Biblical Womanhood
The Danger in this Message
Matthew Henry’s comment comes closer to the spirit of the text. “Not made out of his head to top him, not out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved.”
The Definition of Womanhood
The Distinction of Woman’s Role
Empowering Support
She is called Adam’s “helper” (ʿēzer), which defines the role that the woman will play. In what way would Eve become a “helper” to the man? The term means “help” in the sense of aid and support and is used of the Lord’s aiding his people in the face of enemies (Pss 20:2 [3]; 121:1–2; 124:8). Moses spoke of God as his “helper” who delivered him from Pharaoh (Exod 18:4), and it is often associated with “shield” in describing God’s protective care of his people.
Also ʿēzer in 2:18 anticipates in an unexpected way how Eve will be a “helper” to her husband. She will be instrumental in providing salvation for fallen Adam by her “seed,” who will defeat the serpent (3:15)
In the case of the biblical model, the “helper” is an indispensable “partner” (REB) required to achieve the divine commission
Godly Submission
Gospel Partnership
The Distortion of Woman’s Role
The Redemption of Women and Their Role
From a woman will come the greatest redeemer of all relationships - Jesus
Tune your heart to submit.
Live out your God-given gifts to bring about life.
In Acts 8:4, women are almost certainly included in the list of disciples who went everywhere preaching the gospel. Older women are to teach younger women. We see that in Titus 2. Priscilla helped her husband Aquila teach Apollos. That’s Acts 18. Philip had four virgin daughters who prophesied. Then women prayed and prophesied in the gathering at the church in Corinth.
Ladies, we want you to thrive. We want you to grow. We want you to utilize your gifts, and we want big minds and big hearts.