UMBC AM SERVICE - July 18, 2021

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So good. Be in the Lord's house today. Hey man, no place. I'd rather be

amen. Or trolley one. Amen. No place. I'd rather be today then in the house of the Lord. Amen. So good to see each one of you today. Amen. Still got some family is good to see them and and y'all don't pay me and Chad, no attention. We got a few and going about who the proudest is. So, And hopefully, we'll never get that Feud settled. Now, you men somebody want them or I'm talking about where the proud grandparents of a beautiful little baby. I see a little baby girl. Has a big young in there before, I'll tell you, but I'm so thankful that I everything went well with that. Thank you to each one of you for your prayers, for your phone calls, and all that. And and hopefully, hopefully should be at church with us here before long also want to say to that young man sitting right here brother. Robert I was at the hospital on Wednesday and out most of the night on Tuesday and and brother you have no idea.

How special it is to be able to just at any moment, notice. And I've done it to him on more than one occasion. On any moment's notice just say, brother, Robert hung up router pocket or something. And, and he always says in one way or another, I don't not a problem. I'm praying for you. I love you all and everything took care of. And so I just I just want to say to you personally. Thank you so much for just being faithful cuz I know why you do what you do and who you do it for a mint, you got your Bibles this morning with turnovers the Book of James for a few minutes.

Give me the book of James.

Will be in the second chapter. Of the book of James.

James is known. For the Book of James is known as a very to-the-point very straightforward, very cut-and-dry book.

The Book of James is in first John two but the Book of James is known to step on your toes real quick and I'll tell you today. Hey man, I'm glad that I serve a God who steps on my toes He stepped on my toes. He corrects me, he chastises me, because according to the word he does. So because he loves me and you men and, and, and I, this might come as a surprise to some, it may, you may have you may be Beyond this point, you may not have reached this point, but for me, I realized a while back that, yes, even being a Christian, I still had some things that I needed, God to help me change in my life. Amen, that maybe you graduated beyond that point, maybe you're at a point where you came here, 99.9%, perfect. And they wasn't much that needed to be a man if that's you, then I want to start having Bible study with you during the week for a few months and help clarify that. Hahaha. Hallelujah. But this

One of Jesus's. Main thing, obvious teaching was no doubt, no doubt love.

We live in a world today where there is an extreme lack of that.

In Jesus's teachings are there was quite often instances where he was questioned, where he was tempted, as to have to really lay it on out there and give it to us what the greatest things are in. And I remember young man that came to him one day and and ask him, what must I do, you know, in order to inherit eternal life in Jesus that what do, you know, the scriptures? Yeah, he he said, I'm the only from my youth up and, and he said, what? He did not shout love, the Lord thy God with all thy heart. Mind, I sold enough strength. And when I say that this morning and set there, so you know, where the Brad, I am not that. When I depart for the easy, I I think that I do love him with, with all this Within Me, But then he turned it in another Direction and he made the statement he said, and then immediately following that action, or that understanding or that accept it. Then the next thing to do is to love your neighbor as yourself are to love your neighbor. Just like you, love you two prefer, your neighbor, just like you prefer you to, to honor your neighbor. Just like, you honor yourself and I want to date a day. Amen. Go ahead and get this out of the way. You can. Amen. That and you can, you can fulfil that. Verbally a man. But if in your heart, That don't exist. Then then you're, you're just really spinning your wheels.

What am I men's and left the building and we didn't read yet but that's alright. I'm a preacher this morning. In the Book of James chapter 2 verse 1.

If you're there say, amen, that's only a men's. I'm going to get from you this morning, but I got that one. He said my brother and have not the Faith of Our Lord. Jesus Christ, the lord of Glory with respect of persons. Or if they're come unto your assembly. A man with a gold ring in goodly apparel. Is there come in also a poor man environment are in rags and you have respect to him that we're the good clothing and you say unto him. Hey come sit here in this good place. and then you say to the poor stand out there or or here sit under my footstool, Are you then? Are you not then partial in yourselves and are become judges of evil thoughts? Harken, my beloved brother and have not God. Chosen the poor of this world rich in faith and ears of the Kingdom, which he has promised to them. That love him. Would you have despised the poor? Do not reach. Me an impression you and draw you before the Judgment seat. Do not leave blaspheme that worthy Name by which you were called if you fulfil the Royal law according to the scripture and then he lists what that Royal law is in. It says, Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thyself. Do you do well? Now what y'all listen to this next sentence. but if you have respect to persons,

You commit sin?

I'm going to read it one more time. If you have respect to persons, you commit sin and are convinced of the law as transgressors in, for whosoever, shall keep the whole law. And yet offend in one point he or she is guilty of all. Why do we love you? We thank you for your grace for your mercy. We thank you for your tender love and kindness Lord. We thank you for each one that's in your house today. I thank you for you were Lord. I Thank you for the convicting power of you word. I think you for the truth, in your word and I think you today, Lord, that your word Lord, still changes Our Lives. With the intention of making us more. Into your image. Largest be honored to be blessed by this solemn assembly here today. And for sure will give you the praise, the honor, and the glory, in the name of Jesus. Amen. And amen, this probably ain't popular. I'll go ahead and roll on out there and I'll say this, as I was chewing on these verses I couldn't help but think about in my lifetime, Like in the workplace, I've been in before especially when I work for the state because there was always a it didn't matter. What shift I work, what was morning evening or night, or if I worked in the ministry of shift and even was outside riding, a horse, everyday did not matter. There's always that one person that would come in. And he knew somebody who knew somebody or he had the right last name or are he just he just was drones Ward some supervisor and he never failed. Those guys and gals just seem to elevate right on up the The Giant. and, So, interesting, how I would catch myself dealing with those kind of people, I didn't have much to say, to him, didn't want to be around them, did not like them. Never done nothing to me. What? Just because of how they conducted their selves, I view them a certain way. I'm just I'm just being honest and real with you today.

If you can relate to that. I'm going to step out on the limb today and say that they've probably some of us in here. especially over the way the election went this past year that you may have someone who was once friends that you really like, but because of the way they voted

Now. You really don't have much for.

Criminal from a political standpoint, I can lend you. If I want to stay here. If I commend you if you stand on biblical principles,

I can lend you, amen. If if your unwavering in, in those Amen. But I can't command you if you mistreat somebody because they don't Agree with you.

That was three. Amen. We are on a roll now.

In this bull for about half of verse, James opened up with an extra Tatian and then and then he immediately abandon that. And he got right down to what truly was on his heart and that was Lily. Amen. With a, a message or dealing with a situation of partiality.

In and we can, we can say it don't all day long. With luck, we don't have to fool ourselves that I can tell you right now. I watch the kids, I watch the kids, and I'm going to go on and say it like this. I've watched kids in school. Amen. Based on their last name and get a starting spot on the team when somebody that's got more talent in their pinky, then that's it, isn't her whole body, never touch the field because according to the last name there are nobody but in God's eyes. Amen. There ain't nobody's. We all are somebody. Amen. And in it and it's not in, it's not just that, I mean it if it's promotion time sometimes based on that last name you, you get an odd. Most every one of us in here at some point in time we met Find ourselves in a situation where we need some help and we'll stop. And think about who do we actually know that can help us out, and we'll make a phone call. And sometimes we'll get help because we have the right name for partiality. Amen, is all over the place, but I want, I want us to get today and and hey, look, if you know somebody who can to help you out of that speeding ticket, that you shouldn't have got to begin with. I'm not telling you don't call them. By all means, make the phone call and then slow down.

Close down. I've seen how some of you drive.

What was James is really trying and I brought those things that just so we can relate to him but what James is truly talkin about is he's talkin to the child of God. That when he, when he was faced with people, he puts on an obvious display, amen, that he has greater risk for song than he does others. And James really has a problem with that and he Likens it to someone of a parable. When he says, now if a person comes in and they are dressed immaculately gold on their fingers. I mean, just just, I mean just someone who's just really a renowned stature, he said, don't run up there and grab that person saying come over and sit beside me. he said it while you're sitting there with that one, then this other person that comes in Just a commoner that may not. Be. As appealing to the eye and tell them. Hey, go sit over Yonder.

You see, I'm going to tell you what. Partial treatment does.

For the Christian. Partial treatment, always produces confusion.

It produces confusion. About the message that you're supposed to be living by 4 for starters.

It produces. Discord.

It produces hurt feelings.

and, and I'll tell you this in life, I've been there on that one.

I'll go a step further on that one.

My dad. Was a a ordained minister. When I was small.

The rest of my years, my dad was an alcoholic.

Preacher. How did he go from here to here? He got hurt. And he got hurt right inside of a building.

By God's people. Should he have manned up and not allow that happen? He's gone. I can't answer that for you where the people wrong and how they done it. I was I was only 5 tell you that cuz most of them were gone. I'm only telling you a man that hurt within a person based on impartial, treatment by other people. Amen. Is a very real thing and I'm already going to meddle with you real quick. When, when you act out partial treatment, you are taking on the role of being a judge. Why ain't no judge? Yeah. When you go to deciphering, who's who your judge? And I don't like this phrase. You're a stalker.


Promotes division.

I know one of the greatest churches. It back in its day. Dad that there was around huge attendance. Nominal Church. Life changing Church.

I don't know what the crap. I don't know. I don't know who left the door cracked open. That allowed Satan. To slip in.

But it was a crack of division. You know.

When I was growing up.

And I realize some of you didn't turn me off, but that's okay.

When I was growing up my mama my dad was gone. So we had a wood heater. That's how we stay warm in the winter. My granddad older man. 1 tbsp, it would be in the same wood heater. I split wood for them. I never could understand why why you had to cut an oak tree. That was that big around.

You know, I mean, I'm ten years I was big for a 10 year old but, you know, they're smaller old trees out there and they said, they cut timber all over the country. They stops everywhere. You ain't got to split them. No know when we're going to leave the tops in the limbs and we're going to just get the, the trunk part of it, you know, that that it takes a platoon of of midgets the Rope anywhere. and, What no sense in swinging an axe at it? Cuz all you can do is stick that acts and you're going to break the handle when you try to get it out and you're getting a whipping.

I got a bunch of them but what you would do if they had an old sledgehammer and my goodness, that thing must have weighed 25 lb. And a wig about that long by 2 inches wide. And you look in that in that in that piece of what seemed like iron. Of that of that. so, that could of wood And what you did? Did you studied it? For a minute or two. Somewhere in it, these days, a hairline crack. And you take that wedge and you put it on that crack and you tap it a time or two too. It's stuck and then you're right back and you just go to swinging. Don't seem like you get nowhere. But guess what? Even the toughest piece of wood eventually. It, don't turn into. Partiality, does that in churches? That church. I was speaking of earlier.

It started with a little cracked, a little of partiality in division and it and it and it and it and it had something to do with the pastor that was there. And the next thing, you know, ripped in half.

Have two people stay. And all have moved up the highway and started a church. That's that's there today. And both churches, they've survived. What how much stronger were there benefits to just stay together? How much more good would they have done? If they could just stay together, you see? I'm sorry when we do something like that, so we can have things our way.

Probably the greatest thing about this whole partiality deal.

Ashley, put Borgnine up there for me.

It being a judge, don't bother. If you're hurting somebody over over being partial don't bother. I will hold this bothers.

What you like, what I'm saying? Or not this morning. You can argue his word whether you agree with me or not this morning you can't disagree with this word. Amen. What do you want to take to heart? The s'more nnig, you can't you can't run from his word and his word says, if you have respect to person, if you're doing it, If you're putting one of them here.

One of them there.

You. Or committing.


And God. Will never.

Be okay with or encourage you to commit.

There's something that's easier to do.

And that is to close that. Open that. Take this one and pull him back right here and take that one and pull them up right there.

I'm pretty sure that's what Jesus.

he said, for, by his crucifixion, he said now there is neither Jew nor Greek nor Gentile nor skit in Narbonne nor any other kind of people because the cross makes us all

equal there is level ground. At the cross.

There should be level ground. In his people. And there should be nothing but edify amongst all. And his people.


And I know I'm going to say this in enclosure.

this is something that this is something that Jesus said, and I really want you to grab this this statement, Jesus looked at his people. I'm sorry. Jesus was talking with his disciples right before he ascends. And in this is what he said in and I want to tell y'all this church. Y'all are the only Bible, a lot of this world will ever read. And and you teach more Bible, not by the words, you say, but by the life that you and I live Amen in Jesus proceed that way before we did. So he looks at his disciples and he said this, he said he wrenshall the world and know that you are my disciples when they see you. Love one another.

Father, we love you. We thank you for your goodness, for your grace for your mercy. We thank you for a beautiful day today. We thank you for the word of your truth. Florida. In May made it indeed touch our hearts Lord Med draw, son to a deeper Walk with You. Lord, may we look one upon the other and And not see anything else, but your love in them? May we edifier one another just as you took us from a lowly State and edified us may we prefer one another just as when you hung up on the cross you preferred Our Lives ahead of your own and and for sure made a message that we send to the world. Amen. Be a clear, crystal clear message and that is that we belong to you and it's and it's evidence by loving each other. So let Let Your Love Rain Supreme in our hearts and in our lives and not just through one, we want to, but to each each and everyone and may this church, it's my prayer, Lord me, this church grow in spirit, and in truth, and in truth. And in truth may it be a beacon of light until this community. That the immediate let all know, That there is a a Jesus that loves them and stands with outstretched arms is my prayer in the name of Jesus. And the church says y'all are dismissed

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