The Wicked Will Get Punished
“Hand to/for hand”
(taʿam). Taste, discretion, judgment, discernment, decree. (ASV and RSV translate “behavior” in I Sam 21:13 [H 14] and in Ps 34 superscription, the ASV translates “reason” in Prov 26:16 and “understanding” in Job 12:20.)
Though the derivative noun is employed to convey the more basic idea of “flavor” (Ex 16:31; Num 11:8), its predominant usage is to denote “discretion” and “discernment.” Good “judgment” comes only from God’s commandments (Ps 119:66) and is in the sovereign control of God (Job 12:20). A woman with discretion is praised (I Sam 25:33), while a woman without godly discernment is like a pig with a gold ring in its snout (Prov 11:22).
A variant meaning of this noun is discovered when David changes his “conduct” and acts like a madman before Achish (I Sam 21:13 [H 14]). David made a decision to act differently when he appraised the need of the situation. He changed his “discretion” or “behavior.” Another variant meaning is “decree.” This occurs when a judgment has been made and then formalized (Jon 3:7). The Aramaic influence of ṭĕʿēm may have affected this usage by the Assyrian king.