Getting our Children into the Right Boat
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13 Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them.
14 But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
15 And He laid His hands on them and departed from there.
Two boys were playing in the snow one day; when one said to the other, “Let us see who can make the straightest path in the snow.” His companion readily accepted the proposition, and they started.
One boy fixed his eyes on a tree, and walked along without taking his eyes off the object selected. The other boy set his eyes on the tree also, and, when he had gone a short distance, he turned, and looked back to see how true his course was. He went a little distance farther, and again turned to look over his steps. When they arrived at their stopping place, each halted and looked back. One path was true as an arrow, while the other ran in a zigzag course.
“How did you get your path so true?” asked the boy who had made the crooked steps.
“Why,” said the other boy, “I just set my eyes on the tree, and kept them there until I got to the end; while you stopped and looked back and wandered out of your course.”
Making a Straight Path in the Snow | Ministry127
We, as a church, are called to help our children keep their eyes on the prize of Jesus Christ. The shortest distance to the cross is a straight line.
1. Children are a Gift
1. Children are a Gift
Today is backpack Sunday. We are celebrating the children and their parents and families who bring them to church. it is wonderful to be able to see our kids have their school supplies.
We, here at Northside, are a community. It is important for all of, no matter our blood relationship, but our spiritual relationship to be involved in these children’s lives. Take an opportunity to get to know them. What are their hopes and dreams? What are their families hopes and dreams for these children?
Our children face unique challenges that we never faced. There are those who are home schooled, in public school, or Christian school. Each type of school has its own challenges.
We are a community and it is all of our responsibilities to guide this children towards the cross. School will be starting up very soon. During an average school day, a child will spend a minimum of 7 hours a day under the influence of someone other than a parent. This is a minimum of 35 hours out of a 168 hour week.
Now this does not sound too bad, but out of those 168 hours, we are hoping our children are getting 8 hours of sleep, which brings us down to 112 hours. Now we live in a society which is set up in a way where both parents have to work to make ends meet. Sometimes those ends do not like meeting at all.
Some of our mothers are able to stay home. That is absolutely wonderful. I was able to stay home for 5 years and it was awesome. I am so happy for those who can. But for those who have to work, the time we get to spend with our children seems too short. This is why a body of believers investing in your children is so important. We need to take advantage of every opportunity.
2. Getting into the right boat.
2. Getting into the right boat.
Our children and youth are tempted and pulled to get into some many different boats. Some of these boats are illegal drugs and alcohol. Some boats are academic excellence. Some boats are promiscuity. Now we have newer boats on the scene pulling at our children and youth such as gender confusion. These boats are dominated by peer pressure. Not all boats are bad such as academic excellence, but most will try to pull our children away from God.
We need to show them the correct boat to get into. It is all about the right boat.
21 Then they willingly received Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land where they were going.
This portion of scripture is so cool. I love this. This is the stuff that makes science fiction. But instead of science fiction, it is fact.
Earlier in this chapter, the disciples get in a boat on the Sea of Galilee. A storm comes up and they are not able to get across. They are 3 miles out and still have a little over 3 miles to go. Here comes Jesus walking on the water to them and they were afraid.
20 But He said to them, “It is I; do not be afraid.”
This is also recorded in Matthew. Matthew adds more details. They see Jesus walking and they were terrified. They thought it was a ghost. Today, we might think it was an alien. Jesus answers them.
Now catch this. Peter says if it is really you Lord, call me to you. So Jesus says, Peter, come. Peter climbs out of the boat in the middle of a storm. It was still in the middle of the storm!! He is caught up in the moment and there is no fear. His attention drifts off from the Lord and notices the storm around him and remembers he should not be able to walk on water and starts to go under. Jesus saves him.
We want our children and youth to spend so much time in the right boat. Growing their faith. Growing into the men and women that God wants them to be that when the storms come, they are at the right place and the right time. They can say “Lord, let me walk on the waves with you.” And instead of looking at the storm, they are looking as Jesus and the storm may still be there, but it will not drag them down.
This does not just happen. We, as a community, must lead our children to the right boat. We can not make them get in, but we want them to see this is the best place to be. We do this by being proactive. We do this by recognizing the gifts God has given us.
15 Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.
tend ʿā·ḇǎḏ - to expend considerable energy and intensity
keep šā·mǎr - protection
This is how we should be with our children. We need to invest in their lives and look out for them. Teach and protect. It is one of the tasks this community is called to do.
Have you been in the wrong boat? Would you like to get into the right boat? It is very easy
A- Acknowledge
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
B - Believe
31 So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
C - Confess
9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Commit to praying for our children. Commit to being invested in our children’s lives to the best our ability.