Who is Jesus Lesson Plan
I. Miracle 1: The wedding in Cana (John 2:7-11)
A. Jesus turned water into good wine
B. Jesus is the master of quality in answer to man’s discouragement.
II. Miracle 2: Healing the Nobleman’s son (John 4:46-50)
A. Jesus healed this nobleman’s so from a distance.
B. The nobleman doubted Jesus’ ability
1. He never fully believed his son was healed until his servants came and told him. (vs. 51-53)
2. We would rather believe the testimony of a servant, and doubt the authority of the master.
C. Jesus is the master of distance, in answer to man’s doubt.
III. Miracle 3: Healing the man by the pool (John 5:1-9)
A. This man had been paralyzed for 38 years.
B. When Jesus asked him if he wanted to be healed, the man gave a list of excuses as to why he can’t get his healing.
1. I have no man
a. dependence on people instead of God
2. When the water is stirred up
b. dependence on circumstances rather than God
3. To put me in the pool
c. limiting God to work only in certain geographical areas
4. While I am coming, another steps down before me
d. blaming others for past failures rather than focusing on present possibilities.
C. The man’s excuses show that he is dependant on everything except God.
D. No matter how long an ailment takes us down, Jesus still has power over it.
E. Jesus is the master of time in answer to man’s disability.
IV. Miracle 4: Jesus feeds the 5000 (John 6:5-13)
A. Jesus uses the little gift of the boy to meet the huge needs of a hungry multitude.
1. This multitude consisted of 5000 men, plus children, plus women.
B. Jesus provides enough food to fill everyone’s bellies.
C. Jesus not only meets their needs, he fills their desires.
D. Jesus not only fills their desires, but he overfills them-there were 12 baskets of leftovers!
E. Jesus is the master of quantity, in answer to man’s desires.
V. Miracle 5: Jesus calms the storm (John 6:16-21)
A. The disciples left without Jesus.
B. A fierce storm came upon them halfway to their destination.
1. The disciples were powerless to navigate the stormy sea.
2. In their powerlessness the disciples had no hope of reaching shore safely.
3. When there is no hope then the door is open to despair.
C. The disciples see in the darkness of the night Jesus walking towards them on the sea.
D. When the disciples have Jesus onboard the storm doesn’t matter.
E. With Jesus onboard the disciples reach their destination.
F. Jesus is the master of nature, in answer to man’s despair.
VI. Miracle 6: Jesus heals a man blind from birth (John 9:1-7)
A. This blind man lived a life in total darkness.
B. Jesus stepped into this man’s life of darkness as the Light of the world.
C. Jesus’ light completely removed the darkness.
D. Jesus is the master of adversity , in answer to man’s darkness.
VII. Miracle 7: Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead (John 11:39-44)
A. Jesus knew that Lazarus would die. (John 11:4)
B. Jesus knew that He would raise Lazarus from the dead. (John 11:11)
C. The fate of Lazarus allowed Jesus to be glorified.
D. Jesus called him from the grave
E. Jesus is the master of fate , in answer to man’s death.
Who is Jesus?
Jesus proved who he was when he walked on the earth. One way which he did this was through the miracles which he performed. The Gospel of John records seven such miracles. These seven miracles show us today as well as then, just who Jesus is.