8/7/21 What is enough!

Enough Already?  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Summary: We’re quick to see what we can’t do and quick to talk about what we don’t have. The disciples saw the crowds and realized their inadequacy.

There is nothing to eat!
How many times have you heard this from your children while they’re rifling through the fridge and cupboards on a food foraging mission? How many times did we ourselves say that to our own parents while we were growing up? And the usual answer that comes from mom or dad is this - “there’s plenty of food in this house for you to eat!”
• Sound familiar?
• More often than not, there is indeed plenty of food to eat that’s right under our nose
• It might not be exactly what we wanted or what we were looking for, but there is food right there, if we’re willing to accept it
Jesus feeds the 5000 with five loaves and two fish. When the great multitude came to Jesus in the wilderness, he was moved with compassion because he saw they were tired and hungry. Late in the day his disciples suggested he send the people home so they could find something to eat.
Let me take a moment to back up to ensure we know why Jesus and the disciples were there and how they encountered so many people who wanted to hear him. John The Baptist had become a thorn in the side of the monarchy and an enemy of those who believed they didn’t have to be accountable for their actions. Out of hatred and jealousy, King Herod’s wife and daughter demanded – and received – John’s head on a platter.
In grief and sorrow, Jesus withdrew to a place apart; a place where he could spend time alone praying and recovering from his heartfelt anguish.
• But solitude was something which was rare for him, and it was not to be found this time
• The crowds followed him
• His compassion overrode his fatigue and he moved about them, Preaching- Teaching - Touching - Healing
When evening came, it was obvious they were hungry. After all, even the most compelling of teachers – even the Son of God - can’t hold a crowd’s attention indefinitely without a break now and then for food and a bathroom. There were five thousand men there that day. The miracle that is about to happen increases in amazement when you stop to consider there were probably more than 5,000 people there – the text says 5,000 plus women and children.
• Let’s make the assumption that most of those men were married
• They would have had their wives along
• In addition, there would have been children as well
• All in all, we may be talking about 15 to 20,000 people - a huge crowd
The disciples, not being all that creative, didn’t see any way they could feed all these people. He told the disciples to feed them. Wait a Minute, What….Really!
• Disciples in essence were saying to Jesus, the crowds hunger was not their problem
• Jesus floors, them by saying – “Give Them Something to Eat”
• Pizza Hut doesn’t deliver to the wilderness
• Door Dash needs a physical address
The disciples therefore make a very practical suggestion -- “send them away and let them find their own food.”
• The suggestion is not made from bad motives
• In themselves the disciples had no resources to meet this enormous need
Most of us would have said the same thing. We’re quick to see what we can’t do and quick to talk about what we don’t have. The disciples saw the crowds and realized their inadequacy. Somehow, they forgot the Son of God was standing right there with them. In the days of Jesus, snicker candy bars weren’t an option. There were basically two food groups - bread and fish.
This is how Jesus often works with his followers. Over and over again he puts us in positions where we are helpless, and then he says, “do something!” In our desperation we cry out to heaven, “How?” and he replies, “I’m glad you asked.”
You see Little things mean a lot in Christ
• Just because something is small or seemingly insignificant doesn’t mean God can’t use it
• He used a baby’s tears to attract Pharaoh’s daughter, and the infant Moses was saved from certain death
• Later he used Moses’ rod to deliver the children of Israel
• And still later a teenage boy named David used one smooth stone to defeat mighty Goliath
• Now Jesus is about to feed 5000 men with five loaves and two fish
• Size doesn’t matter with God
• He can use anything we offer to Him
Along with not being very creative, the disciples didn’t remember their history very well. We do this also
One of the times, During the ministry of the prophet Elijah, The writer of I Kings tells us during the course of the drought, a woman’s jar of flour was never empty and her jug of oil did not fail. The Disciples forgot about that. What have we forgot
So, Jesus disciples came up with a little bread and a couple of fish from a little boy whose mother thought enough to make her son a small lunch for one, hahaa right!!
• Not only was there enough to feed everyone, but after dinner was finished, they collected twelve baskets of leftovers
We become concerned that we won’t have enough. We fret over our limited resources, and we forget Jesus’ words - “BRING THEM HERE TO ME” - Jesus invites us today, as he did his disciples then, to bring what we have to him, trusting that little is much in the hands of Jesus.
• Will we bring what we see only as small and insignificant to Jesus that he might bless them and us?
God asks us to do the impossible and then he gives whatever we need to obey his command.
Erwin W. Lutzer,
• To a Lame man he said, “Rise, pick up your bed, and walk”
• To a Dead man, he cried out, “Lazarus, come forth”
• To 10 Lepers he said, “Show yourselves to the Priest”
• To Peter he said, “I Bid you come walk out on the Water”
• There is a sense in which every command of the Lord is impossible for us to obey
• We always lack what we need to obey God’s commands
• But God is faithful to give us whatever we need when we ask and bring it to Him
When the Hungry come looking for a bit to eat. When the Grieving come looking for understanding and reassurance. When the Lost come looking for a new direction
• When the Weak come looking for strength
• When the Addicted come looking for freedom
• When the Hopeless come looking for hope
• It is up to us to remember the words of Jesus
When there are needs around us, people do not need to be sent away.
• Let them experience the lengths God will go to meet their needs
• When someone needs to hear the Gospel, let them look no further
“How To Prepare For A Miracle.” There were four steps recorded in the process of receiving miracles in people’s lives.
1. Admit there is a need
2. Inventory what you currently have to work with
3. Give God whatever you have
4. Expect God to multiply whatever you give Him
More often than not, the Lord is not able to Bless us or send Miracles for our situation because we are too quick to shout – THERE’S NOTHING TO EAT!
--Jesus is our Bread of life, who died for us that we might live for him
--Miracles occur in our life when we help others see the miracles in their own
--If you want to Grow in this Christian Journey – must be Hungry for it
--Can I tell you there is plenty to Eat if we are Hungry enough
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