MIdWeek Message
Twice in chapter 1, Peter uses the term, the true knowledge. It stands to reason that there is a true knowledge that if there is there must also be a counterfeit knowledge. This false knowledge is perpetuated and Perpetrated and perpetuated by false prophets and teachers of yesterday. And today it is the purpose of this lesson to convince the here is to a boy, false, or Counterfeit knowledge. Cuz true knowledge is corrupted. At the hands of false prophets.
Text reads with false prophets also Road just as there will be also be false prophets among you who was secretly. Introduce destructive even denying the master, who brought them bringing Swift destruction upon themselves.
And many will follow this issue, sexuality and because of them, the way of truth will be blind. And in their greed, they will exploit you with false words that judgment from long ago is not idle. And their destruction is not sleep. We'll talk about
beware of false prophets.
we know for sure for certain right from the start that Peters, He is a primary source, he James job, and then the other disciples there with this account, Peter making mention of the experience that he had with Jesus on Mount Transfiguration. God. The Father voice was born to him by the Majestic Glory. This is my beloved Son in whom I am. Well pleased figure says that's this is not something that I've experienced crew.
Look at this from the standpoint that true knowledge. Does not come from false prophets. and sold the lesson teachers today to avoid counterfeit.
Construe contrasts true knowledge, comes from many sources and is also dangerous and deceptive counterfeit knowledge. It is the kind of knowledge that is puffed, up and calls as Christians to think more highly of themselves than they ought to think. God's poor in spirit plan destroys the wisdom of the worldly wise and frustrates telligence of the intelligent according to 1st Corinthians.
1 + 19.
Call warned against knowledge falsely called identifying profane.
Fables fables and 1st Timothy 4 and 7, which he said, opposed Ghazi a worldly. Most Insidious of these treacherous Notions. Reside in The evolutionary. Felt something came from nothing and that life came from none life religionist takes the one religion is just as good. As another theory that the end justifies, the means False knowledge, psychologists false ideal that the environment, not the individual controls one. This one's behavior and social do gooders with their concept biology knowledge today. Such worldly attitudes occurs children think because they are, they have reached me go. They can now do their own will and disobey their parents, but God Says, by doing so, they make their Dolly, this emir. 2nd Timothy 3 and 2 having a form of godliness and themselves. They make Center's teams with such only knowledge everywhere. You look, we are being bombarded by false knowledge. There's nothing to keep a Christian from being a legitimate be respected, even lauded artist musician scientist or businessman, but The danger of falling in love with the product of the Mind. His Brilliance and his own abilities about are as about as blinding as the love of money and all that works in a similar way. The armories desire. To reach the Zenith of one's fuel. Can gradually Roar one away from a commitment to God. Without being where is easy to get sold in Auburn with Contribution. One is making to his or her field of knowledge. They forget where the ability to reason and to contribute knowledge came from in the first place. Call all-encompassing.
The highly educated. Apostle Paul studiously rejected any honors such as achieved since might have earned him. Counting them as Ross, County them as rubbish and describe acknowledged as falsely so-called while Solomon declared. And I give, and I gave my heart to seek and The Surge out by wisdom, concerning all things that are done under Heaven. I have seen all the works that I've done under the sun and behold all is Vanity and vexation of spirit. .. Some young people entertained is to improve the world. Or the church by making some new discovery. Such ambition may be commendable when built on a solid foundation of real knowledge and the desire to serve others rather than to make a name for yourself. But they can be dangerous when attempting to buy novices Ecclesiastes, describes a good foundation by saying the days of our turn toward God. So that made her learning will not be so likely to turn him away from the true pleasures of God to Temporary pleasures of sin. I might as well say this tonight to that the academic world of our Day offers another example of a solid foundation. It requires a college entry into a master's program at a master's degree with a feces or equivalent written on the super committee. Which then test the candidate successful performance at the level at this level prepares one for doctoral program, everything before everything. Before the doctoral dissertation, is preparation of the stoop. Nothing before. The dissertation is worthy of consideration as a contribution to learn There can be no shortcut in acquiring the necessary Foundation. Well, the Indian spiritual matters, a comparable amount of preparation under experienced oversight Elders. Old preachers, scholarly writers about mother or grandmother will burst in scripture before a novice learned enough and humble enough to consider offering some of his humility, is a necessary ingredient. In the person who's flirting with Call Murphy part of the spiritual Learners preparation could well be to memorize good understanding of adolescence Solomon. Showed in that book, how much more qualified he was wisdom and resources than anyone else is ever likely to be. He said that, as king of Israel said, his mind to see and explore by wisdom concerning all that has been under Heaven, he concluded that there was nothing new Under the vanity, Grace and peace will be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and the Jesus Christ. Seeing that his divine power has granted to us the true knowledge of him by his own glory and excellence.
Wisdom for Godly wisdom. Last forever. So we are in pursuit of true knowledge and the need to be careful because true knowledge does not come from false prophet. Listen to work. Scovilles is a union of the Soul with God. I do not know how the nature of religion can be more stress. Then by calling it, we have been mean partakers of the divine nature. Therefore, you are a recipient of a Divine Life. Have. The Divine Life. Look at the text again with me.
He does not say false prophets the way they introduced introduced and, and, and and, and, and find the unsuspecting the week and they introduced.
Listen to what the text says. They they they they did not even there make their own Bakery. In other words they did by Christ that would in fact make them Antichrist whatever one denies Christ, they become Antichrist. Look at these. They promote Sexuality. Reality is King James version as the word licentiousness.
Simply means.
Is lack of self-restraint, which involves one in conduct.
That violates all biomes. What is socially acceptable? Or it is sofabaton? Yes, yes. So she says they promote Sensual reality. Do you know the B diag talks about the exposure of these teachers of Says that Satan is counterfeit with their Insidious activities are always present. They appeared in Israel during the days of the writing process and they spoke of it.
in the Old Testament they were they will present a false prophets 8 counter fits with present also
Call auto switch from writing about false prophets of the past. Tube false teachers in the present that teaching was the same. What is that? Kira see. False prophets, often rolls out of Israel. According to Jeremiah 5:31 and then to 15 North from surrounding properties.
Not from surrounding people's. But how do you spell appear in the midst of the church? They are destructive.
Yeah. Yeah, they secretly in alongside they have infiltrated with translate translates. The related down here, seeds, translate literates, the Greek word. Harris's, which In classical Greek? Simply meant schools of philosophy Testament. Writers used to describe religious parties such as that shoots, a probably based on false Doctrine differences. Factions. Are they lead. People away from Christ and us to spiritual ruin. The focus of these. He receives. This. Was The Sovereign Lord. Christ. Whom they did not. This in turn led to their own spiritual destruction or Roar. Which will be Swift. How can these false teachers who was said to be among people and whom the Lord had brought end up and everlasting destruction? Here are several suggestions that have been off. They were saved but lost their self. But this contradicts many others.
Second reason, is bulk means that the Lord created them, not that he save them a Grocery Store. Redeem.
False prophets. Merely said that they were bought by Christ. This however, scene to read into the verse in the sense that Christ paid the Redemptive price for the Salvation. Christ's death is sufficient for all, but he is efficient. But he is efficient only to those who believe. I think, I need to say that one more time, Christ's death is sufficient for all. But he is, he Fishing Unlimited, The View that Christ died for everyone and against Limited.
The View that Christ died, Only For Those whom he would later say So we have two views here. Limited atonement unlimited talk.
Looking for birds to notice the tragic fact about many false teacher, is that they are successful. People listen to them, and follow them, and their shameful waves. Also, use of this word, shameful waves, 2nd, Peter 2 and 7/8 uses the word. Filthy
Also refers to as a sexual immoral practices charlatans and quacks have often troubled, the flock of God and that greed. They use others for their own mercenary purposes and turn the church into a 30 Marketplace. They exploit It means that they commercialize sell trade. Carry on business.
Stories, they have made up. With stories made up false knowledge that you will literally of fabricated words.
Word is Plasti soul.
Where we get two words in English plastic.
They are. Other words are artificial not genuine there in is condemnation and destruction which is used to win one. And also in 3 and 16 in the fall in the same God as 10-4 other plan for other violet.
Stated in. Peter 4:6 vs16 Destruction has not been sleeping. No, no, no, no text says that the consequences of their campaign is there Swift. Destruction, destruction, Comes back and says that their Destruction has not been sleeping. Is this word a one other time in the New Testament? What this word is used to describe virgins and Matthew 25. Five God's justice does not. It is never late.
Jesus warns us of false prophets and then Peter turns around and does the same thing warns us of false prophets and so I'm doing the same thing tonight. My brothers and sisters, true knowledge is corrupted by false prophets.
Here, we find another. Saying from Charles Finney American clerk. If you are not growing in Grace becoming more and more wholly, healed yourself to the gospel, you are deceiving yourselves, let that will sit and ruminate for a minute. If you're not growing in Grace, you turn yourself up to the influence of gospel. You are deceiving yourself. Well, bless your hearts tonight. Thank you for spending this time with me and I pray that God will give you Grace a man that you will begin to grow more and more in Grace. Hallelujah, at that God's word will become precious to your heart. In Jesus name, amen.