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What is it?
What is it?
before we get into the defination lets look at some frist examples of people getting anointed in Scripture
READ Gen. 28:10-22 jacob anointing the rock he used for a pellow calling the place the house of God or bethal
throughout ex. 25 through lev. the prest were anointed and the word consecrate is used which means to be set apart.
Anointing means something or someone marked and set aside for the purpose of God often with oil
bring in Jesus the anointed one or anointed king
discuss being set apart for God’s purposes with the applaction of oil
bring in the holy Spirit 2 Cor 1:21-22 & READ 1 John 2:20-27
Exodus 30:22-38 the anointing oil had to be made a certain way.
Who has it?
Who has it?
everyone who is saved and filled with the Holy Spirit.
when did the filling of the Sprirt become optional in the church, let’s get back to the days where it is nromaly to be filled with the Spirit
can you go to heaven without the Spirit? idk bc i cant go to walmart without him
as i grow i am become more and more dependent upon the help of Holy Spirit
it does not matter if you have messed up
compair saul and david
What does it mean?
What does it mean?
you are chozen, picked out by God for amazing things
you are able to preform all that He has called you to do
you are marked for his favor and grace
he has called you to his Work