Salvation By Grace
What Does Grace Mean?
The Word Grace Means…
The Grace Only Doctrine
It Is Not A New Doctrine.
The Bible & Grace Only.
Saved By Grace
Being Saved By Grace Doesn’t Mean…
What the doctrine of the perseverance of true believers does mean is this: those who have true faith can lose that faith neither totally nor finally.
What Paul is saying in effect is that if we seek to be justified by the works of the law in any way or degree whatsoever then we have abandoned or fallen away entirely from justification by grace.
The word “faith,” however, as is common in the Pastoral Epistles, is here used in the objective sense, as meaning the truth which is believed (fides quae creditur) rather than the act which appropriates Christ and his merits (fides qua creditur). What Paul is saying here is that in later times many will fall away from a profession of the Christian religion.
What Paul is saying in effect is that if we seek to be justified by the works of the law in any way or degree whatsoever then we have abandoned or fallen away entirely from justification by grace.