Behold! The Day is Coming!
Review: Re-read Malachi - Again
The Day of the Lord
Evildoers & Arrogant (4:1, 3)
The Day of YHWH will bring about clarification of values: not prosperity versus privation with respect to material things, but guilty versus not guilty (or righteous) in relation to spiritual things
God-Fearing People (4:2)
Are you in the dark at this moment, dear brother, and are you, wondering at it because everybody else seems so lively in their religion? Dear sister, does it seem to you as if, though you have been a believer for years, you were never in a worse state than now, while others are rejoicing? Then ask yourself—Do you fear the Lord still? Is your soul humbled in the presence of his majesty, and have you a desire for his glory? Never despair; the Sun shall rise upon you soon.
The result of Christ’s coming, by his Spirit as well as by his personal advent, is always much the same. Should the Spirit of God visit this church with revival it will not have an equally beneficial effect upon all. To some the rising of this sun will bring healing and blessing, but to others it will bring scorching and withering.