Kingdom Kids with a Kingdom Cause

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I am grateful for the opportunity to be here this morning. It means we survived a week of camp in Lookout Mtn GA.
I was telling someone that the flow and the energy of this morning would be highly impacted by the week we’ve just had.
I know God always moves and works in these camp moments.
Theme - The Darkness and the Light
This led me to passages that taught on the light of the world - the gospel - Jesus.
Matthew 5:1-16 if you have a copy of God’s word.
Follow as I read this
We see God’s design for his people in this passage and in this section of scripture through chapter 7.
What we see in this is a definition of a Kingdom citizen (Kingdom kids) that in turn impacts the culture around them and even the world.
Just like every year and every event or conference we go to - we don’t want that to be the only breakthrough moments.
We are not a ministry that just wants to build good kids. We want to be a church that builds gospel focused Kingdom kids who take the gospel with them and share it as they go. Make disciples.
This isn’t just for students and a message for teens this morning - it’s for any follwer of Jesus.
you are here this morning and you’re a believer and true follower of Jesus and you’re breathing - he’s not done with you yet.
If you would be honest this morning and take some inventory of your heart - you may be ready to receive the good news of the gospel today.
But God has placed us on this earth for such a time as this to be agents of reconciliation and gospel hope to those in desperate need.
John Stott - in his commentary on the sermon on the mount found in Matthew 5-7 pointed out what he observed about young people in his day - 60’s/70’s
He noticed how the young people did not buy in to the cultural conformism or “status quo” of the day. They wanted something more. Something bigger than themselves.
He pointed out how this was a good thinG for the church because it meant they were open to truly hear the truths of scripture and the realities of God.
The church - us - the people of God - can help people see who they are and why they exist.
But he goes on to say...
“If today’s young people are looking for the right things (meaning, peace, love, reality), they are looking for them in the wrong places. The first place to which they should be able to turn is the one place which they normally ignore, namely the church. For too often what they see in the church is not counter-culture but conformism, not a new society which embodies their ideals but another version of the old society which they have renounced, not life but death. They would readily endorse today what Jesus said of a church in the first century:”You have the name of being alive, and you are dead” (Rev 3:1
Stott; The message of the sermon on the mount, pg 16
Does this statement ring true today?
What is your identity today? Where do you find your hope?
AS the body of believers that makes up FBC Chipley - are we showing a generation what it really looks like to follow Jesus?
As teenagers around us look for answers will they find them in your life and in the life and purpose of this body of believers?
Do our kids see Kingdom minded parents who are no longer walking according to the ways of this world?
Will we take inventory of our personal life today and the life of our church family and ask ourselves will we trust Jesus as the great King and ruler he is?
If you have Matthew 5 open please follow along as we read this passage and we ask the Lord to speak to our hearts. May we be willing to surrender and obey his truth.

Ready Matthew 5:1-16

First of all, we see that Kingdom kids have a...

1. Kingdom Identity

Verses 1-12 are the blessings experienced through Jesus. It’s an inside-out change.
Marks or character traits of what a Christian life should be.
To help us get a grasp on the context of this passage - this is NOT a formula to get a changed life and salvation from God.
Jesus describes the characteristics of a changed heart that had repented of sin and trusted in Jesus and the good news of the Kingdom he has been proclaiming.
He’s inaugurating the Kingdom of God on earth. He’s come to fulfill the law of God and accomplish the prophecy that’s pointed to him all along (Matthew 5:17).
This teaching section as recorded by Matthew is pointing to the realities of what happens and how someone views life as a new citizen of this new kingdom.
This is early in his ministry and he’s been preaching the message of repentance and turning to God. A new Kingdom is being established.
These attitudes and heart affections are marks of someone who has been changed by Jesus. Someone who has truly repented of sin and put their faith in the one who can save them and make them spiritually new and in a right relationship with God.
The sermon on the mount is to be understood as the OVERFLOW of a life that’s been radically changed by Jesus.
A life that reflects the righteousness of this new kingdom.
The Beatitudes are descriptions of a state of being, not a promise of blessing.
Mangum, D. (Ed.). (2020). Lexham Context Commentary: New Testament (Mt 5:3–12). Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.
It’s a picture - Bob Ross style - of a human life and human community when they come under the gracious rule of God.
Here are four areas these attitudes point out in someone who has trusted Jesus...
Beatitude means BLESSING. These are the fruit, the produce of a the root of our life being changed.
Attitude towards our self - helpless and in need “poor in spirit”
“We must be empty before we can be full” - Wiersbe
For some today - you have been trusting in your own abilities - looking to do good works and earn God’s favor when in reality you are in position to know God when you realize you can’t get to God on your own. You are poor spiritually and in need.
The gospel is “do more” but it is “it’s been done for you” in Jesus Christ and his sacrificial life for your sin.
This leads to the next attitude...
Attitude toward our sin - mourn/broken
Meek/submission to God
turn from sin and pursue righteousness
Followers of Jesus recognize when sin hinders our relationship with God - we are broken over or rebellion and disobedience.
Attitude towards our Savior and Lord
-mercy experienced will result in mercy displayed
pure in heart
He is at work in us - we experience joy and satisfaction when we let him live through us
Attitude toward lost souls/the world
living in his ways will bring persecution from those who don’t believe or understand these ways
we will be mocked and false things said about us
Attitude of the world is different - our life before Christ was opposed to the things of God and his kingdom. Sinful rebellion
This is a completely different way of living and mindset from the culture around them.
Pharisees were all about an outward perfection and activity and had no heart for God. They were playing a game. They had missed the truth.
Even despite this treatment and the diverging views - God calls us to be in this world but not participate in the activities of this world.
Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines on the New Testament (Chapter 5)
There is definite progression in these verses. They show how the person begins with his or her own sense of sin and finally becomes a child of God and the results that then follow. Note that these verses deal with attitudes—what we think in our hearts, our outlook on life.
Notice the inward focus Jesus points to. He’s concerned with the hearts of mankind.
THis is a contrast and in opposition to the religious leaders of that day who were all about the outward appearances and expression but had no heart change.
Jesus begins this sermon with a focus on the human heart. There must be a point of repentance and brokenness before a holy God.
Remember - even as we read these verses at the beginning of Matthew’s writing - the cross is always in view!
All of this heart change and renewal is possible because Jesus lived the life we could never live in complete love and obedience to God. He went to the cross to take on the wrath of God in the place of sinful humanity. And those who completely trust and surrender Jesus - truly believe - are made new and made right with God through Jesus.
1 Peter 1:18-19 reminds us that those who have put their faith in Jesus were redeemed from our EMPTY way of life, not with perishable things like silver or gold, but WITH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CHRIST. Like an unblemished and spotless lamb.
This is who you are in Christ - from empty life to everlasting life with King Jesus. Enjoy Jesus when we didn’t earn or deserve any of it.
Do you know your identity this morning?
We see that our identity in Christ and living under his rule will lead to us having a...

2. Kingdom Influence

With new attitudes and affections from a life changed by Jesus - he then says “YOU ARE” the salt and light.
I just want us to think about what this means right now.
JESUS SAYS WHO YOU ARE! Did you get that? This world doesn’t define you - your past doesn’t have to define you - he’s written your future for you!
Your Christian character isn’t defined or determined by what you can do - it’s about what Jesus has done for you in his life, death, burial and resurrection.
Could it be that Christians this morning are living unfulfilled lives because they aren’t listening to the one who gives them purpose? Not listening to his word and spending time with the King?
The good news this morning is that in order for you to be salt to this dying world - to be an agent of preservation through the gospel message - you keep looking to Jesus and pursue purity and holiness.
This world doesn’t understand and it won’t always be fun or popular - but our Master knows best.
He has a purpose for you.A follower of Jesus will look different than someone who is not in the family of God.
What we believe will determine how we behave.
Heart issue first and foremost.
As we are changed by the gospel - we continue to pursue righteousness that God uses to advance the gospel.


In the biblical world, salt was associated with life due to its uses as a preservative, a purifying agent, and a seasoning. Many of the symbols attached to salt reflect its practical uses. For example, because salt can delay the rotting or decaying process when rubbed into meat, it is a symbol of incorruptibility.
How do we get to be a part of this Kingdom agenda? Is it living out these attitudes so God will accept us?
Sharing the gospel and being salt that seasons with grace can mean that it’s going to STING.
God uses your life to share hope and healing with a world that is desperately in need.
Salt Properties:
Ever had salt in a wound?
Salt can be used to purify and help in cleansing a wound and healing.
Not fun or feel good - but it’s beneficial
Jesus is using a very familiar substance in that culture to illustrate this point.
Heart change leads to life change that leads to his followers joining the movement of stopping spiritual decay in this world.
The gospel is beautiful and simple in a sense but it’s also offensive in that it counters the culture we love. We love sin and self by nature and by choice and want what is opposite of God = we think it’s what’s best because we love control and want to be God.
Telling someone they need Jesus and are broken and lost in sin confronts them and it stings. But it’s necessary to show that they are not left in this hopelessness but they can find healing in Jesus.
We see what happens if we don’t keep our character in check, we are not usable.
Salt in these days was often mined/harvested? among other elements and the salt wouldn’t really have flavor due to the impurities. It was discarded.
I don’t want to be useless to the King and his Kingdom cause.
Not only does Jesus say you are salt as you live out these heart attitudes - you are also light of the world.


vs. 14-16
These two go hand in hand.
As we are being transformed into the image of Christ, we pursue purity and holiness. Our attitudes, actions, and affections change and this will lead to our outward expression of kingdom activity.
your assignment for this week is to read the rest of chapter 5-7 and see what kind of activity will point a spotlight on Jesus.
The light we display is the light of the gospel. We have the light = Jesus - the true light of the world - and we get to let him shine through us.
The beattitudes are nothing more than God transforming hearts and lives into the image of his son.
Light exposes the darkness.
We take the gospel to dark and hurting hearts. We love in a way and live in a way that is not familiar in this world and it’s bright. It’s pointing a spotlight on somethign greater - the gospel at work in this world.
Not only do we get to grow in our love for the Lord as we pursue him and trust him in our daily life, this also points others to him as well.
Our attitudes and actions push back the darkness. Spiritual warfare rages around us and we go with the good news of the gospel to the front lines.
The whole point of us having newly created hearts and belonging to God’s new kingdom he’s making - is that our life - the good works we can accomplish through His power = is that God would get the glory.
As we study this passage this morning and we read about what we can have through Jesus, we must remember that Jesus demonstrated and displayed all of these characteristics perfectly and fully.
The cross must remain in view as we read this.
He lived this way and would go on and face ultimate rejecting and suffering. But for the God given JOY that remained even during suffering - he endured the cross and despised the shame. Heb 12:2
He endured hostility from sinners like us and yet he died so that we could be forgiven and found in Him.
What great love!
Through his life, death, burial, and resurrection - we are able to put our faith and trust in Him and live as true Kingdom kids.
Jesus is the true salt and light and we - being found in him - get to also partake of this Kingdom mission.
There are two pictures of the Christian in closing: salt and the light. Salt speaks of inward character that influences a decaying world; light speaks of the outward testimony of good works that points to God. Our task is to keep our lives pure that we might “salt” this earth and hold back corruption so that the Gospel can get out. Our good works must accompany our dedicated lives as we let our lights shine.
Wiersbe, W. W. (1992). Wiersbe’s expository outlines on the New Testament (pp. 29–30). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
Jesus calls His disciples to be the “salt of the earth,” perhaps referring to salt’s preserving or flavoring properties (Matt 5:13; Mark 9:49–50; Luke 14:34–35).
II, R. G. R. (2016). Salt. In J. D. Barry, D. Bomar, D. R. Brown, R. Klippenstein, D. Mangum, C. Sinclair Wolcott, … W. Widder (Eds.), The Lexham Bible Dictionary. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.

What does this mean for us this morning?

Some of you are being called into a relationship with Jesus.
Can you know for certain today that you are a child of the King and a citizen of this heavenly kingdom?
The attitudes of your heart this morning are contrary to what Jesus says defines a follower of him. Would you be willing to admit your sinful condition that separates you from God?
Understand that if you trust in Jesus as your Lord and Savior he will save you and change you from the inside out.
JI Packer - “Once you become aware that the main business that you are here for is to know God, most of life’s problems fall into place of their own accord.”
For those who have been born again - it’s also good for us to take inventory of our character.
What an incredible reality that we get to be Kingdom kids - made new by Jesus - and a part of a Kingdom cause. Being salt and light in this world.
Are we being used to help purify and preserve those who need hope?
Are we living in such a way that we point a spotlight on the glory of God?
I recently tried to update a device I had with new software. I was unable to load it due to the device being full in capacity. I had to delete apps and other unused content in order to have room to upload the new software.
This morning - the Lord is wanting to consume you with his love and purpose but maybe you have too much other stuff in your heart and life.
What is it that you need to drop today? What do you need to confess to Him? Let him restore the joy of your salvation.
If you need to make your decision to follow Jesus public or you want to obey through baptism if you haven’t done that yet - you can respond today.
You may be ready to link arms with this body of believers and commit to serve and get connected in this faith family.
HOwever you need to respond today - would you obey the Lord as he leads.
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