Church Matters pt.1.
Church Matters
Text: Matthew 16:18 – I will build My Church…
What is the Church? ________________________________________________
Turn to Matthew 18:16 I will build My Church… There is much in this: ____________. ___________. _____________. ____________. ______________.
1. Jesus _______________ says He will Build His Church.
2. This is a ____________ from The King
3. Building is a Divine _____________ that on-going, changing, diverse, needy, & secure.
4. The Church is _______________ and Owned by Jesus. It is His Church.
5. Regenerated believers are __________________ in the Church
Hope’s _____________: Make Disciples of Jesus – Matthew 28:19,20
3 Means of Making Disciples: ____________ (Jn.4:23,24), ________ (Mk.3:14; Eph.5:2), __________ (Jn.13:35)
4 Foundation Pillars: Our Directives
3 Values: (how we do what we do): _____________, __________, _________
Present Endeavor: Selling our stuff and going down the road.