Grafted Into One Body
People are Separated Branches
People are Separated Branches
Throughout my life, I have experienced many times when I have felt separated from the joy that I experience knowing I am alive in Christ. Being cast outside of a group of people because of external characteristics is something no one wants to experience.
Friends of mine have experienced separation as well. Many times, it has been due to the prejudices people have of them based on their beliefs, where they moved from, how they talk look or behave.
I am subjected to others who attempt to cause division by trying to get me to join in maintaining separation by external characteristics.
If I fall into the worldly nature of maintaining separateness based on how I look compared to others, I am leading myself away from the body of Christ. I would be part of that which causes destruction and will have hardened my heart against the peacemaking blood of Christ.
Division Causes Destruction
Division Causes Destruction
We have witnessed within our recent history and within the history of this country many divisions based on external characteristics. Whether it is the color of someone’s skin or how they practice their beliefs, people have been divided into different groups.
If we are to understand that being separated from the source of life is what destroys life itself, then we should be working to heal the entire body.
We must recognize that Jesus’ blood was shed for all those who are lost.
There are differences being put out into many churches today which continue the advancement of division instead of healing.
There is nothing new under the sun and when we are confronted with dividing tactics, we must recognize they are the work of the enemy and not of Christ.
Jesus’ Blood Heals What is Broken
Jesus’ Blood Heals What is Broken
Only through the blood of Jesus Christ are we unified together in spirit and life. However, those who know Jesus are not to act in a manner that places them above others. On the contrary, those who are understanding they were once separated and dying are to work to bring all who are separated and dying into the family.
Therefore remember that formerly you, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called “Uncircumcision” by the so-called “Circumcision,” which is performed in the flesh by human hands—
Hamilton expresses the difference between those who were externally cut in the flesh and those who were not. Racism in the form of religious oppression was occuring during the time of the apostles.
People have always looked for ways to divide and conquer one another instead of healing wounds.
remember that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.
Paul expresses that people place their perspective in the times when they were being oppressed by those who knew God. While God had given a prior covenant of circumcision in the flesh it was to remind the people they were also to have been cut in their heart.
Our hearts are wicked and yearn for lifting ourselves above others. That is the only true reason for division and separation in the world. We are all separated from the lifeblood of God given in His son, Jesus Christ.
Jeremiah 31:31 declares to those who held the old covenant there would be a new covenant coming.
But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
Why was Christ far off from the Ephesians? If they were not brought the saving message of God by those who knew God, how were the people of Ephesus going to change their minds?
How is Christ far off from those who are separated now? Do we not approach those who need Christ as the Ephesians did because we are not cut in our heart?
For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall,
During the crucifixion, when Christ declared “Tetelestai” or It is Finished! John 19:30. Only the work of Jesus tears down the dividing walls between the races, between the religious groups and heals those wounds.
The dividing wall both physically and spiritually was torn at the death of Christ. We are reminded that the veil between the temple and the holy of holies was torn providing the pathway for all to God through Christ.
“And you, son of man, take for yourself one stick and write on it, ‘For Judah and for the sons of Israel, his companions’; then take another stick and write on it, ‘For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim and all the house of Israel, his companions.’
“Then join them for yourself one to another into one stick, that they may become one in your hand.
God has always desired to abolish the walls that we build ourselves. He is the one who comes in and tears down what man has built for himself. The prophecy given to Ezekiel was completed in Christ.
We must take that information today and learn it for ourselves.
Voddie Bauchum mentions in his book, Fault Lines that while the Critical Race Theory and social justice movements continue to divide churches, families and the world, God’s church will never fail because God is the one who is eternal.
Voddie T. Bauchum Jr. Fault Lines, (Salem Books, 2021) Retrieved from Kindle edition July 31, 2021.
by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace,
and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity.
Following only the law through ordinances, rules, and the works capable of man has been put to death. Only through Jesus Christ, our faith in him given as the gift of God by God’s grace are we to recognize that peace is attainable.
Hamilton ensures that those who are reconciled to Christ must understand the body of Christ is represented by the church.
Unifying grace should be represented by the church today. However, there are many within the church who continue to profess themselves above others, alienating those who are left to die separated from God.
So, what does a cut heart look like?
Jesus is the Root of the Entire Tree
Jesus is the Root of the Entire Tree
Paul expresses his desire for the Gentiles in Ephesus to understand that Jesus is the messiah whose blood is the only one healing the division in the world.
When we do not master our sin, it gives birth to death.
If our desires are to remain separated and divided from the rest of the world, then we are no longer attached to Jesus but working to separate others causing death and destruction.
Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.
If our belief is that because we know who Jesus is without having a changed heart, we are still separated from the lifeblood of Christ which enables peace to be established in the world.
Your Love For Others Must Extend to All
Your Love For Others Must Extend to All
Imagine for yourselves guards to the gates of the church preventing people from entering based on their outside characteristics.
Anything produced by man, caused by man, and lifted up by man is temporal. It will wither away. However, the lifeblood of the world rests in Christ and those who stand guard over the gates are to work to ensure that all who approach are whole in body, mind, and spirit.
The only way to ensure this occurs is to tell others of the good news that Christ died for all.
What Does a Whole Body Resemble?
What Does a Whole Body Resemble?
God is the gardener taking the various branches and grafting them into the body of Christ. We are caretakers of the garden as well but working alongside God through the Holy Spirit to reconcile the world to God.
Imagine yourselves as an apple farmer grafting various apple varieties onto one tree. In the process of grafting, branches are cut and interlaced together. The lifeblood of the tree flows through the tree to the grafted branch, giving it the life needed to sustain it.
Once the branch is healthy and capable of producing fruit, it does so.
However, the fruit produced does not yield exactly the same fruit as the rest of the grafted branches. While it is an apple, it could have a different look, a different taste, a different texture. Yet, it is supported by the life given to it by the tree it was grafted into.
Paul Barnett has continually worked on grafting over 250 varieties of apples onto one tree. This hard work and dedication did not happen overnight. For over 20 years, Paul and his family have worked to maintain the many varieties of apples in his orchard.
Paul says he comes from a line of horticulturists who enjoy their work.
Grab your Grafting Tools
Grab your Grafting Tools
Ask God this week where your heart needs to be cut in order to graft in another body to the body of Christ. God is the master gardener who sends forth His people to care for His garden. This was our original intention to be caretakers of the garden (Gen. 2:15).
(Matt. 9:35-38) Jesus proclaimed the harvest is plentiful but not many people pick up their tools to help out.
Two branches intertwined will take awhile to grow into a fruit producing branch. Within the body of Christ when we go out into the world we must recognize that there will be time needed for the healing of the wounds produced by cutting off so many people from the lifeblood of Christ.
We must as a church be united in Christ so that His blood runs through our veins into those we are holding onto. Only by His blood are we grafted into a fruit producing the peace the world will see.