By Christ's Strength

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The Lord said “Noble.”
I said “Noble?”
The Lord said “Noble”
Cornerstone - God sent me to follow in the footsteps of others before me. That is a challenging task
1 - I appreciate those who have tolerated me and my efforts
2 - I sincerely thank those who have welcomed us as part of the Cornerstone family

Philosophy of Ministry

Best thing I can say about a pastor under which I grew spiritually
Every time I went to him for a life answers, I was pointed to Scriptures
If there is an impact I can have here, at this church, and in this community it would be this
That we learn to be pointed to God’s Word for answers to everything life, this world, throws at us

Psalm 107:1 - Orig. Bulletin

Psalm 107:1 NASB95
Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
Never forget, God is GOOD - He defines GOOD
His mercy is forever - believers not getting what they deserve
From the very beginning, God and His creation - good, very good.
Mankind messed that up - thus…MERCY
Remember that - God said Himself, so many times through His Word, He is good, merciful, compassionate, full of mercy
So that no matter what was going on with His people, those who had surrendered themselves to follow Him - they would remember His goodness, knowing that there was always more and more of God’s goodness to come

Philippians 4:13 - a favorite of many here

And a great verse to lean on as we, Cornerstone, look ahead
Philippians 4:13 NASB95
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
Caveat - NOT “I can win a sporting event through Christ...”
or “I can land that cush job through Christ...”
or even “I can beat this illness...”
This is not a promise for prosperity, health, wealth, family unity, job security, retirement ease...
Paul has endured much in life, good times, hard times, rough times, easy times, times of plenty, times of being in want, great times, stinky times
And all along the way - he maintained his trust in the Lord, he continued leaning hard on the Lord, because he knew it takes the strength of Christ to get through life, and to get through it as a surrendered disciple and follower of Christ.
Remembering good times, rough times, times of plenty, times of need, times of stress, times of ease
2020 - Covid? Say no more
Opponents existed then, as now
Good times - enemy tempts you to think that you are the reason for the goodness
Rough times - enemy tempts you to think that God is no longer faithful, or that you are too serious about the Lord
Psalm 147:10 NASB95
He does not delight in the strength of the horse; He does not take pleasure in the legs of a man.
God is the one who provided then and who provides now
God is the one who delivered then, as He does now
God is the one who saved, and He is still seeking to save more and more - He is still patient and merciful
God was on the throne then, He was on the throne in August 1991, and He is on the throne now
He’ll be there tomorrow, too!
Paul stressed the Gospel then, as we do now - we’d better!
He had much to be proud about then
We have much to be proud about, I mean, look at us, doing pretty well
Paul boasted in Christ - SO DO WE!

A key for the future here

This church’s future and health:
If it depended on you, parents, grandparents, how will it do? 5 years, 10 years, 20 years?
How important is the future of this church to you?
How important is the future of this church to God?
If He came to assess us, to give us a performance review, how would he rate us?
Where would He stress us to improve, grow?
Where would He commend us, encourage us to keep on keepin’ on?
Where would He see us strong, weak?
Bible times - teachers started when they were 30. CCC is 30
We need to hit our stride - run this race like it’s actually important - It IS to the Lord!
We can do all things that Christ expects us to do, because He is the one Who gives us the strength to do it.
Philippians 4:13 NASB95
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
Often quoted as a promise for what we can do because of Christi’s strength.
Actually - it is a pillar of HOPE
Based on what God has ALREADY done
Be honest, look at the past, and see how God’s strength has already provided
It should be a source of hope for what lies ahead
No matter what the world throws at you, at us…we know God is faithful, and we know that true believers will be able to endure, because Christ is stronger than this world, and believers no longer belong to this world.
John 16:33 NASB95
“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”


Psalm 107:1 NASB95
Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
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