Loving God in 3D

August 5, 2021
Mark 12:30 ESV
And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’

Heart (Pathos)

What occupies our time? What motivates our actions?
Where your treasure is, there your heart will be. (Matt 6:21)
How do we love God with all our heart? (Ps 69:9)
Commit to pursue God
Schedule time to spend in the Word
Pray consistently
Listen with humility
Prioritize worship

Soul (Ethos)

What are you feeding your soul? (Matt 6:26; Jer 6:16)
How do we love God with all our soul?
Make godly choices with...
How we spend our time and money
What we read and watch
Where we find community
How we respond to struggles

Mind (Logos)

What occupies your thoughts?
The mind is the learner not the leader. (Heb 10:16)
Come let us reason together. (Isa 1:18)
“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” - A.W. Tozer
How do we love God with all our mind? REMEMBER!
“Much of what the Bible demands can be comprised in one word: Remember.” - Abraham Heschel
Remember what God has promised.
Remember what God has done.
Remember what God calls us to do.

Recommendations for the heart and soul:

The Daily Article (Jim Denison)
The Briefing (Al Mohler)
Pray the word (David Platt)
Quick to listen
Daily Hope (Rick Warren)
Bible Lens
Daily Examen (ignationspirituality.com)

Recommendations for the mind:

Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry - Equipping Christians, defending the faith, and reaching the lost for Jesus. (carm.org)
Christian Research Institute (CRI) - To help you define and defend (equip) what you believe. (equip.org)
Cross Examined - An evangelical, inter-denominational Christian ministry seeking to present evidence that the Bible is true. (crossexamined.org)
Apologetics 315 - Educational resources for the defense of the Christian faith, with the goal of strengthening the faith of believers and engaging the questions and challenges of other worldviews. (apologetics315.com)
Bethinking - Engage with the important questions of life; explore what Christians believe and why; compare Christianity to different religions and beliefs; and relate the Christian faith to all of life. (bethinking.org)

Apps and other recommendations for heart, soul, and mind:

Life Essentials (ssl.bhpublishinggroup.com/QR/GetzBible/0476)
RightNow Media (rightnowmedia.org/us/app-features)
The Bible Project (readscripture.org)
The Word for You Today (wordforyou.com)
The Story (thestoryfilm.com/learn)
OPEN “Hook”
Opening story.
Connect opening story to big idea.
Announce biblical text and bid idea.
Share any necessary context for the text.
Read Sermon Text
Verse # Verse
Sermon observations, interpretations, and applications.
Closing story that connects to opening story (preferred).
Closing big idea statement:
Reiterate big idea takeaway point #1
Reiterate big idea takeaway point #2
Reiterate big idea takeaway point #3
Reiterate big idea takeaway point #4 (if applicable)
Reiterate big idea takeaway point #5 (if applicable)
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