Jeremiah 36

Jeremiah: God's Response in a Tumultuous Time  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  33:23
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The Writing of the Scrolls: Jeremiah 36:1-8

Let us read the first eight verses found in today’s chapter
Jeremiah 36:1–8 ESV
1 In the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah, this word came to Jeremiah from the Lord: 2 “Take a scroll and write on it all the words that I have spoken to you against Israel and Judah and all the nations, from the day I spoke to you, from the days of Josiah until today. 3 It may be that the house of Judah will hear all the disaster that I intend to do to them, so that every one may turn from his evil way, and that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin.” 4 Then Jeremiah called Baruch the son of Neriah, and Baruch wrote on a scroll at the dictation of Jeremiah all the words of the Lord that he had spoken to him. 5 And Jeremiah ordered Baruch, saying, “I am banned from going to the house of the Lord, 6 so you are to go, and on a day of fasting in the hearing of all the people in the Lord’s house you shall read the words of the Lord from the scroll that you have written at my dictation. You shall read them also in the hearing of all the men of Judah who come out of their cities. 7 It may be that their plea for mercy will come before the Lord, and that every one will turn from his evil way, for great is the anger and wrath that the Lord has pronounced against this people.” 8 And Baruch the son of Neriah did all that Jeremiah the prophet ordered him about reading from the scroll the words of the Lord in the Lord’s house.

The Call from God

The writing of the scrolls of Jeremiah begin as much of the Bible is, by a call from God.
As we have been looking through the life of Jeremiah, if you have noticed anything this one thing is important. Jeremiah was called to be obedient to the Call on his life and he did just that. Now God is about to ask him something that is of a great importance. The writing of the Word of God. This was no small task.
It wasn’t like me and writing out my sermons as I sit at a computer and quickly type out the words.
In fact, with today’s technology, I could, if I were to so chose, speak into the computer and it would then type out the words for me.
This was not the case for Jeremiah. The words were written on scrolls of paper.
I could image that this would have also come at a great cost as well.
Today, some of you, I know, have journals that you write down your thoughts as you read scripture. Many of the prayer warriors in this church write out their prayer requests and prayers.
Journal books are easy and affordable in our world today, but it wasn’t like that back in Jeremiah’s time.

The Time line

Not only a cost, but let’s take a look at what he would have to write.
The setting is around 604 BC around the time that Nebuchadnezzar had defeated forces and was making their way up to Palestine.
God had instructed him to write out all the words spoken by God to Jeremiah. The words from
The beginning of your call until now.
So, let’s do some history.
Josiah, at the age of 8 became king after the death of his father. The year was 640 BC.
Josiah ruled for a total of 31 years and stopped ruling on the account of his death.
During his reign as I had mentioned on previous sermons, he had brought in national reform.
In modern terms, he was a revivalist and because of that the it was the in thing to be a outward follower of Yahweh.
I liken it to many who fill out a survey or census and when asked, they would often say, “Christian” as they believe that we are a Christian Nation.
It was during this time of revival and religious practices that Jeremiah appears on the scene with a call from God. The year was 626 BC 14 years into this new found way of National Religion,
When we begin to read Jeremiah chapter 36 the old King, Josiah is gone, his son is now the king and into his 4th year of reign. We now find it in the year 605 BC.
That folks is 27 years of Memories and speaking that need to be written down. Sayings from God that need to be clear.
I have trouble remembering the grocery list requests before coming home, but now Jeremiah is being asked to write down all that God had told him to speak and say to the people.
There is no other way than to say God’s Word is His Word for man wrote what God wanted to say for how could Jeremiah remember so clearly.

The Response

What was Jeremiah’s response to God’s request. Did he spend time in searching for direction. Did he consult with his support group and friends for next moves.
Did he establish long and short term goals?
By no means.
He got right to work
Jeremiah 36:4 ESV
4 Then Jeremiah called Baruch the son of Neriah, and Baruch wrote on a scroll at the dictation of Jeremiah all the words of the Lord that he had spoken to him.
They sat down together to write out all the words God had directed him in those past 27 years.
If you read commentaries on this passage, many believe that this chapter is a commentary from the scribe himself about the events that happen. Written in a third person narrative showing the faithfulness of Jeremiah to God as well as the duty of himself, Baruch.
I’m not sure if you caught this simple word, dictation.
Dictation, The Hebrew word captures the meaning of anything out of the mouth.
A couple thoughts about dictation.
Heather in High school took a class on shorthand. When I met her in Bible School and had a class with her, it was pointless in attempting to copy or even look over her notes. It was, in my opinion, useless, but she fully understood the meaning.
When I was in Seminary, I carried around a mp3 device that would record the teacher’s lectures. I could then go back and review the notes to see if I had missed anything.
This was a true dictation.
Now, in the last two seminary classes that I have attended, I have a second computer beside me and it listens and types the words down on the screen for me.
Jeremiah and Baruch sat down and began to write out the oracles.
Yes some of them were old, some recent, but many people believe that the result of this writing compilation was not as long as the actual book of Jeremiah that we are reading. The reason behind this is that as we are going to read shortly, the entire scroll was read to people a couple of times.
The last part of the call from God was why did God ask him to do this.
The people had heard these messages, as Jeremiah had proclaimed them to the people. Why are they needed to be written down.
This is a great question and I have a couple of thoughts on this.
We could assume correctly that they needed to be written down because this was asked by God. He wanted his word written,
Another reason was that because at this point in his ministry, Jeremiah was forbidden to speak anymore in the presence of people at the temple, and so God’s Word could still be heard.
One reason, which I discovered as I researched this passages was the concept of oral tradition. Like many cultures, sayings were passed down from generations to generations through oral form. With the approaching armies coming to destroy the people and their culture, these stories could be lost.
This reminds me of the time Heather and I on our 25 wedding anniversary took a trip to Holland and France. One one of our tours we were able to stop at Vimmy Ridge and were educated on WW1 warfare.
As many battles were fought through trenches, communication was by way of an errand person. These soldiers were specially marked people who made their way running through the trenches to travel back and forth from the headquarters to the front lines with battle plans. They were specially marked so that when you saw them coming, you would get out of there way. It was also the person the enemy would attempt to shoot to disrupt communication.
The scroll, no matter what the reason, it became the very written Word of God.
Another reason why the scrolls were written down because of the time or season of the people.
I wonder if Baruch knew of the upcoming role as he took this job.
I have always told my boys when you take on a role, always ask for a job description.
I can imagine the scene between the prophet and scribe.
I have a job, can you write? Sure can
Ok, here are the words.
Scribe, oh wow, those are condemning and challenging words. Good thing they are yours, I would hate to be the person who has to tell the people these things.
Jeremiah, about that part in your job description and other. Well.
Jeremiah 36:6 ESV
6 so you are to go, and on a day of fasting in the hearing of all the people in the Lord’s house you shall read the words of the Lord from the scroll that you have written at my dictation. You shall read them also in the hearing of all the men of Judah who come out of their cities.
Jeremiah took this time, a time a fasting to have his scrolls read out loud.
This time of fasting was for a call to fast. It wasn’t a part of the regular routine of the people but called for some special occasion. When they were called, it was often for some type of emergency.
Jeremiah sent his scribe to read the scrolls so that there might be a greater openess to the content from God.
It is often in that time of crisis when our hearts become receptive to the words from God.
It’s during the time of our greatest struggle that we often find ourselves turning to God and hearing his input into our lives.
I have seen many people over my years in ministry needed a change in their lives, a re-direction back to God, but things are going along quite nicely for them.
I wondered if I should pray that calamity comes to them so that they too will seek God. Be rest assured that I don’t.
But I have seen those folks that when calamity comes into their lives that they take that opportunity to seek out God and become closer and stronger in their relationship with God.
This is why our definition of a disciple begins with one who is seeking to know God.
No matter how your life is going right now, we should always be seeking to know God. More and more
Jeremiah felt that sending this message, his oracles in written form to the people when they were already fasting and seeking God that they would turn from their ways.
Look again at verse 7
Jeremiah 36:7 ESV
7 It may be that their plea for mercy will come before the Lord, and that every one will turn from his evil way, for great is the anger and wrath that the Lord has pronounced against this people.”
Jeremiah’s call on his life was to direct the people back to God. It was a message about doom and gloom, but it was directed in a way to turn the hearts back to God.
In this passage there are three times the scrolls were read.

The First Reading of the Scrolls

The first reading of the scrolls were to the many people gathered in the courtyard of the temple. If you read through the narrative found beginning in verse 9 there gives mention of a couple of people.
If you recall back to the story of scroll reading in the days of Josiah, the very reading was in the courtyard and secretary’s office like this time.

Who heard the scrolls

The reading back then gathered a different response than this time. Last time the nation was transformed upon hearing the Word of God, this time only one responded.
How do we respond when we hear the Word of God being read.
I wonder do we come to worship on Sunday morning with an excited anticipation of hearing the Word of God or has it become a good routine in our lives.
Are we gathering in the context of community to celebrate God’s Word and the reading of God’s Word to walk away changed.
These are challenging words for both you and me.
God’s spoken words were read, words of challenge and a call for change.
Words read during a time of people seeking through fasting to hear God’s voice and sadly only one actually heard and responded to the words.
I’m sure many of them heard the words, but it is our response to the hearing that measures the actual listening to God’s Word.
This is why, folks, I have been challenging you to have your scriptures open when we work through these passages week after week.
I want you to be able to hear God’s Word as he speaks to you.
I want you to come every Sunday, not just to hear a challenging messages, corporately sing words of praise and adoration to God, praying out to God, but to go away each Sunday changed in a deeper understanding of God.
Walking away each Sunday with a desire to be transformed into Christ likeness.

What was the response

So one person, Micaiah, responded by heading off to the officials of the day to tell them about the scrolls.
Jeremiah 36:13 ESV
13 And Micaiah told them all the words that he had heard, when Baruch read the scroll in the hearing of the people.
I read over this verse and paused for a moment.
I’m note sure, as the text doesn’t specify, this man’s response to the word.
Was he astonished by what was read and changed that drove him to bring about this message to the leaders.
Was he shocked by such words and appalled that this was even allowed to be read.
Whatever his motive or response to the words, we do know his actions.
He left the gathering of the people who had come to the temple during their time of state mandated fasting to seek out the government leaders who were gathering together to tell them what was going on.
It would be like us going to a city counsel meeting to let the leaders know what is happening in their community as they are sitting around the table deciding how and what they should do as leaders.

The Second Reading of the Scrolls

The actions of this man lead to the second reading of the scrolls.
These top leaders then summoned Baruch to bring the scrolls and read them for us.
There were not willing to hear rumours, or interpretations of this one man’s thoughts on the readings. They wanted to go back to the original source.
This is always a reminder for me, when someone comes to me with a phrase, did you hear...... I would like to think my first response is to talk to the source. My second response is don’t pass on the story of someone else without talking to that person.
This is exactly what the leaders did.

Who heard

They summoned Baruch to come. If you read through the summoned, there was a high degree of respect for him as there was a formal name used in the summoned. It could be that he was from nobility or that he was highly respected and known as a scribe.
Jeremiah 36:15 ESV
15 And they said to him, “Sit down and read it.” So Baruch read it to them.


In this second reading of the scroll that day we find this response.
Jeremiah 36:16 ESV
16 When they heard all the words, they turned one to another in fear. And they said to Baruch, “We must report all these words to the king.”
They turned in Fear.
Their fear prompted a response.
Their first response what to the authenticity of the text.
vs 17
Jeremiah 36:17 ESV
17 Then they asked Baruch, “Tell us, please, how did you write all these words? Was it at his dictation?”
Did he say these things or is this your editing of the text.
This is another reason I want you to have your Bibles open as I speak to you.
I could spend hours crafting and editing and preparing a sermon for you to hear that needs to be verified by the very Word of God.
I spend hours in study and prayer for to bring this message, but you must hear the word of God.
I want you to wrestle with the words of scripture and what is God saying to you through these words. I want you to be challenged and grow by God’s Word as we walk as disciples of Christ
Seeking to know God, living a daily transformational life that is empowered by God’s Spirit as we walk together in community.
Look at the leaders in the text, they wanted to know as well. Is this the word of the prophet?
Is this the word of the Prophet that came from the voice of God?
I believe as I read through commentaries on this passage, that the leaders feared the words and the awaiting disaster that was told in these words.
It drove them to bring these concerns to the King.
IT wasn’t a tattle tale, “The king must know what is being sad”,
Rather, it was of great importance that the King needs to hear.
Look at verse 19-20
Jeremiah 36:19–20 ESV
19 Then the officials said to Baruch, “Go and hide, you and Jeremiah, and let no one know where you are.” 20 So they went into the court to the king, having put the scroll in the chamber of Elishama the secretary, and they reported all the words to the king.
One person wrote,
“The concern of these state officials for the safety of Jeremiah and Baruch is clear. Evidently they had little confidence that Jehoakim would accept the prophet’s message and anticipated some violent reaction.... When they reported to the king they left the scroll in the chamber of Elishama for safety. It would be better to keep the scroll out of the king’s hands.” NICOT- Jeremiah pg 626

The Opposition to the Scrolls: Jeremiah 36:21-26

This now brings us to the real opposition of the scrolls. It’s found in Jeremiah 36 verses 21-26

The third reading of the scroll

This was the third reading of the scroll
The state officials had come into the presence of the king and reported what they have heard.
They were concerned because it greatly affected the people and some of these words are directed at the king.

Who heard

Now as the king and the palace attendants sat listening to the scroll. Notice in verse 23 that it was read this time by a different person. The writer, Jeremiah and the scribe, Barauch were in hiding and it is no wonder by this response.
Jeremiah 36:23 ESV
23 As Jehudi read three or four columns, the king would cut them off with a knife and throw them into the fire in the fire pot, until the entire scroll was consumed in the fire that was in the fire pot.

The response

This is such a contrast to the reading of the scroll to that of this king’s father, Josiah.
2 Kings 22:11 ESV
11 When the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, he tore his clothes.
While this king openly denied the Words of God by tearing it and burning the scroll, his father was transformed by the words and changed.
This always gives us a contrast to how people respond to God’s Word.
There is always one of two ways. Choose to follow with all that you have or reject it completely. There is not middle ground when it comes to God.
It’s all in or out. God desires that all come to him. To bow at his feet and one day there will be a day when all will have to.
The question is whether or not we choose to respond like Josiah and bow or his son Jehoiakim and reject.

The New Scrolls: Jeremiah 36:27-32

The remaining of the chapter. Gives us the reader the trustworthiness of God’s Word.
The enduring of God’s Word.
No matter what man will attempt to do and try to destroy God’s Word. It will be carried on.
Jeremiah 36:28 ESV
28 “Take another scroll and write on it all the former words that were in the first scroll, which Jehoiakim the king of Judah has burned.

God’s response to the Scrolls

When you read this passage you notice God is not silent. There may be times in scripture or in your life that you may feel God is silent. He is not.
In this passage we see an active Role in the story. God commanded to write the scroll, not once but twice.
God also responded to the King’s attitude and actions towards His Word.
Jeremiah 36:30 (ESV)
30 Therefore thus says the Lord concerning Jehoiakim king of Judah: He shall have none to sit on the throne of David, .

God’s Response

And finally, God’s response was to the people.
Jeremiah 36:31 ESV
31 And I will punish him and his offspring and his servants for their iniquity. I will bring upon them and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem and upon the people of Judah all the disaster that I have pronounced against them, but they would not hear.’ ”
They did not hear....
They did not listen.....

Our response to God’s Word

What is our response to God’s Word in our lives today.
How do you approach the reading of God’s Word.
Are you in God’s Word?
Does it change your life?
The king symbolically burned the scroll as an outward action towards God’s cautions.
Do we listen and respond appropriately or do we walk away.
God is asking for a response from us.
God in his word outlines what our response should be, it is up to us to follow His word and live our lives. We should be in Step with God’s Word
Seeking to Know Him.
Transforming to be like Him
Empowered by Him
Presence of People
Are you in step with God today?


As the worship team comes forward to lead us in a response to worship, may I encourage you to respond.
If there is anything in your life that you need to get right with God, do it today. If you feel lead during the song, come forward and spend some time in prayer. I would be happy to pray with you during the final song or after the service.
If you have been sitting here watching for a time and wondering if following you should give your life over to God. Do it today, I would be happy to spend some time with you today.
This passage shows us that a response was taken, it is up to us to respond in a way to bring honor and glory to God.
Now let’s join together in singing a response from God

Response to Worship


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