Running Order
Abortion and the Law
SOME Facts
PRO-LIFE because-
It is precious a gift from God and not to be wasted.
OHP Life issues
OHP “An unborn child”
OHP “When does life begin”?
A foetus despite the word games is a child.
A matter of perspective.
OHP Abortion and the Bible
OHP “Oklahoma”
Every child has a right to live, handicap should not be a death sentence. Ask any handicapped person!
There is a conspiracy of silence over the medical and psychological effects of abortion.
Deal with 5 arguments in favour.
OHP Post abortion syndrome
OHP Complications of pregnancy
OHP “Chlamydia”
OHP Subsequent problems
OHP Psychiatric problems
The Father has no rights in Law over the question of abortion.
He does not even have to be informed.
He has unlimited liability for the maintenance of the child.
The myth of overpopulation.
The dangers facing us.
Demographic imbalance
Racial imbalance.