Foretelling His Death

Luke   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  47:50
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Going to your death, how many would go this way? How many would willingly accept that this is what I need to do?

Jesus Knows All

Jesus is demonstrating omniscience in this passage. That is being all knowing.
This passage reveals to us not only that Jesus knows that He will be delivered up. But the timing that everything will take place in.
This is the time of the passover.
The passover has been a dressed rehearsal that God instituted as a foreshadow for the real passover. When the last passover lamb would give His life to remove the sins of the people once and for all.
Jesus knows that He is the passover lamb. That this is the year that the Father has ordained for Him to give His life for the sins of the world.
All things work in accord with God’s will.
God has determined is how it will come to pass.
Not just the events that will take place. But the timing of when they will take place. God is over all of it.
Isaiah 43:13
Isaiah 43:13 ESV
13 Also henceforth I am he; there is none who can deliver from my hand; I work, and who can turn it back?”
What God has determined will happen.
Not just the events, but the timing as well.
There is no person who can divert God from His plan.
No amount of free will void the will of God and bring about our will.
Omniscience Brings Comfort
Would you rather believe in a God who is powerless against our free will.
This would make you the sovereign arbiter of your future.
The one who is in control of your future, the one who judges and makes decisions for you.
You have no control over the actions of others either.
Or would you rather know that a loving, good, kind God is in control of all things.
Even though times might get tough. He works it out for the good of those who love Him.
Who would you rather have in control?

All Things Will be Accomplished

Not a partial fulfillment of any prophecy.
To this point He had already fulfilled prophecy that no human could have control over.
Born of the line of David
Born of a virgin
Coming from Egypt
Born in a humble estate.
Now Jesus will fulfill the rest of prophecy.
Isaiah 53:1-6
v.2- There was no physical appearance that made Jesus desirable.
He didn’t come from wealth or prosperity.
v.3- Despised and rejected, man of sorrows
The religious leaders reject Him.
One of his best friends betrays Him.
His other friends all abandon Him.
v.4- We esteemed Him smitten by God
While on the cross they shouted He saved others, let Him save himself if he is the chosen one…if.
They probably believed that if he was from God, God wouldn’t allow this to happen.
He was believed to be smitten by God, afflicted by God.
But the reason that He went through this, was for us.
He was bearing our griefs.
v.5- Even though He was deserted and despised.
Out of love he was pierced, crushed for us.
For because what Jesus would face of the cross, we have peace with God.
v.6- We have gone astray
We don’t have the ability to come to God on our own.
We must come through Jesus, accepting what He has done for us.
For God laid our iniquity on Jesus.
Your sin must be paid for, it’s either paid by Jesus or you.
What about Daniel, He tells of the messiah.
Daniel 9:25–26 ESV
25 Know therefore and understand that from the going out of the word to restore and build Jerusalem to the coming of an anointed one, a prince, there shall be seven weeks. Then for sixty-two weeks it shall be built again with squares and moat, but in a troubled time. 26 And after the sixty-two weeks, an anointed one shall be cut off and shall have nothing. And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood, and to the end there shall be war. Desolations are decreed.
Daniel gives the time period of 490 how long it will be after the order given to rebuild the temple until messiah comes.
Then in v.26 Daniel tells how the messiah, he shall be cut off.
Not for himself, no for us.
The Importance of the Old Testament
Do you see how necessary the Old Testament is?
Some people don’t want to read it, some pastors want to get rid of it.
If it wasn’t for the Old Testament, there would be no evidence to believe in Jesus.
Jesus fulfilling what was spoken hundreds, even thousands of years prior is what gives the NT any validity.

He Will Rise

The gospel is so thick in this passage.
He will take our sins, then He will rise.
Jesus rising is tangible evidence that everything He had spoken of was true.
Jesus rising is tangible evidence that we too shall rise.
Jesus rising is tangible evidence that our sins have been forgiven.
This is the gospel.
Not that your bank account will always be full, and that you will always be healthy.
Not that whatever you ask of God, He now has to give you.
Not even that you now have purpose in your life, to serve God.
The good news is that your sins are forgiven. That if you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior you now have peace with God.


What is it that we can do?
That is the great thing about the gospel, nothing.
Anything that we do, to add to the work of God muddies the water.
Martin Luther- What is it about your own miserable words and doings that you think you could please God more than the sacrifice of His own Son?
The application that we can grasp from the passage, is to believe in the work of Jesus. To know that He has done it all and paid the price for your salvation.
The application is the good news, that all we can do is ask Him to come into our hearts, to be the Lord of our lives. To allow Him to change us from the inside out.
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