Colossians One 1-20

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BackgroundA. Colosse - a city of southwestern Phrygia in Asia Minor - AsiaB.. Written - by the Apostle Paul while he was a Prisoner Probably in Rome during his first imprisonment there (Acts 23:30, 31) though some believe that it was written from Caesarea (Acts 23:35, 24:27)
VERSE 1 Paul
A. little or small (Gr. Paulus) B. Apostle to gentilesC. Jewish name was Saul (Heb. Shaul, Gr. Saulos) o called in Acts until after the account of the              conversion of Sergius Paulus at which time the name Paul alone is given.
ApostleA. One sent forthB. Used of Christ to describe his relation to God (Heb. 3:1, see John 17:3)C. The twelve disciples chosen by the Lord for special training were so called (Luke 6:13; 9:10) D. Paul received a direct commission from the Lord E. Paul wasn't qualified to for a Place among the other 11 Apostles according to Acts 1:22F. The word has also a wider reference.
1. Used of Barnabas as well as Paul (Acts 14:4, 14) 2.  Used of Andronicus and Junias (Romans 16:7)3. Two unnamed brethren are called apostles of the churches (II Cor. 8:23)4. Epaphroditus is referred to as 'your apostle' Phil. 2:25)5. Used of Paul, Silas and Timothy, to define their relation to Christ (I Thess. 2:6)
JesusA. Transliteration of the Heb. "Joshua" meaning 'Jehovah is salvation' i.e. 'is the Savior', a common name among the Jews, e.g. Exodus 17:9 Luke 3:29 "Jose"B. This is his Personal name, given in obedience to the command of an angel to Joseph, the husband of his Mother, Mary, shortly before he was born, Matt. 1:21


ChristA. anointed, translated form Heb. 'Messiah'B. A term applied to the priests who were anointed with holy oil, particularly the High Priest, e.g. Leviticus 4:3, 5, and 16.
Will of GodA. That which is willed of the will of God, e.g. Matthew 18:14, Mark 3:35B. The fulfilling being a sign of spiritual relationship to theLord; John 4:34C. The will of God, the good and perfect and acceptable.
A..  Companion and assistant of Paul (Acts 16:1) resident of Lystra, Mother a Jewess and Father a GreekBrotherA. Persons united by a common calling Revelation 22:9
VERSE 2 Saints
A. To separate (among the Greeks, dedicated to the Gods
and so in scripture in its moral and spiritual significance, separated from sin and therefore consecrated to God, sacred.B. Same Greek word for Holy (Hagios)
GraceA. A favor bestowed freely with no expectation of return, finding its only motive in the generosity and free heartedness of the giver.B. The writer desires grace (favor) from God to the readers
PeaceA. An undisturbed untroubled state of well being B. A fruit of Spirit.

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VERSE 3PrayingA. Always prayer to God B. Through Christ Jesus
Thanksgiving should be an attribute of every believer 
VERSE 4 FaithA. Primarily firm persuasion, a conviction based upon hearingB. Always of faith in God or Christ or things spiritual
LoveA. High form of loveB. To place a high enough value on someone that you would die for them. 
VERSE 5                                                                                                                                          HopeA. favorable and confident expectationB. It has to do with the unseen and the future (Romans 8:24, 25)  C. “Hope” describes… l. The happy anticipation of good Titus 1:2 I Peter 1:21 2. The ground upon which hope is based(a) Acts 16:19 when the masters of the damsel saw that the demon was cast off of her they
knew that the hope of their gains wasgone, because their hope was based on the demon(b) Col. 1:2 7 Christ in us is the hope of our glory, without Christ there is no hope at all.3. The object upon which the hope is fixed. (a) I Timothy 1:1 Christ
LaidA. Laid away - to put in store out of the reach of all enemies.
Ye heard beforeA. Hear me one more, though you have heard me say the same before.


The word of the truth of the GospelA. the truth is the contents of the word, and the Gospel defines the character of the truth.(1) Trutha. used subjectively, not merely verbal, but sincerity and integrity of character with in(2) Gospel = Greek word Evangelion Originally denoted a reward for good
tidings; later, the idea of reward dropped, and the word stood for the Good News itself.
b. In the New Testament it denotes the good tidings of the Kingdom of God and salvation through Christ, to be received by faith, on the basis ofhis expiatory (atoning) death, his burial, resurrection and ascension.
Idea of verseA. au s prayer for the Colossians for the hope, with is laid up for them in heaven.
VERSE 6Which
A. is come unto you the gospel of the truth(1) the good news of Christ's death, burial,and resurrection; and ascension and salvation by grace through faith on the basis of his atoning death.
13. As it is in all the world (2) Worlda. Orderly arrangement b. Refers to three things c. Earth Col 1:6, Universe Eph Satanic system John 1:10
C. And bringeth forth fruit(1) The truth of the gospel (2) in all the  world
(3) fruit - that which is produced by the inherent energy of a living organism(4) the Holy Spirit produces the fruit Gal 5:22&23


VERSE 9 PrayA. to offer petitions, to ask for something to be done.
DesireA. Prayer - to ask for something to be given(1) desire - first request to have full knowledge
Knowledge = experimental knowledge, here knowledge is epignosis = full knowledge or knowledge upon knowledge.
wisdom = to see clearly
understanding = the insight or intelligence which discriminates between true and false
spiritual = wisdom through the Spirit
VERSE 10Second request - that they might walk worthy of the Lord
walk = to order ones behavior to or to conduct-oneself
worthy = having the weight or weighing as much as another
VERSE 11Strengthened = an inherent power which enables a person to do something
glorious power = God's power
Patience = an endurance shows under trials, difficulties or hardships
Longsuffering = describes patience in length of time, a prolonging of patience to end of all trials.

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VERSE 12Thanks  as in verse 3 to express gratitudegiving thanks is a commandment I Thessalonians 5:18
meet = qualified, or sufficient inheritance of the saints of life
inheritance = a portion of the lot we are joint heirs of Christ (Hebrews 9:16, Christ the testor)
VERSE 13power of darkness- refers to Satanpower or authority used to oppress - arbitrary power of tyranny used this power in an oppressive way - also very limited power
Colossians had been delivered from this power
Darkness = blindness, hatred, or misery refers to
Uses of thr word Darkness in the Bible
1. used to denote the absence of light Gen 1:23 Job 34:22 2.used to denote the mysterious Exodus 20:21, Matthew 10:27 denote ignorance especially concerning things of God John 12:354. to denote evil John 8:12 Romans 13:125. as a sign of the Lords return Matthew 24:296. The place of eternal punishment I Peter 2:4-17 Jude 6 & 7 describes spiritual blindness7.John 1:5 I John 1:5 Isaiah 9:2 Eph 5:8 Col. 1:13
translated = to move from on place to another
kingdom = rule or realm
kingdom of God and of Heaven are interchangable Heaven Matthew 5:19, 13:11Luke 7:28 used Kingdom of God
VERSE 14redemption = a releasing affected by the payment of a ransom


** VERSE 15
Seven amplifications of Jesus Christ
(1) The image of the invisible God 1:15a. image = a mark or figure burned on a thing to make a precise reproduction in every aspect. Jesus Christ exact reproductionof God Gen 1:7 John 14:9 John 1:14, 18
b. invisible
(2) The firstborn of every creature 1:15a. first begotten = Jesus Christ has priority over all creation, and sovereignty over all creation Revelation 3:14Vs 16 -(3) All things created by him and for him 1:16a. all things - everything except himself John 5:26 visible and invisible essence - that whichmakes up something Heaven and earth locality
b. A stately seat emphasizing powerdominion = government emphasizing authority or controlprincipality = chain of command power = high position bolder created = something from nothing
(4) He is before all things - referring to time, preexistence Vs 17 -(5) by him all things consista. through him all things are held together, such as the atom.Vs 18 -(6) head - sovereignty, the guiding factor or center of
unityChruch = local organized assembly of called out baptized believers in Christ beginning - Christ in his preexistence
Vs 19
(7) fullness - complete - all of the divine attributes and power dwell to be at home permanently.Then e things have always been there, they weren't added.


VERSE 20peace = to harmonize or fit together.peace = siopao, used Matt. 20:31 = Mutinous phimo, used Luke 4:35 = to muzzle hesuchazo, used Luke 14:4 = to refrain sigao, used Acts 12:17 = to keep silent eirene, used Col. 1:2 = to join together eirenopeieo, Col. 1:20 to harmonize
reconcile = to change back, to restore to a primal unity, needed because of the fall ofman and the fact that we are sinners, because of this we had to be reconciled in order to have fellowship with God. This was done by the expiatory (atoning) death of Christ.
VERSE 21alienated = alien, one belonging to another (example is an American in Germany) we had been separated from God by sin. enemies = to hate or to be hostile, when we were lost God was our enemy and we hated him. Believers cannot love the world and God. James 4:4; 1 John 2:15mind = imaginationwicked = evil, a malignant evil, nothing good is manifested in the flesh. (always bad) 1 John 2:13,14
VERSE 2.2resent = to put beside; to offer or to bring before. holy = separation from worldly defilement. unblameable = without blemish, o.k. no defect unreprovable = irreproachable unsaved.

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