Robin Hood* needs a series
The Lord is good and his mercy endureth forever. Grace be multiplied unto you in accordance with God’s faithfulness to do just that. I am happy to stand here this morning in one way because I love seeing all of you but I have a hard word to deliver this morning. I come to do some work. Amen. So to all of you in your respective places, honor and accolades to each of you but lets get right to the word.
Give Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 5:8-18 & Matthew 25:31-46
Give Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 5:8-18 & Matthew 25:31-46
Read: Ecclesiastes 5:8-18
Read: Ecclesiastes 5:8-18
Read: Matthew 25:31-46
Read: Matthew 25:31-46
Give Subject: Robin Hood
Give Subject: Robin Hood
the story of robin hood comes from.
It was written by
in the year
It was written as a social commentary of the time to speak of the need for income redistribution.
In Europe at the time wealth inequality was at an all-time high.
Don’t let me lose you. I don’t want anybody to forget yall hired me with my political background. Now don’t worry I won’t get partisan on you today because truthfully, you got problems with an in both parties. But I want us to see this for a second.
Now we see in the United States wealth inequality is at an all time high.
Quote changes to minium wage.
Calculate changes to CEO pay
Talk about reduction in benefitted jobs despite increases in percentage of educated population, increases in size of population, and overall increase in number of people seeking employment.
So we see here that the story Robin Hood despite being written so many years ago is still relevant today.
It was written to speak of the need to redistirbute wealth to be more inclusive. For example, Jeff Bezos is rich enough that he could spare a few Billion and still be one of the richest people ever to live in confirmed and recorded history. Then to say you worked for it is ridiculous no x numbe of Amazon employees worked for it while you profited off of their productivity to a staggering degree.
But lets be clear about this. Im not just talking about billionaire CEOs because they are Few and far between. Lets talk about these big-time pastors.
How can you ask your members for a private jet and you have members who can barely afford the bus. Let me be clear its not all of them because some of these pastors diversify their portfolio, they invest, and they give back into their church and community. But some of these preachers are ridiculous… Ill raise your money for a private jet when you pay my lightbill without me having to attend a worship service and making a commitment to serve the kitchen ministry for two months.
We have to get back in the business of helping people without conditions. Let them make their own choices.