The Necessity Of Christs Condescension
As we continue our survey of the book of Hebrews, I’d like to remind you some of the things we covered two weeks ago, so as to refresh you so that you might see the authors continuing thought. We discussed that the theme of the book is a demonstration of Christ’s superiority over everything. In Particular, his superiority over the old covenant. His superior sacrifice, and atonement. His superior office and priesthood. His superior credentials. His superior inheritance and nature. Christ is superior to all things. That isn't just to give lip service, but to show the implications of his superiority in our own personal lives, and in the lives of the billions of human beings around the world.
If you remember, we talked about his inheritance, and how that as the Son of God, he owns all things because the God the Father owns all things. Since we see that he made all things and that all things were made for him and by him, he also has ownership over all.
We talked about his nature as well. How that the this epistle states something was never said of anyone else in the scriptures, that he was the very brightness of Gods Glory. It says that he is the express image of his person. The Greek word used for image is Icon, and the idea is taking a stamp and covering it with ink and pressing it.
We talked about his sustaining power in our personal lives, in the lives of Atheists as well, in the lives of all people all over the world. How he sustains all creation, and all the galaxies in its order.
Lastly we talked about Christs purging of our sins, his purification of our sins. That he who knew no sin, became sin for us. We were tarnished, corrupted by sin and Jesus Christ cleansed us from every filthy sin. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, Though your sins are red like crimson they shall be white as wool. This is what Christ did for us who believe. It wasn’t an easy thing, and it certainly wasn’t a small thing. We’ll see later in our text that it was with great suffering and agony did Jesus purge our sins.
What we didn’t get to see was the authors argument for Christs superiority over the angels so were going to spend 2 minutes looking at that. Its important because this thought of his spills over into chapter 2. (READ HEBREWS 1:5-14)
Christ is greater than the angels because God never spoke to an angel the way he did to Jesus. God affirmed Jesus’ claim to be the messiah by declaring him his son. This was done in an audible voice, this was done through his written word. No angel ever had such an affirmation as Christ.
In verse 6 we see Gods command to give worship to the Son. Who can receive worship but God. Isaiah 42:8 I am the LORD: that is my name: And my glory will I not give to another, Neither my praise to graven images.
So here’s the point. Christ is better than angels. That would have been hard for some Hebrews to believe then because they couldn't fathom that God, would become a man. Respectfully angels are greater than us, for the moment. So the Jewish people couldn't grasp how Jesus Christ, a man before them, could be greater. Let alone that he died, because how could God die? Angels don't die, so therefore Jesus wasn’t greater than angels was there line of thinking. Paul spent much time in synagogues trying to show his countrymen the necessity of a suffering Saviour as we see in Acts 17:3 where he spent three weeks doing so. Whats interesting here is how the author just completly stops his flow of arguement to now point to a different necessity. The Necessity of a Response to the Gospel. (READ HEBREWS 2:1-4)
I. The Necessity Of A Response. (Hebrews 2:1-4)
I. The Necessity Of A Response. (Hebrews 2:1-4)
It is not enough that a man accepts the truth about Jesus. He may be think that Jesus was telling the truth about himself, that he was God but if he never acts on that, if he never commits himself to that he has as the Holy Spirit says here “Let Slip”. The picture here is a boat that has docked into a port. The crew never tied the boat to the dock and the boat slowly drifted away into the ocean. There will be many souls in Hell, that never opposed the gospel of Jesus Christ but who let it slip from them as they drifted off into eternity. This is why its so important to put your trust in Jesus Christ today because tomorrow is not guaranteed. Today is the day of Salvation, we can not afford to harden our hearts in unbelief against God as in the “Day of provocation” which we’ll explore sometime.
Two questions before we move on.
What does this warning mean?
Who is it directed to?
Why should I consider it?
What does this warning mean?
What does this warning mean?
Its a typical Hebrew like analogy. Jesus did this a lot, being Jewish and a lot of the rabbis back then as well. In order to demonstrate a point they would take a lesser and compare it to a greater, and that's exactly what the author is doing here. We know, because the bible tells us, that angels were involved in the giving of the Law. Lets look at Galatians 3:19 and Acts 7:38. Now lets read Deuteronomy 17:2,5,12 . Here’s the point, if the words which were spoken from angels was treated this seriously, Ready, Hebrew style analogy, How much more then, will the consequences be to someone who neglects the salvation offered to them by someone who is so much greater than the angels?
Another thing i’d like to point out is the usage of the word Just in verse 2 when talking about the punishment for transgressions. This is a scary reality but nonetheless a true one. Those who know the Gospel and reject it anyways, there Hell will be worse than someone who never knew the Gospel. Punishment from God is proportionate to light. Turn to Matthew 11:20-24 where Jesus addresses this reality. The Holy Spirit, back in our passage, stops from doctrine to call for an invitation. We should never get so caught up in apologetics or in battling false ideas that we forget to invite the unbeliever to repent and believe the gospel.
Who is it directed to?
Who is it directed to?
I believe its clear this warning from the Author is to those who are intellectually convinced of Jesus but who never personally commit themselves to him as their own Lord and Saviour. Why do I say that? Well for one, the Born Again Christian cannot neglect their salvation, because they already have it. And we know that once God saves us, he keeps us. This verse cant be to those who have never heard the Gospel because they cant neglect what they haven’t heard. So this must be to those who have heard but who are still on the fence about it. These are the ones who’s eternity is slowly and dangerously drifting. When the author uses the word “We” he isn't identifying himself with an on the fence person, but again, remember who its written too. This is a man who extensively knows the Old Testament. He is referring to his countryman, the Hebrews in question. Brethren, if we (Jews) couldn't escape justice then when the law was given, how will we (Jews) escape now with such a powerful witness as the Son of God.
Furthermore, this message was substantiated firstly when Jesus Christ began his ministry and started preaching. Secondly it was proven to be legitimate as God granted miraculous deeds to be done by the Apostles. It was necessary that these men were legitimized as the full word of God was still being penned. How could a man know if someones message was true? By doing something that only God himself could’ve done. We don’t know the location of the recipients of this letter, but I don't think its a stretch to say that these Hebrews may have heard of Jesus of Nazareth and the healing and miracles he did. So for them to see the same sort of miracles done would've really connected the dots.
II. The Recovery Of Man’s Destiny (Hebrews 2:5-8)
II. The Recovery Of Man’s Destiny (Hebrews 2:5-8)
Lets continue on and read (HEBREWS 2:5-8) .
So the author now jumps to a different point that he’s going to address. Its the issue of Mankinds destiny. You see, in Genesis we see that God’s plan for man was to subdue the earth and to have dominion over it and to rule it. When Man sinned that destiny was ruined. Lets read the account, (READ GENESIS 1:25-28). We lost that destiny, our new destiny became very bleak and dark. The only thing mankind was destined for was to experience the wrath and justice of God. But originally we were supposed to rule the earth, look back at our text, Hebrews 2:5-8, For unto the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come, whereof we speak. 6 But one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou visitest him? 7 Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands: 8 Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him, Stop right there. When God created us, that was what we were supposed to do. I want you to turn your attention to the word little in verse 7. Its meaning is in relation to time, so it could be read, thou madest him for a little while lower than the angels. It cant be the alternative because Angels aren’t just a little bit above man, these are fiercesom powerful creatures capable of tremendous power. Any time an Angel showed up what usually happened? The first thing they would say is fear not! Angels arent of more spiritual value than man, We’ll see next week, Christ never came to save angels but save man. So this is in reference to time, for a short time. (READ 1 Corinthians 6:2-3) There will be a day that man will rule over angels! But how can that be, when they are so much more powerful than us? How can mankinds destiny be restored?
III. The Necessity Of A Redeemer (Hebrews 2:9)
III. The Necessity Of A Redeemer (Hebrews 2:9)
Thus we see for the first time the Necessity of the Condescension of our Saviour and Lord Jesus. Look at the end of verse 8, we see what God said about us, but we dont see that in practice yet. We look at the world, and as mighty as man has become, there are natural forces that are greater than us that can still snuff us out, for example, Mattawamkeg river! Dont go white water rafting there. Though we dont see all things put under us, we do see Jesus, who was for a little while made lower than the angels. Its not that he became inferior to the angels, but in his humilation in the suffering of death he was lower. The angels cant die, but Jesus specifically came to die. This wasnt a peaceful and quick death either, but as well all know an excruciating one, of which where we get the word from. Why was it suffering? Well consider what it was the Jesus was doing on the cross. The eternities of wrath of the Billions of Saints were payed for by him on that cross in only a few hours. The perfect intimate fellowship that the Son had with the Father in eternity past, somehow in someway was disrupted momentarily. But thanks be to God that Christs death was shown to be vindicated in that, he was raised from the dead, and now we see he’s crowned with glory and honor! Lets (READ EPHESIANS 1:21 AND PHILIPPIANS 2:10) .
Mankind was without hope in this world. We were created to glorify God, and rule over his creation, and when Man sinned, that plan was postponed. (READ ROMANS 5:12-21)
I couldnt condensce this entire chapter into one sermon. Which is only telling me that I definatly wont be able to condensce some of ther chapters like 8 and 10. Two weeks from now, If God wills, we’ll look at the end of this chapter and see one of the most thrilling truths in all the bible! Lets pray.