Summer in the Psalms 2021 • Sermon • Submitted
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“You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.” I assume most people here believe in God, or a god, or higher power. My question to you is do you believe God. It is one thing to believe in God, but do you believe God? Because, God has spoken and continues to speak. God has spoken. God has spoken audibly, God has spoken through dreams and visions, he has spoken by the scriptures and God has spoken by His Son. And if you do believe in God, then it would do you well to believe Him when he speaks. And in all of the ways that God speaks to his creation, the most faithful witness is the scriptures because you can go to it at anytime. The scriptures have survived the test of time and only by supernatural superintendence are a reliable and faithful witness to the things God has done to maintain a relationship with his creation.
I hear you, I’ve been there, you think “the Bible can’t be trusted because its been passed down millennia and surely it has been corrupted along the way.” And I hear you and there is a case to be made, but what I know is that you can take the bible in your lap or phone, and compare it to the many of thousands of manuscripts and you will find the same stories, the same, message, words, and even the same punctuation. Why? Because even though human hands have handled the scriptures Jesus promised “For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.”
But, I hear you, I’ve been there, you think “the Bible can’t be trusted because of all the atrocities and evils that have been done with the weaponizing of this book. And how wars, and oppression, have come because of this book.” Well, what people do with the bible doesn't have any bearing on the bible itself. The word is always trustworthy, it seems that some folk can’t be trusted with the Bible.”
Acrostic, 22 sections corresponding to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
1. Direction
1. Direction
The author as been laboring in great detail about their love for God’s word and how important it is is. And in this section of “nun” we get this jewel. Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path. In other words what he is telling us is that God’s word gives him direction in a dark world. God’s word is that which illuminates our way. And we often need direction. We find ourselves in life not knowing which way to turn and go and how to make decisions on this or that, so we turn to our family for advise, or our friends for advise then get upset when our friends and family’s advise doesn’t work. Well, church did you consult God’s word? (Preach)
Lamps only work if they are in front of you all the time.
Not just direction for decisions, but moral and ethical judgments. (v.106)
2. Vitality
2. Vitality
But, the word of God is not just a book of commands that instruct us how to live and consequences if we don’t abide. No the scriptures are more than basic instructions before leaving earth. The word of give gives life and restores life back to us. The writer pours out their heart to God by telling God about their affliction. What ever is going on in their life they don’t like it. But, they place their hope in God to revive them according to the promises that God has made in-scripture.
Now there is a good place to point out that God by His word does not keep one from affliction, but it will sustain you through affliction. The Jesus said in his word, “In this life yo will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” The implication is that God 1)allows His people to come to him with their problems, but als 2) God has so arranged it that we can bring his word to him and say, “you said...”
One thing I have learned as a father and during my time in youth ministry is that children remember when you make a promise. And, if you are to stay in the good graces of the child you better keep the promise. When you don’t or if they think the you have forgot, they will remind you with at sublet and gentle, “remember when you said” or stern “you said that...” And when they call you on the promise “you said...” if you have any integrity at all you will keep that promise to the best of your ability otherwise, they will remember that you can’t be trusted, or that you lied when you made the promise in the first place.
Well, I’m so glad to day that “God is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should repent.” But he keeps his word and every now and again I submit to you today that when you are afflicted and can’ find your way take your problem to the lord and and say, “you said..” (Run)
3. Safety (v.109-112)
3. Safety (v.109-112)
The writer then acknowledges their danger, and the danger of taking matter into their hand. And your life in your hand, is dangerous. But they say “Yet, I don’ not forget your Law” Yet? even-though.
“The wicked have set a trap for me, Yet I have not wandered from Your Precepts.” And here again the author is telling us that God’s precepts are a means of navigation the enemies traps for you.
Snares are traps that have two defining characteristics that make them effective. They can’t be seen, and they use bait. The trapper will use the right bait to lure the creature and because the creature isn’t looking for the trap but at the bait, they fall for the trap.
But if you stay on the path that God has laid out in His word you won’t fall for trap. Satan is an old dog and old dogs don’t learn new tricks. “uh-huh the ol snare trick eh” You will recognize that the temptation does not fit with God’s word, and the direction you should God. (Run)
But I read somewhere…He came down through 42 generations, born of a virgin to the house of David, ate and drank with sinners, but didn’t sin, I read he healed the sick, fed the hungry, and raised the dead, I read he rebuked the leaders, exposed politicians, and cleaned the temple…I read the arrested him for no reason, gave him a fixed trial in a justice system he couldn’t win against, I read they whipped him, beat him, spit on him, and then the sentenced him to death…I read..somewhere he carried a sinners cross…the put nails in his hands, crown of thorns in his hands, and the hanged him up for all to see and look upon for entertainment and ridicule. I read he died…and he did die..I read he was dead a on Friday…I read he was dead all day Saturday…I wan’ted to stop reading…because it was just too much…but I kept on… and I read in that he God up on the third day! And that hes coming back to clear his name. and that name..I read His name is Jesus! Light the way Jesus!