Psalm 17
A Prayer of David
Psalm 17
We see a prayer of David written down for us to read and study
The thought that I had was: What if our prayers were written down for all the world to see?
*What would they reveal about us?
*What would they teach others about prayer?
*Would others be encouraged to pray differently, etc.?
In this prayer we see:
1. David’s integrity before the Lord
2. David’s plea before the Lord
3. David’s deliverance by the Lord
4. David’s destiny with the Lord
I. David’s integrity before the Lord vv. 1-5
As David shares his integrity it is important to remember that he is sharing it before the one who knows the thoughts and intents of the heart!!
1. His cause is just v. 1
When I think of a “cause” I think of what a person desires or is striving for
In this case it would be what David is seeking in prayer
We are not told what that was, but we are told that it was a just cause
David was seeking what God wanted with motives that were pure.
Have you ever stopped and thought about the things that you were bringing before the Lord and asked what you were seeking and why?
How often would our “cause” be for selfish reasons?
How often do we want the Lord to answer to make things better for us? Or to in some way benefit us? On the other hand how often is our “cause” the glory of the Lord and nothing else?
2. His lips are not deceitful v. 1
What he spoke was sincere.
His words matched the desire of his heart
David made no attempt to deceive with his lips
How often are our words meant to deceive or mislead?
Even when it comes to prayer, do our words reveal an open sincerity with the Lord?
3. His life is open before the Lord v. 2
As if we could really hide from or escape God’s sentence
Adam Clarke
Thou knowest my heart, and my ways; judge me as thou shalt find; let me not fall under the judgment of man.
How many of us would rather God judge us than man?
It is not that hard to escape the judgment of men, they do not know the secrets of our hearts, God does!!
4. His heart is tried v. 3
Idea is to be put to the test to find impurities like in a metal
God has put David to the test and his life is right
Night watches: Clear conscience. He can even lay down and sleep with no quilt or pressure of wrong upon him!!
David had known the opposite of this as well
5. His path is clear/clean vv. 4-5
1) He has kept from the destroyer
Resisted the temptation to sin and walk away from the Lord
I believe that this is a constant battle, continual temptation
2) He was upheld by the Lord
In contrast he followed after the Lord’s path
Seems that we regularly make the decision of which path to take!!
David was able to declare before the Lord that his lived a life of integrity!!
How well do we do???
II. David’s plea before the Lord vv. 6-12
Because David’s life was one of integrity he could now bring his plea to the Lord
Cannot separate a godly life from answered prayer
1. Incline Your ear and hear my prayer v. 6
Bend low and hear my prayer
This is what is taking place every time we pray!!
Lord is coming low to hear us
2. Show your loving kindness v. 7
Adam Clarke
David was now exposed to imminent danger; common interpositions of Providence could not save him; if God did not work miracles for him, he must fall by the hand of Saul. Yet he lays no claim to such miraculous interpositions; he expects all from God’s loving kindness.
He was asking God to work wonders in his deliverance
3. Keep me as the apple of your eye v. 8
God’s special place of deliverance and protection
Adam Clarke:
Or, as the black of the daughter of eye. Take as much care to preserve me now by Divine influence, as thou hast to preserve my eye by thy good providence. Thou hast entrenched it deeply in the skull; hast ramparted it with the forehead and cheek-bones; defended it by the eyebrow, eyelids, and eyelashes; and placed it in that situation where the hands can best protect it.
4. Hide me under the shadow of your wings v. 8-12
Metaphor of a hen and her chicks
Description of David’s enemies
III. David’s deliverance by the Lord vv. 13-14
David asks the Lord to do 4 things:
1. Arise up v. 13
We have seen this several times in the Psalms already
Picture of God “standing up” to come to the aide of one of His own
2. Confront him v. 13
3. Cast him down v. 13
4. Deliver my life vv. 13-14
IV. David’s destiny with the Lord v. 15
1. See Your face
2. Be made in your likeness
It is often the looking ahead that God uses to encourage us now.
No matter what happen, everything will be ok!!