your wife” in Genesis 3:17, so Abram “listens” to his wife. Just as Eve “took” of the fruit and “gave,” so Eve “takes” and “gives.” Just as Adam and Eve doubt the word of God, so Abram doubts the word of God.
Pride: We also see pride. Pride on teh part of Sarai who humiliates and abuses Hagar. This word is actually the word “afflict”. Sarai’s pride is what causes her to blame Abram and Hagar instead of taking responsibility for her own actions. It is Abram’s pride which causes him to blame his wife. It is Hagar’s pride which causes her to look with “contempt” on her mistress. Christians, make no mistake, your pride will destroy you and everyone around youy.
Results: We can also look at this episode and see the disastrous results from this. It is because of this event that when Ishmael grows up, he is a damaged, violent, and distant young man. SO much so, that 13 years later, when Isaac is born, Ishmael mocks him in such a threatening way that Abram and Sarai fear for Isaac’s life. This is why in just a mintue, we’re going to see that Ishmael will be a “wild donkey” of a man. This is why Jacob makes the exact same mistake when his wife is barren later on. This episode is why in Gen 38 that Judah “goes in” to the prostitute just as Abram goes in to Hagar. We can look at the wickedness that emanates from thsi episode and we can see how destructive it is. Christians, ask yourself, what will be the outcome of the way I am living my life today tomorrow? How will my sins impact my sons and daughters, my grandsons and granddaughters, my neighbors, my wife, in 1 year, 5t years, 10 years.
Failure of Biblical manhood and womanhood: Finally, it is hard not to see this episode as a breakdown of biblical manhood and womanhood.
Sarai - In Genesis 2:18, God created man and said that it was “not good” that man should be alone. So God provided a helper. God knew that man needed a woman to complete, to help, to perfect. To give a “woman’s touch” to his life, so to speak. This is a godly thing for women to do, in fact, God calls himself the “helper” in Psalm 30:10, 54:4. The essence of Biblical womanhood, then is to “help” or and nurture and give life. But after the Fall of man in Genesis 3, one of the curses of the Fall on women is that she will desire something other than her husband (Gen 3:16). In other wrods, that it would always be a struggle for her to submit. And that is exactly what we see here. After all, doesn’t she say, “May teh Lord judge between me and you?” Rather than Sarai trying to help Abram, to submit to him, to follow his leadership, Sarai takes matters into her own hands. And rather than take responsibility for her actions, she blames Abram. WOmen, may I gently ask, does this describe your posture towards the men in your life? Are you more about taking matters into your own hand than submitting? Are you encouraging your husbands to elad, or are you taking teh reins for yourself?
Abram - But the lion’s share of blame, the person who most of the blame can be laid at for this, is actually Abram. You say, “Well, wait a minute, this is all Sarai’s idea, he’s just going along with it. He doesn’t really do anything.” Exactly. God called Abram, like he callsall men, to lead. He calls them to step up to the plate. he calls them to get with it, to put their backs to teh plow. You say, “Well, what was Abram supposed to do?” How about pray for starters. Did you know Abram, Isaac, and Jacob all have wives who are barren, and the only one who bothers to even pray for them is Isaac? Abram doesn’t pray for Sarai. He ignores her pain, he ignores her hurt, he ignores her shame. He abdicates responsibility. He doesn’t lead spiritually or set an example. He goes along with the flow when he knows something bad is happening. He conspires with his wife to abuse Hagar. When Sarai confronts him, what does he say? “Well she’s in yoru hand, you do what you want.” In other words, “Not my job, not my prob.” He is a coward. Chrsitians, I genuinely believe this, one of the greatest crises facing the American church is that we are filled with Abrams. We are filled with men who are passive, cowardly, and irresponsible. We are filled with churches where men let women do the lion’s share so they can go fishing. Christians, the reason that the American church is in such disarray is because men won’t stand up and be men. They won’t take responsibility. They won’t set an example. They won’t pray for their wives. They won’t lead spiritually. And what that does is exacerbate all these other problems. Lawlessness, pride, original sin, failure to repent, failure to correct culture, are all put on steroids when men act like children. And that is exactly what happens here.
And the question is, what good can God possibly bring out of this? What good can possibly come from this? Well let’s read on.
7-16: God sees, Hagar sees
The Angel of the Lord (vs. 7) - God follows her into her wilderness.
Ishmael - God listens (vs. 11) - NOtice here how it says that God has listened to her affliction. God has heard what is going on and is paying attention.
We even see in vs. 13 that God sees.
Is it good news that God sees? Luke 8:17 tells us… and Ecclesiastes 12:14 says…
Ecclesiastes 12:14 ESV
For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.
Luke 8:17 ESV
For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.
Think about this, God has seen the cowardice of Abram, he has seen teh contempt of Hagar, he has seen the unbelief of Sarai. He knows and sees. All the things that we have just talked about God sees.
But look again in vs. 13, it’s not just that God “sees”. It is that God “looks after.” He cares for, and takes care of her. He loves her. He does not give her what she deserves. She does not treat her how the world treats her. This is the amazing thing about our sin, that God sees it, and he loves us anyways. In fact, for Hagar, he loves her so much that God will give a child to her. He loves her so much that he will multiply her offspring.
Some of you need to hear this morning that God sees you in your affliction.
But perhaps most amazing of all is that she is allowed to see the preincarnate Christ. This is a preincarnate appearance of Christ. The first preincarnate appearance of Christ is not to Noah, it’s not to Abram, it’s not to Isaac or to Jacob. It’s actually to Hagar. That CHrist comes and meets her in her mess. You see, God not only sees her, but he also allows her to see him.
Look at vs. 9, God actually tells Hagar to reutrn to live with Abram and Sarai and to submit her herself to them. THis is a woman who was the victim of a conspiracy of abuse and shame. How in the world is she supposed to return to submit herself to Sarai? Perhaps the only thing wrong that Hagar did in this situation was her pride. ANd God says, “I know you’re going back to endure all this pain, toxicity, and dysfunction around you. But you and I both know you need to be more humble.” This is an impossible situation that Hagar is going back to, and God highlights the one thing she did wrong, and says, “you need to change.”
The only way she can do that is if she gets a glimpse of the glory of God. When you see Christ, it changes everything. When you see the Christ who sees you, nothing else matters. Suddenly you look at your own sin, and you look at his grace and mercy and you can’t help but cry out to him and ask for forgiveness. When you see the God who sees you, suddenly everything makes sense. It doesn’t provide rationalization for all the evil that we experience. The ability to change comes not from navel gazing, but it comes from beholding Christ.
2 Corinthians 3:18 says that as we behold Christ more, as we see him more, as we read Scripture more, as we listen to godly preaching, as we come to know the God of hte Bible more, we are actually changed.
2 Corinthians 3:18 ESV
And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.
Christians hear this. God sees you.
God sees your sin. He sees your dysfucntion. Men, God sees your laziness, your cowardice, your fearfulness. He sees your selfishness. He sees your unwillingness to step up to your responsibilities. You might not come clean, you might not want to take responsibility. But that doesn’t fool God. Men, God doesn’t care how big that fish was, he’s just not going to ask you that. But he will say, “I know what you did when nobody else did. I know what you sadi to your wife. I know how you treated your kids.” Women, he sees your stubbornness, your wilfulness, your recalcitrance. Yes, he knows what your husband did or didn’t do. But he also knows what you said. He knows what is going on in your heart. He knows that you knew it was wrong, and you said it anyways.
But now hear me. God does not only see your sin, he looks after you. He looks after you so much that he sent his son to dwell among us. To live in our flesh. To become sin for us. He sent his son to bear your sin, your curse, your shame. He sent his Son to bear teh sin in public for what you did in private. Your sin is removed from you as far as the East is from the West. Yes, he knows what you did, and he loves you anyways.
See God. So because God sees you, see him.
When you and I behold Christ, when we see him, we change. I know you might feel so broken, so hurt, so liek it is impossible to change. But I promise you, you can cahgne. Just like Hagar is empowered ot humble herself and live humbly in an impossible situation by looking at the preincarnate Christ, so you and I are empowered to walk humbly and lovingly by beholding him. The key to changing, is seeing the God who sees you.
Women, I know your husbands aren’t perfect. Some of you have been profoundly let down by your husbands. I know it’s not easy. I know you feel it is impossible to be a helper. I know you feel it is impossible to submit. But behold Christ, who, as Philippians 2:5-11 says, did not count it worthy to counted equal with man, but humbled himself taking on the form of a servant, even unto death.
Philippians 2:5–11 ESV
Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
And men, I know you feel it is impossible for you to step up. This is a hard task. It is not for nothing that the curse says that every day you will wipe the sweat from your brows and your only reward will be thorns and thistles. But hear me. You can change. You can step up. You can sacrifice yourself for your wife. You can sacrifice yourself for your children. Why? Because this is what Christ has done for you. Just as Christ gave himself up for you, just as Christ manned up, just as he stepped up for you, so you too can. Men, your wife, your children, yoru church, your God is waiting for you to step up to the plate. But if you’re going to do it, you need to look to Christ, and behold his glory.
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