Keep Pushing!
Nothing Holding Us Back • Sermon • Submitted
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4 Then Gideon and the 300 men who were with him came to the Jordan and crossed over, weary yet pursuing.
To begin this year, I preached a sermon titled “Let GOD Mark Your Calendar” to encourage our trust in his presence and providence. We have made it a little over half the year, still bouncing back from the grave pandemic in our mix. I realize in addition to the pandemic there are many challenges on the way that satan continues to use to discourage our progress. But I’m here to encourage us to keep pushing despite all that’s going on. And I want to show us an example of what it means and how we can continue the right forward motion, from the life of Gideon. I also want to use this text as a connect to our next series, and that is “God’s Remnant”.
Gideon and the 300
In our text, the author is bridging back to Gideon’s course from ch 7. Not just Gideon, but the 300 men who are with him.
Midian’s harsh oppression
Because of Israel’s cycle of disobedience, GOD handed them over to surrounding nations to oppress them. What was supposed to be a life of nothing but goodness, repeatedly ended up being stress. GOD did this to test whether they would hold to him and his commands, but also to teach them war because they lacked experience. And Midian’s oppression was harsh, every year they raided and plundered Israel’s blessings. Leaving them in poverty and much fear.
Application: See, every now and then, GOD allows troubles so devastating, that we must turn to him. GOD wants us to remember his word and learn tactics of this war. Troubles can come and threaten our peace and blessings. Making us hide from the storms.
God’s remnant army
But because GOD has an unfailing love for his people, he is patient and shows constant grace to deliver. But if you remember, GOD commissioned Gideon to go against Midian. Gideon rallied 32,000 troops, but GOD reduced it to 300.
His glory
Why? Because he and Israel must remember that salvation is from the Lord!! It is not for their glory, but God’s. Because he is the one they’ve abandoned in their cycle of disobedience. And it is him that they need a restored commitment to.
Application: We too, need to be reminded time and time again, that we have been rallied or God’s glory, so we don’t confuse it with our own. What clears things up? Sometimes GOD reduces our ranks.
To overcome Midian
In addition, the mission is to overcome Midian’s oppression. That is the purpose of this 300 troop army.
Application: Part of our mission as the body of Christ is to continue in Jesus’ mission, and that is to destroy the power of satan in human’s lives. We can’t get so comfortable that we forget Jesus said “And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”.
The Jordan crossroads
So Gideon receives his orders from GOD, and in ch 7 we see him and the 300 encircle Midian at night, crash jars against the ground, with torches in one hand and blowing a horn in another. Startled by that, the Midianites wake up and can’t tell who’s who and begin slashing one another, while Gideon and the 300 stand and watch to work of the Lord. Midian flees, and their pursuit begins from the valley all the way south. From temporary support of Ephraim, the princes Oreb and Zeeb are beheaded. Then we arrive at our text. They are at a crossroads, that means there are two directions they can take.
This journey is exhausting
The Jordan is 17 feet at deepest point, and 6.5 in shallower points. It is not easy to cross a flowing river. Yet the text says the decision they made was to cross over. It is a tough decision, because life is threatened. Choose between turning around, or going through the waters.
Application: What waters are you facing?
In addition, it says they were weary. Exhausted. Hungry and thirsty. They have traveled over 50 miles in this militant journey.
Application: Listen, this work in Christ can be taxing. Physically because we are constantly on the move. Mentally because the work is great. Throw on top of that, they had to deal with issues from their own brothers complaining about not being included.
Keep it pushing
But although they were weary and exhausted from all that was going on, it says “yet pursuing”. Meaning there was something that kept them driven to “Keep on pushing”. What was it? Gideon was assured 3 times that GOD was present and had commissioned him, leading him to worship and claim that the Lord is Peace. Must trust his word, plan, and power to keep it pushing!!!
Application: We gotta keep pushing. We’ve seen issues pre-pandemic, then the pandemic, job loss, economic turmoil, political drama, race tension, violence riddles our neighborhoods, etc. The enemy has taken some of our peace, joy, love, knowledge of blessings, grasp of the truth, etc. Victory is across the waters. We can’t stop now. GOD we realize you are transitioning us. You are teaching us war. That you are almighty. That your glory can’t be beaten. We are your instruments. We will overcome because you are with us!!!