John 1

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Scripture: John 1:14

Title: The Word Became Flesh


1. Jesus is what He is because He is God, and perfect. His Word reveals Him, and change any of it to make Him more “understandable” are “explainable” and you do so to your peril. He is God, and you come before Him you better have it right.

2. God sent forth His Son into the world to redeem them that are under the curse and condemnation of the Law. But He must be believed. Be careful to believe what X really is, lest your Christ be found imperfect and unacceptable to God.

3. There is no concept of the incarnation of X aside from Bible. Pagan gods change into human, and vice versa. But God/man, to suffer and die, to rise and remain forever. No concept.

4.So let’s consider the fact that the Word became flesh.

Theme: Incarnation

Thesis: Sharpen your understanding of Him who is Son of God.


I. abundance of balogna

A. Ebionite- X only a man (physical is evil)-Judaism

B. Docetic- X not really a man (phantasm)- pagan philosophy

Attacked the REALITY of the two natures

C. Arian- Nature of X not Divine (1st of creation)

D. Appolinarian- Nature of X not human (human part of God)

Attacked the INTEGRITY of the two natures

E. Nestorian- 2 natures in 2 persons

F.Eutychian- 2 natures intermixed (monophysites)

Attacked the UNION of the two natures in one person

II. Reasons for the lies

A. Reject literal

B. Personal agenda

C. Lots of pressure

III. Brilliance of the truth-

A. Two real and distinct natures

1. Really God

a. Supernatural knowledge

b. Knew His Godness Jn 3:13 “The Son of man who is in heaven

c. Jn 8:58 “before Abe, was I am

d. Reveals the Father, knows more than angels, miraculous power, calls God “His” Father, “only begotten,

e. Exercised divine powers: Jn 2:24-5 “He himself knew what was in man”; over weather, sea, illness, sins.

f. called God By Paul, Thomas.

2. Really Man

a. Called himself “son of man”

b. Acted like a man: hungry, angry, wept, etc

c. Developed like: birth, growth, subjection, manhood

d. suffered and died

3. Perfect man, head of a new race

a. second Adam - 1Co 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 1Co 15:45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

b. sinless nature, no bent to sin. Not just neutral, holy.


B. One real person

1. Portrayed as such: never “we”, acts as one, treated as,

2. Why important: It’s what the Bible sez!

a. Get to know Him, not “recreate” Him.

b. Resist the urge to “bring Christ down” to your understdg

c. He had one consciousness and will

Ps. 40:66 ¶ Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou opened: burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required.

7 Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me,

8 I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.


Jesus is what He is because He is God, and perfect. His Word reveals Him, and change any of it to make Him more “understandable” are “explainable” and you do so to your peril. He is God, and you come before Him you better have it right.

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