La Vision de la Plantacion de Iglesias

Church Plant International  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Parte 1: La Verdad Acerca de la Vision

Introduction: Who am I?
Attention Grabber: Si tu fueras un distribuidor de botellas de Coca Cola… podrias tu decidir la vision de Coca Cola?

La Vision de Dios es el cimiento de todo.

Lee Genesis 3:14-15
Romans 16:20
La Vision de Dios es triunfo sobre Satanas y el pecado y reunion con el hombre
Lee Jeremias 31:31-34
Lee Ezekiel 36:26-29
The Son of Man came to seek and save that which is lost
Proyecto en Grupo: Escribe una declaracion de la vision de Dios para su iglesia global - incluye a cuatro pasajes principales.

Si solo fueras a vivir la Gran Comision, con eso es suficiente.

Para ti, que es plantar una iglesia practicamente? Que haras todo el dia?
Hablar con gente fuera
Evangelizar a los perdidos a traves de una relacion establecida
Evangelizar gente en la calle
Discipular a las personas que tienes
Orar por enfermos
Llevar gente a alcoholicos anonimos
Asistir eventos de la comunidad
Platicar con matrimonios en problemas
preparar sermones
Conocer la cultura
Levantar lideres y aconsejarlos cuando caen o batallan
Les hago la pregunta: ya estan haciendo cosas como esas? Que piensan que va a cambiar cuando llegas al campo?
“Hay que evangelizar hasta que existencia una iglesia.”
Tengo un amigo que aun despues de muchas clases, no entendio que de eso se trata la plantacion y tuvo que tomar un tiempo para orar.

Las declaraciones de Vision, Mision, Valores, etc. son herramientas para mantener el enfoque.

El Enfoque - Un estudio de 2 Timoteo Capitulo 4
En cada punto vamos a hablar de la tendencia opuesta
Predica la Palabra
Hazte cuenta que no se trata de solo estar atras de un pulpito - in season and out of season
Se un evangelista
Sirve (Ministerio)
Conoce a la necesidad de la gente
Pablo sabe que pronto morira pero tiene buena conciencia
Todos lo han abandonado
Cosas feas pasan en el ministerio - gente caen, regresan,
Dios es fiel
Pablo extrana a su amigo y pide que venga antes del invierno
Toma tiempo para pensar - cual es tu enfoque? Tal vez la plantacion de iglesias no es para ti - quieres ministerio profesional - quieres ser tu propio pastor y ser tu propio jefe
La declaracion de vision es algo que pones delante de ti para que nunca te olvides del corazon que Dios tiene por su pueblo
La declaracion de mision te va a acordar de lo que debes de siempre estar haciendo para cumplir la vision
Los valores y la cultura ayudan al ministerio a no cambiar de corazon a traves del tiempo

Un dia miraras para atras y te soprenderas de lo que Dios ha hecho.

Un plantador de iglesias escribio de Mateo 13:33
Las cosas pasan lentamente en el ministerio muchas veces
No es divertido no mas mirar que al pan crecer
No se puede usar el crecimiento lento como una excusa a no mantener el enfoque
Algunas iglesias “ganan la loteria”
Se levantan fraccionamientos - gente vienen de otras iglesias - hay que discipularlas
Otras no crecen - pero puede ser que hay mas oportunidad para evangelismo y alcance a los perdidos
Tener poca gente no es algo malo - es una oportunidad de enfocarte en el evangelismo y el alcance
Cada iglesia cuando llega a cierta cantidad de gente batalla para seguir alcanzando
El crecimiento lento no es nada malo
Pero no es escusa para no alcanzar o de hablar mal de iglesias grandes
El compararse es tonteria - 2 Corintios 10:12; Galatas 6:4
Lo interesante es que el ministerio parece crecer muy lento, pero un dia miraras para atras y te soprenderas con todo Dios ha hecho
El testimonio de CTC

Testimonios de Plantadores

- Watch the church planter testimonies.

Proyectos Finales

Dividelos por equipo
Asignalos una ciudad cada uno
Escribe acerca de la necesidad - enfocate en una area
Declaracion de Vision
Declaracion de Mision
Declaracion de Proposito
Declaracion de Valores
Declaracion de Cultura
Declarcion de Metas
Declaracion de Sistemas
Presentacion delante de la Clase

Parte 2: Herramientas para Nunca Olvidar la Tarea

Carga en el Ministerio
a. Nehemiah’s burden
Neh 1 and 2
He was curious about how things were going - ie: North Africa, Chiapas, Cuba
He could have said “not my problem”
He took personal responsibility
He couldn’t hide his grief… it almost got him killed
b. Jesus looked out with compassion on the multitude. Matthew 9:36
His guts were churned up
c. God heard the cries of the people in Egypt.
d. Jeremiah wept over the peoples’ pride. Jeremiah 13:17
e. The Burden is not shallow.
i. Surface burden – based on a location and a people group.
ii. Deeper burden – based on God’s glory and winning souls for the Kingdom.
Decision: Pray for the sick? Help the person who is hurting? Have an urgency to share the Gospel?
f. Take some time to reflect on your surface burden and your deeper burden… why are you walking down this path? Write down some thoughts.
Get in your groups… do some research on the area
Sharing the burden
Pray for authenticity
Know that the burden God gives you will be unique
Share stories
II. Vision
a. What is vision?
i. A dream or desired future that may or may not be from God.
ii. A vision is defined and written out in a Vision Statement (Hab. 2:2)
iii. A vision could be for an event, an organization, a relationship.
iv. A vision could be for today; it normally looks ahead to 5 or 10 years.
v. Visions are broad, not narrow, not immediately practical.
vi. Corporate vision vs. spiritual
Remember that one vision in the example was not outreach focused
Remember that one vision was only focused on the aesthetics
Another vision was for actually ministering and watching a community develop
b. What the Bible says about vision
i. Different translations of Prov. 29:18
ii. God’s vision of saving the world – John 3:16
iii. Nehemiah’s vision of protecting God’s people.
vii. A vision may or may not come to fruition.
- Many church plants have failed
Does that mean they were wrong in taking those steps?
Example of my family’s church plant
viii. Ask the Lord for a vision of what HE wants your life to look like
Prayer and digging
Trust God for the wisdom to know what He wants James 1
ix. Take some time to write it down – the vision of your church plant
Even though this is an exercise, really pray about it - that God would use this
First, focus on the Great Commission strategy - what will it be like?
Second, take a look at what it will take to bring these things to fruition
Third, Think of the visual… what does it look like
Now: Write a statement of what the church will look like
Communicating the vision
Write it down and post it everywhere
The upside down triangle
Communicate it with your heart
Don’t be discouraged when you don’t see it
Shared Vision
Don’t let people join you, pray that they join God’s vision
Allow people to contribute and develop their perspectives
Remember the exercise: Allow people to dream, then challenge them that God might not do exactly as they think
Remember that it is not a promise
If you are not the pastor in charge, don’t try to garner shared vision for the entire ministry - just the piece of the pie you are responsible for
III. Mission
a. What is mission?
i. Mission is what you are going to continually do to accomplish the vision.
Biblical examples
Joshua 1
Luke 19:10
Take some time to search for verses on Paul’s mission
ii. Mission is narrower and more specific.
iii. God’s vision was to save mankind, His mission was to send His Son.
iv. Nehemiah’s vision was for his people to be safe; his mission was the rebuild the wall.
v. Corporate mission vs. Spiritual
vi. Ask the Lord for wisdom... what can you do or be a part of to help bring that vision to pass?
Examples of Mission Statements
vii. Take some time as a group to write it down.
Walking out the mission
Write it down and post it everywhere
The burden and vision are communicated… and the mission is communicated.... BUT the mission is WALKED OUT
People can tell from your life if you are truly committed - they can see the disconnect

Parte 3: El Pegamiento que nos Une

The Purpose Statement
We exist to _______________
a. What are values?
i. When you begin to work together with others, you need to take time to examine key values.
ii. Values are the glue that hold us together.
As a team, it is a kindness to allow new people to know what is important to us
People need to be exposed to the values
iii. Values help us make sure that we are holding the course.
iv. Examples of values
v. Take some time to write down values that are important to you.
II. Culture
a. What is organizational culture?
i. Where values hold you together, culture are attitudes and ways of viewing life.
ii. Values can be taught; culture is something that is preserved.
iii. Over time, beautiful things about culture tend to fade.
III. Goals
Situational Analysis
SWOT diagram
Making objectives using the SWOT diagram
IV. Systems
Sistema de Discipulado
Sistema de Asimilacion
Sistema de Contabilidad
Sistema de Consejeria
Sistema de Seguridad
Sistemas de Plantacion de Iglesias

Parte 4: Proyectos Finales

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