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coffee the sacred coffee will do that at another time.

What is

what is God going to do with your life?

Play Jay. My wife is supposed to help me freeze.

But what does God want to do in your life?

On a personal intimate level what does he want to do?

Yeah. Yeah go to Shaw answers back.

when to start there

if you're going to go anywhere with God anywhere. The first thing you have to live on except he loves you.

If you're planning on moving with God and to different Realms if I can say that you need to accept the fact it's a fact that he loves you.

Eddie and I always like for me he doesn't just love me. He likes me. Daddy doesn't like everything I do. But he likes me. He likes being around me so much. But she decided to put his Spirit Within Me.

If you were going to move with God, you have to believe he loves you. There's scripture that says what can separate us from the love of God did it goes on Paul because it was straight this he says sit any death shouldn't be high. What about rulers and dark Forces? He says nothing will separate us from the love of God, but there is just one thing that he didn't put on that list. Do you know what it is?

your beliefs

your belief will separate you from the love of God.

This is nothing but you didn't write your belief because God's love is poured out and put until you believe he loves you. You can't receive his love.

You will separate yourself from God's love.

I totally.

Do we agree that Jesus is the living form of God on that lived on Earth and he is loved completely. And it says the scripture according to John he came to his own. It is own did not receive him.

God's love was there for them it was there for the taking but because of their belief they could not receive him. It doesn't change the fact that God loves you. But my question is are you accepting God's love?

I understand you go through hard stuff.

understand that life has its way of kind of sandpaper and you

sometimes it's not even like this. Sometimes these people. Sometimes you got sandpaper Sally and rough Rodger. And you think it's yourself God, why are there in my life?

But he's going to say because I put me and you so you can sign of theirs.

How are you going to accept God's love?

Tell me if you believe God loves him with all their heart. How many people are constantly receiving God's wife?

Constantly like there's not a moment. That doesn't go by where you don't ever think. He doesn't love you. He that he likes you and you can enter into this place called his rest.

It says it again in Hebrews and Hebrews. It says, you know that all that that came in that left Egypt. So not everyone that was delivered from bondage into his rest, but it was those who believed according to face. Some of us can be delivered from said but yet not living in God's rest.

No doubt about that. Hold on.

By who?

Why do God likes me, but there's times I don't like me. You must be honest about that.

We had these reasons give me all we had these reasons and the core of our believe called our heart right as a man thinks in his core belief hearts. So is he so we have these core believes that God was to change. He wants to rearrange them. That's why the scripture says greater is he that's Benny Hinn that's in the who's in the world right now. You are God.

Would you look in a mirror? Who do you see you were gone? So you're in the world? But he's in the world through you.

The hinderance is of us receiving from God is our old belief that he won't do it or I'm just not good enough. I'm not likeable enough. Why me this other people more qualified.

I'm not worthy.

It's like the biggest one in Christianity like

That's it passes that says in John you can find this insane John should be the first chapter.

They're going to be King James. Just so you know.

Someone his own didn't receive them. He kind of like me. Okay. There are those who did he said but to those who received him he gave them power to become sons of God.

That word power breaks down to reduce Tia in the Greek. Stop doing this due to mrs. Holy Spirits Dynamite, but it's do a Seer means authority authority children of God. Or were you just say? You're not worthy.

I'm not worried. He doesn't know I'm just not worthy God. This is no idea of you a story when I give you a story and makes you worthy all automatically.

Are you worthy of God's love? Yes, or no?

I don't want you to answer me back to you really believe you're worthy of his love.

I'm not convinced yet. Alaskan do you believe you're worthy of God's love?


But listen, once you've been made worthy, you have to step out of that. I'm not worried these into I am worth it.



Come on.

Come on. Yes.

Joseph saving for Joseph

Come on, come on, the prodigal son. Got the ring. Come on. We have to step into a place as Believers in our heart to say I am worthy of it. Why because Jesus said all power and authority is given to me and I give it to you. Stop does Jesus really say that does Jesus really say all power and authority is given to me and I give it to you.

In scripture says he's over every principalities every Power Of Darkness everything and he says all power and authority is given to me and I give it to you.

No, I'm at

what were the people who believed it?

I think it would look like at chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 7

so why don't we look like that?

Because in our belief system, we don't believe it.

We have a system of belief and not a face in God. Oh snaps, hold on.

Do you like belief systems? Because then you work the system right? Come on you guys go to your job. I remember I worked at this Factory as a janitor. I was a janitor. Kraftmaid and Ivy mopping floors, you know people would see me I'm cleaning toilets, man.

I didn't have a belief system. That was I am a janitor. I have to believe that I am a child of God. And today I'm cleaning toilets.

Like I don't know if you want to talk about that.

Someone's got to do it, right? I'm cleaning toilets and I never allowed what I was doing to Define who I was.

Hold on.

It's on cleaning toilets. And guess what the janitor started doing around cleaning toilets. I started praying over the toilets.

I don't know you can get baptized in the water. Once we take the fire by the word, right? Don't paint over toilets father. I just thank you Jesus.

And this person can get my back really messed up for you where the bathroom is in the bathroom.

It sounds funny, but I'm being serious man. Freeform in the bathroom loves you. You would enjoy this friend have a cold. Can you pray for me? You're the editor?

And that's what they called me around Kraftmaid for the nine months. I did it they call me the praying. Janitor dude that God did miracles to this crazy janitor.

But I never allowed what I was doing to Define who I am. In your life the reason why there's hindrances and your heart's belief is because you allow things to Define you and except for God. Other things to tell you who you are. I wish I could believe it.

I think I can't think I can't.

Is it doesn't get us very far. How do we change that? I think I can too. I know I am.

There's a different.

right neck But you know your wife bats, right? Before she was your wife right before there's a time where you like you had thoughts that it exists. She always was or as you knew it. What tags are back? There was a time where you didn't know you had these thoughts you were thinking. But once you moved into a covenant, you don't question it anymore. Ask your girl.

Once the deal was sealed. You move from this is my girlfriend or boyfriend her. I hope she becomes my wife to that's my wife mad.

What changed?

the dynamic of the relationship most of us live in a dynamic relationship with God based upon.

Christian religion

Oops, I said it.

We live in a relationship with God based on Christian religion, and we based Christian activity on relationship with God.

We think if we're very active that that is my relationship with God.

Come on.

Yes, come on, man. God I want you to preach the sermon he preached at Lord and whoever what's the time and it's the Holy Spirit he's working here.

listen spiritual activity is not equivalent to relationship with God.

Imagine being with your spouse and you're sitting there doing all this stuff for them, but you never take time to really know them.

Are you a job, but I did all these things.

Come on, honey. I work clean you all these things. You're telling me that I do that. I don't know you. I'm getting kind of sad because I'm exhausted myself doing all these right things, but not knowing her.

can relate

are you at come on man? Which part right? Is it Part 1 or part 2? And all she wants is a connection with me. Citizen care. Yeah, it's nice that she wants this connection. What have I told you connection is what brings protection? And out of protection then you can bring correction.

Most of us think God's always correcting us. Most of us live in the correction and not in the connection.


Yes, let me explain let me get my break a little bit farther. Scripture in Proverbs says hope deferred makes the heart sick.

the heart so when you don't get what you wanted makes you sick. We're believing for something right how many people have an expectation of themselves?

And how many of you guys live in that?

How many you guys live in the expectation you put on yourself?

and when you don't the scripture says hope makes the heart. So what you're going to start believing about yourself and about God isn't based on Jesus, but your performance. oops

Sometimes you're a girl mountain in your way.

So your belief on yourself that you have that God Loves Me based on my performance or based on my performance. I can receive God's love that will negate you from receiving from God. You won't be able to. I'd like to go to the scripture and say that nothing will separate you from the love of God. And that's true except for your belief system.

your core beliefs because those who believe he gives exousia. Pictures of tortie and it don't work that way getting in the room it works that way staying in the room.

You've been to a club where you had to wear a sports jacket.

I'm talking about you go to a restaurant in the wedding. You have to wear your sports jacket, right or they won't let you and it's just some of the policies some places. How would you go to a restaurant like you do men have to wear a jacket when we got one on the rack put it on and it's not. Yes.

Dancing school on it's awesome. There was an awesome.

But in order to stay in that place, you have to keep the jacket on right? Because the minute you take the jacket off. You're going to have people who work there saying, excuse me, sir. Do you have a jacket? We don't jacket. What do you want me to put it on we're going to ask you to leave, right?

Is the mask we're not talk about Mass. I will talk about that. No, no no, no.

We're going to have to ask you to leave because you have your jacket on.

When we do not put on the mind of Christ, then I love that. I'm accepted and I can receive because he says I'm worthy out of the place of intimacy with God and puts us on the outside again trying to connect she said how connected to God can you be if he lives in you?

But you know that I'm trying to connect he's inside of you you're already connected to my lungs. I'm trying to connect to them. I need to know that they're there.

got to be weird when you guys

Richard got the same way like that.

We think why are deep breathing?

This Sunday. I'm going to raise my head.

You feel this?

I got something.

I'm going to be super still cuz if I was to be still and know that.

I'm not moving God. I know you're here somewhere.

The word says be still and know that I know that you are here. Working in this place. I just don't feel it.

It's still based on our activity and not on what God has already done. We're still facing a connection with God on what we do and not what he has finished.

I'm with we would live in a place of what he finished. When he said it's finish the veil was torn. Was back to people this presence of God was back to mankind again because I can't dwell with them again. There's a worthy of sacrifice to my son and I can be so intimate now. Oh boy. I can't wait. I'm getting my kids back.

the adoption papers already signed It's not so much that you found God is that God revealed to you you were his already?

Is it that one's mind that one's mind? That one's mine because those are for new I predestined.

Do you know if he actually has papers for everyone but not everyone signs your name on the agreement.

You start with love. You stay in love. And then you say God. I know you love me and I'm worthy of your love and I just received your love and his love is not a Feeling. It is a knowing because his word says so and out of his word. Come on made out of this word. is when you start sensing and feeling right cuz God loves you. And then he really likes you. Yeah. To the minute. We begin to say Jesus electricity shoots through your body because there's power in the name of Jesus, right? I mean people

bright to Lord Do It Again simple as that?

It's not about. manifesting that happens like that happens sometimes if it does enjoy it, okay, if it doesn't enjoy him.

If that makes you enjoy him and enjoy what he's doing. If you don't feel like waking and shaking enjoy him and guess what enjoy what he's doing. Don't compare. one to another because then it gets really weird and I seen it. But I'm serious. I'm going to be real with you guys. I was going to church and everyone's trying to manifest something. Do you have a 1 people going?

other people are going

I'm like, yeah, let's do it. and then other people Are there laid out on the floor? I don't want to try really hard to show that they have God working on them.

I've been missing the point that he's already working in you.

So I'm not against manifestations. But I don't want to become an exorcist hyper-focus on.

I mean if we're going to do that, let's go to bodybuilding competition a manifest a lot.

We got poses for it.

Yes. Yes.

So what you guys to just open your hearts right now? No fear be Fearless says the righteous are bold as lions. There's nothing to be afraid of if we ask the father. He's not going to give us a snake. Can we agree with that? God is good. Right? So we ask God he's not going to say no. I'm going to give you the devil. He's not going to do that. ride So when your hearts close your eyes.

Daddy I asked for every ounce of anxiety to be gone in Jesus name. This is not based upon how good you can receive it's based upon the goodness of God Alone. the Lord that oil that was shown I'm asking that you pour it on everyone in here.

every person in here that the oil begins to thaw

yeah. I'm asking that there is a rising up of your Holy Spirit in every one of them Lord.

Let this be an activation of you and your wine.

If you want to give something to giggle fit school with us daddy, do what you want to do. If you want to make others cry do what you want to do Lord. But we're asking for you and you alone.

We're asking for your spirit to be in the draw. draw deep draw God

Does your doing this I want you to say Hart you go to God now.

I just be going to allow your heart to draw to him. Make if you're putting effort behind it, you're working too hard.

You're thinking over thinking that you're working too hard for Headstart hurt. You're working too hard.

I mean if you guys are sensing God put your hands in the air. Good see hands are good stay of that place and sense of keep sensing him. To be allowing him to fill and send him more.

This is what the scripture actually means when it says be you. Don't be drunk with wine, but be you filled with the Holy Ghost. He really means I want you to drink of the holy spirit daily by connecting deep with him in the heart.

Do you have to be connected if you're planning to receive something new from him?

So go back to that place and sent him stay in that place for a moment.

This is the place that we're supposed to wake up to in the morning. There's no more waking up on the wrong side of the bed is waking up rested in him. This place is where we phloem function from in our daily activity.

Is it so much better doing things with God instead of for God? ride

I mean you guys are still feeling connected to have good. I want you guys to begin to speak out. quietly to yourself I love connection to God speak to him and verbalizing. I don't care if it's in English and another language. That's not the goal. The goal is just allowing the connection to be laugh. So good.

What we're learning is Jesus said I desire worshippers who will worship me in spirit and in truth. This is how you get in the spirit.

This is how

this is how we're supposed to live our lives every moment when you got a major decision to make you go right into this place where you connect with him in the heart.

And you hear what he's saying do? Not what you say. but what he says better person seems awkward because it's unfamiliar to do this with everything. But the more you do it the Bible says having your senses trained you can distinguish. What is the acceptable will of the Lord because you're proving to be mature Sons and Daughters of God.

Maturity is not based on your age is based on if you follow him. You just following him makes you forget this fruit. I'm producing fruit takes time.

Who's having trouble connecting the guy to put your hand. Don't just no shame here. Cat you having trouble. Tell me if you guys don't connect to the guy hands and people felt connected. I want you guys to feel connected. Come come right here light up right here in this soil.

Come on big man.

I want you guys Just Dance I make a make a house space.

If you're struggling feeling connected to God, my Bible tells me that we bear one another off. In love we bury each other off. So before we do that, I want everyone here that says they're connected and they can sense him. I want you to go to that place now.

If you're having trouble, I want you to start making your way through the middle. Someone start with you buddy. Andrew come up through the Middle. Come on.

Can I see Mars Put Your Hands Up slow down right? There is good. Put your hands on him and release the spirit the spirit of God that's in you now. As you are here. I want you to just point that direction towards him don't want you to release now for you the rain cuz you saw the you saw the oil. I want you to get it to clear the oil over him. Okay?

I see Andrew. I want you to focus on his God Not Human connection, but God.

Why do I know this works what I know it's powerful because my Bible tells me everything that we speak and preach must be back by the word of God. It says that we're two or three are gathered. I am where Come on, man. Jesus is right here with us. It's that real man.

And you are you sensing God? You're getting there. Okay, go ahead. And so go ahead and stay in that place. Who else is struggling since even connected to God?

Come on, I want you to come, keep walking going start the beginning.

A beginner's. Okay, stop right there and begin to lay your hands on her friend and I want you to send Scott connect to him. Turn your hearts towards him.

Some people call the sapphire tunnel. I called this little Tunnel of Love for God because of poor out Jesus. You. Thank you for releasing no more struggling and striving for him. You already has him. Yes Andrew. This is what I'm seeing from Papa. I am seeing this I'm seeing God's getting ready to do a new thing in your life a new thing. He's breathing newness on you new things through you new new a new way of thinking but also a new way of a function. Where's stock killed with stress? It's just him.

Thank you, Daddy. Oil Lord oil Lord oil Lord that new oil no more old oil no more lard Lord, but that new oil. in Jesus name

Toyota saw the oil to so Dad. I want you to release foil as well.

You can come on and move forward. Come on and move forward. Is there anyone else says I'm struggling to I want you to step in. I want you to step in and face and when you step in I want you to believe God's going to meet you.

Thank you Father. Go ahead and start praying start laying hands and praying. Listen when people come around Believers. This is what they should sense. Even if they don't even know God they should be able to sense the spirit of God the presence of God in you and your life flown over to them. You want to change the world with the gospel? This is how you do it.

You first connect to God if you can look in the scriptures before Jesus ever revealed who he was he connected to their hearts whether it was a woman at the well, or calling his disciples. Go ahead. And again, I want to show you something. I would have revealed to you who I am and you can find that all through scripture. Jesus would do if he would connect and then he was bringing a revelation of who he is. We try to bring it a revelation without connecting and it doesn't work too well.

Thank you Father.

Thank you, Jesus. Lorde we just break off say we break off Guild God we speak life lore. We speak identity. You are a daughter of God. God sees you as a daughter. He sees you as worthy. He sees you as the old word curses are broken in Jesus name. We released newness right now. It's noon is right. Now God has a new Freedom coming. There's a new Freedom coming right now. I see I see a heart being mended.




Go ahead back there if you want to go.

barbecuing this guy to pray I want to give you freedom but I also want us to realize this is this is what the world is actually looking for. They're not looking for your doctorate degree. They're not looking for you to tell them about Jesus. They're looking for you to show them Jesus.

You're looking for Jesus in you. Because it's Christ in you the hope of glory glory ways that was hitting it was a revelation that Sons and Daughters had of his glory and then being revealed and flowing outward. It is a revealing of your identity, but it's also a revealing of who God is in you cuz brighter is he I'm going to speak things over you right now. There's no experience that you went through that is greater than God in you know form of trauma that God can't no heartache that God can heal greater than anything that you can experience on this Earth. He is God and he is Omega that means he is just beginning of your story is the end of the story that he's the middle of your story as well. Will you allow him to write your story?

Where you allow him to write your story? I know you've been through some hard stuff. But if you allow him to start writing your story if I'm 50 said that he will work all things out for the good because you're cold. You're cold. What according to his perfect your golf son your call daughter your call. Love your card accepted in the middle of it, man.

Jesus thank you God. Yeah.

Come on. Come on, Jesus.

Yeah. Holy. Wholey's You're so holy God.


cheese cheese

A room one day and worship. God show me something. I said Lord What's blocking me from you?

At this time in my life. I went through a lot of hurt. I left the church that I was like my family and I was going through a lot of hurt in that season. And the Lord Jesus we going to show me. He's like son the reason why you can't sense and experience me is because you're carrying around a bucket full of Sorrows.

He's like what if you would give me your Sorrows, I can give you some Joy.

And I remember that day. I was actually here when this was called Mapleview. Backward Journey was the pastor. Remember will cause you was leaving the song. My hands are never going to say Lord. I give you my sorrows.

Navigate to release Sorrows I can literally feel waves coming off of me.

It is if you can break those things that we can experience. His presence is goodness. His Delight over me again. Comes with you training something to receive something far better.

It's called an exchange man. A God's calling you to this Divine Exchange.

I just have a picture of a parent holding a baby. is that over tired or resisting arrest and Imagine I know how that feels. Be that parent and spending maybe an hour rocking a child to sleep knowing that. When the child can finally let go.

But he's going to be blessed. and even as the child-resistant, I don't know what goes through the child's heart or mine, but I know that I know they resist sometimes and they can be really really up for persevering and resistance. But my attitude as a parent to my child never changes. The more they resist the more I love them. And the experience as a parent of a feeling the child give up and just rest in my arms. I think that's something I can tell how God few sauce for this evening at Astra saucin these situations.

Hey, man. you guys


Thank you, Lord. More got more if you got overwhelmed overwhelmed got overwhelmed that this moment is defining in her life overwhelmed God, So could you see at our robots are Nana?

I can't got singing Over You got the I hear got singing Over You.

is singing Over You

it sounds like I'm taking away the void and filling it up with joy. I say new wine. That's Please sing it over you.

Oh, yeah. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. new identity new new new new new new new identity new identity the Kathy that you were is not the Cassie Who You Are

new identity over you.

Thank you Father.

You're not a caged bird.

They can just see this what I'm seeing. I saw these These Walls like these walls were like the thing that was like keeping you like trap and I saw these walls begin to like do this state where they're getting ready to break, but he's not going to give you the key out of the door. He's going to break the walls down. So there's never again another one of those in your life. He's breaking the walls down. Yes, come on.


Ricky Ross

Jesus I just ask that you ministered everyone here Lord let your spirit Minister let it's that your sphere Minister put your word your word in horse begin to let scriptures play in mind God.

Did you let scriptures play in mind that they know it's you it's not us. It's you got but it's you and us.

What if I told you guys this is the new normal?

Like This Is The New Normal guys

Come on.

Come on.

Thank you, Jesus.

Come on.

cast and Community Cassie Cassie

The Lord says restoring Years to you.

Restoring Years to you.

Who's restoring of years? restoring of creativity restoring things Hallelujah No more suppression God for the restoring of those things got a restoring Lord, every generation of those things within Hallelujah.

Thank you Father for doing this in her. Oh, yeah, you're going to sing and dance.

Are you going to sing and dance?

This is so I'm just a fat coming in your step. I'm telling you. Oh, yeah. woo restoring


restoring haha

Do you know?

Yes, Hallelujah.

the story.

And the cool thing about it Kathy is it's like a geyser that hasn't shot up in awhile. But this guys are when it shoots up. You're going to be like

God in you he's going to be doing it's going to be amazing.



Is anyone feel like they got a lump in your throat? Like anxiety like they didn't want to run.

It kind of got some knots in their stomach. If that's you I'm just going to challenge you to come forward. That's it. You don't know if pressure but if that's the only one you come forward.

Moreland Russia Oh, come on, come on up. Come are you? Oh, yeah today we're going to take time to view the body. Is that okay? We are serving to go to worship Any Given Sunday, but we're going to take time to be the body and allow God to do what he wants to do here.

Whatever he wants to do it.

Go ahead Lord.

Thank you, Jesus.

Scrooge movie

so is it fair for you? I heard this clear. Cats is Riley and he's not done with you yet. He's not done with your family yet. Yeah.

He says that.

his glory work and Compass you

there's going to be an encompassing of God on you.

It was like a god cocoon.

Dealing with that are already thought you made me there is more in you than what you even know of yet that you're releasing. There is a prophetic continue that he wants to pour out.

And I don't just mean like an old she let me let me explain what I'm seeing. I'm not just saying like you prophesied here in there. I'm not I'm not seeing you know, how Peter's daughters were positive. It's calling you into a place and office of prophetess. It's not this prophesy to hear it there. It's an office where you giving you when you see those things praying to those things. The more we will be released. Yes. You look in yourself is least, but I don't call you lease more since you have more the offer because you're a heart has been an offering to me.

Yeah, so it's you okay.

There's no need to be scared of the gift inside of you.

Thule right now we break off beer we break off trama speaking publicly, but we break off trauma in Jesus name right now every also true of Every curse. This is warming you talk too much. We break that off in Jesus name we break off lies and confusion in Jesus name right now.

No more saying no more shame. Yes, Scott.


Yes. There it is. That's right.

Yes, yes. Yes.

Yes, Jesus


swear I saw.

That's right.

That's right.

No speaking to Maria's prophets speaking to her. Let me share something with you guys for real speak in a Ministry. You guys every one of us has a unique way of Walking with God and we are called to walk that way boldly. courageously think about if David would have never walked the way that he walked with God. We would never read stories of the men. He aspired to be courageous as well. When we individually Walker agency with God boldly it will encourage others to rise up as well.

You have to be ashamed to walk bold.

You at the walk in your tippy toes.

We're not here to break heads. We're here by the spirit of God the fertilized of

produces and bears much fruit

That there's plenty of new births Hallelujah.


thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus for the prophetic and her Lord.

Hurry up.

Sheraton, Oro papa papa papa

Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, there's like a dude. There's an anointing on you you probably I don't know if you know who this woman is or not. There's an anointing on you like Catherine Coleman. There's an anointing on you like that is what I'm seeing is still up there. This is what I saw and the reason why the enemies tried to hinder that in you is because of the impact in the region that you'll have not only reaches places that you would have in fact. Solar we stake you for that the reason why you have a sharp tongue, it's not it's not something to be ashamed of it's something that God gave you with sharp tongues that cut Hearts Deep that are hardened. You get to the heart of the matter.

Come on.

finger a finger

If I ask you something.

Got a release that off of you. So I want you to repent now. I want you to repent means I'm going to come into agreement. Okay, I'm going to have to see what you coming to agreements and God. I'm wrong.

I've been angry at you.

I said you forgive me.

And that you would heal me. completely all the routes

Forgive Me Lord for being bitter at you.

For thinking you're no good.

Cuz that's a lie. I acknowledge.

That was believing a lie.

And now I ask for your truth.

To replace it and I say you are good.

Because that's who you are.

Jesus Jesus Jesus we come in Phase with our brother David Lord. We come in agreement with the Lord. You say confess your sins one to another that you may receive a healing mode right now. We're asking for a hard healing in the soul. Did all the bitterness of his soul the gall of bitterness be rooted out of him right now that you replace it with a Garment of Praise that you replace it with a garment of Worship the Lord he is able to sing and dance again Lord in Jesus name we call those things out. We say come out in Jesus name off of his soul out of his body trauma come out in Jesus name. We did Clarence L right now. We say everything.

to Jesus see Jesus I said you forgive me.

rebelling against you I guess my father.

Or should I say there's a releasing right now? ambassadors all that poor zonia Come Holy Spirit Come Holy Spirit come come and fill those areas more fill up with newness or fill up with life Lord fill up again.

Jesus name

yes, Lord. Yes, Lord.

What you do because it's just praise God David just begin to praise your praise that sacrifice of praise no longer holding it back.

You are a good good father. You are a good good father. You are a good good father. You're a good good father. That's who you are. You're good God.

Yes, yes. Yes.

Yes, Scott.

Didn't want you to switch from saying I want you to take it to the thank you that it's gone.

Woody's, yeah

Even even in 2 minutes even the best. I wanted to ask you to take a stout even in the Mets. Philly because you're not your feelings

You're not your feelings.

Just because you feel a certain way doesn't mean it too.

I know you've been through. hard steering Please time to separate.

Your feelings from who you are as a child of God.

So what you to come into agreement with God and send lures? I choose.

I choose to let go of anger.

As you said that are the heart. God doesn't see you Angry Anymore.

You may feel but God doesn't see you as Angry Anymore. He sees you as a son who repented and it has received forgiveness. It's up to you now to say that's who I am now, and I'm no longer a man. Who's angry. I am a son who's forgiven and I live free. You have to move you have to choose to move in safe. It's a what God sees because as long as you see from your side, that's all you're going to have.

Today I choose. To be free and loving I'm not an angry man. I am a son who loves to worship God.

Because the Bible says he's giving you the authority sometimes are waiting for God to do it when he gave you the authority.

Your Authority is you step of faith. God's job is to be good on face.

Can we take that step?

I know you are David stand with me stepping face Stephen face.

You need to let go and see I let go of anger as we step. See. I'm not an angry man. I want to get what you do to clear it. I'm not an angry man. I got angry at God anymore. I'm Not Angry Anymore

I am a loving son. Who loves his father?

Didn't know no more asking. I have a son who loves his father.

I love God with all I am.

with all I am knowing that you are good.

And I choose to believe your card.

step again

You were taking it in face in believing.

But after you sent in your bike shedding stuff. 2K we're going to take you by faith. So what I want you to do is I want you to be getting in the Claire when you're here or at home. What you to begin to care. I'm not angry you can feel anger, but that doesn't mean it's you. Your rooms are the munchie whoever's left in this room. But teach you guys something that always say I said in counseling sessions. I don't say it out loud here yet. If a man feels like a woman doesn't make him a woman.

No. What happens if he thinks he's a woman doesn't make him a woman? No makeup in the dress doesn't make him a woman know what happens if you get the operation is done, and he really looks like a woman. Does that make him a woman? No, it doesn't matter how much you he feels he might be a woman. He looks like a woman he can never be one. The same is true for you. You're a Son of God when you got bored again. You became something new. I don't care how much you feel anger. You're no longer angry because God said that you're his son. You step in safe. Just as much as you believe that a man can never be a woman. You need to believe that you can never be a god son. He called you but he calls you worthy. That's who you are. And you got to come in agreement with that truth everyday.

Because the life will try to overtake you. I don't listen to the voice of a liar because you're his son. You hear his voice. That's why you're still coming even though you're hurting you're still coming because you're his son. You can't get away from that. You are his son.

Your God Son Your Son who he is. Well, pleased God is not disappointed at you.

He's not disappointed at you. He's not upset with you.

Do not a product.

You're a son who knows was hurting. He says some here. I'm never going to leave or forsake you to the end of the world.

your son

It hurt that, you know, he knows also.

The lost that you know, he knows awesome.

Thank you, Jesus. It's okay. He's a safe place to let it go. Let it go.

Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you that there's breakthrough at him. Thank you, Lord.

Preparation H

I praise you Jesus.

praise you

your son Who loves his father? with all he is

Who You Are

We're going to break. We're breaking off the li-chee with Ally leaves the anchor leaves.

You're his son. He loves you. He's with you. He's not against you. And you are with him.

Is you're not against him the light was to tell you you are but you're not.

Thank you, Jesus.

Rhonda I want you to remind him everyday. He's God's son. He's not angry. The Liars trying to tell if your anger that's no that's not his identity. He's got some. Yes, you guys been through something hard, but you're God's children. He says I'm close to the Brokenhearted. I comfort those who mourn this is scripture for weeping may endure for a moment. When You Weep he's weeping with you with your morning he's morning with you but he says I'm not going to leave you in a place of despair A walk with you through it and we're going to get our second wind.

That's where you're moving at.


Joy in the heart. Joy of the hard choice for the belly new belly. Laughs God knew last from the belly new belly. Laughs got him. Tell him I'll after that won't stop in Jesus name load up call for joy in the Holy Spirit. Joy in the Holy Spirit. Joy in the Holy Spirit Joy God joy. Joy Lord restoring The Well of Joy that's inside of him the bubbly personality coming back to life and Jesus name and Jesus name. We call those things forth. Thank you, Jesus.

once you

text me if you need to. But you hold him accountable everyday. You're a son. You're not angry. You might say what I feel doesn't matter what you feel. This is who you are you remind them of that vice versa.

You remind each other of Who You Are. Because they're going to flow out if not what you were doing, but who you are. And that's going to shift your life.



Well guys, I know we would late it's good. Will allow God to do what he wants. Yeah. We're allowed to do whatever he wants man. This is about healing starts. This is how bad the Covenant Church and not experienced God. It's like going to a pool not getting in the water. It's pointless.

You guys thank you for staying. Thank you for playing. test

after release

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