Paul's life

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Philippians #1 – LEADER
“The Life of Paul, from pride to humility”
Before we get into the Epistle to the Philippians, I thought it would be a good idea to spend a few sessions to get to know the person who wrote the epistle before we get into the purpose of the letter.
The last words of a dying manQ: In what did you put your confidence in? or whom do you have your confidence in now, explain?
Q: How many people have you come across who think they are good? A: vary…
Q: how do you see your status before God?
I. Paul’s Actions
i. Persecutorof the church – Phil 3:6
ii. Imprisoned & beat the church – Acts 22:19, cf Acts 8:3
iii. Dragging by force from house to shouse – Acts 8:3
iv. Desired to injure, hurt, destroy – Gal 1:13; Act 8:3
v. “Breathing fire” murderous thoughts – Acts 9:1-2
vi. Approves of the death of saints – Acts 8:1
vii. Involved in the first death of the first martyr “Stephen” – Ac 22:19-20; 8:1-3
viii. I believe that this tops even the death of the saints in Pauls former life, “Blasphemer”, to slender, revile, to cause damage, defame, ect… – Acts 26:11; 1 Tim 1:13
Q: how can people persecute the church of God today?
Q: how do should you react to the persecution?
Q: share encounters you have had with people who defame the Lord and how you handled it… A: vary
2. Paul’s conversion (Acts 9:3-19)… Elab, challenge as you read.
I. Paul Met the Lord – Vs 3-4… think about this on how this prideful man would have been reduced to rubble at the voice of the Lord… think about all who reject the Lord and will one day hear His voice?
II. Paul Rebuked by Jesus for persecuting Him – Vs 4… If Jesus rebukes Paul in his persecution against the church as if he was literately persecuting Jesus, what does that say about Jesus’ closeness to the church? A: He is there present with them every step of the way. Jesus is united with the church in death through baptism, and Resurrection, and live with them, in them and through them until the final consummation.
III. Paul’s epiphany, realized Jesus is Lord – Vs5 “Born Again”
IV. Paul Obeys the Lord – V6-8, 9-14… Something must be looked at carefully when it comes to true biblical conversion. Paul, who was on his marry way looking to find more Christians sot that he could put them in prison, beat them, drag them out of their homes hurt them and dire to kill them was stopped by Jesus Himself. Saul got up, without sight perhaps, but he got up and listen. true biblical conviction of sin that leads to repentance if followed by obedience there and then at the point of belief.
V. Paul Chosen by the Lord – Vs 15… when did God chose Paul? Cf Gal 1:15-18
VI. Paul ready for service, “filled with the Holy Spirit” – Vs 17
3. Paul after conversion Challenge as you read
I. Paulproclaimed the GospelActs 9:20… when did Paul proclaim?...
II. Paulproclaimed the Gospel immediatelyAc 9:20… where did Paul proclaim?...
III. Paulproclaimed the Gospel in the SynagoguesActs 9:20… what did Paul proclaim?...
IV. Paulproclaimed that Jesus is the Son of GodAct 9:20… What did Paul elevate?
V. Paul’s Gospel through the Scriptures; 1 Cor 15:
i. Death – Vs 3
ii. Burial – Vs 4
iii. Raised from the dead – Vs 4… cf vs 12-14… if the resurrection is not true.
VI. Paul counted all as rubbish for ChristPhil 3:7-8 Paul’s moto in life
4. Paul lives out his conversion (2 Cor 11:23-28; 1 Cor 15:6-10)
I. Paul worked hard – Vs 23
II. Paul was in prison for the Gospel that he himself once tried to destroy - Vs 23
III. Paul was beaten and left for dead – Vs 24-25, Q: What was Paul like before? A: he did all these things himself to the church
IV. Paul was shipwrecked – Vs 25
V. Paul was in frequent dangers – Vs 26
VI. Paul was facing hardship – Vs 27
VII. Paul in all of that was now concerned for the church – Vs 28
VIII. Paul went from pride to humility by the grace of God – 1 Cor 15:6-10
Extra notes on Paul’s life:
(Acts9:20-26; 14:19-20; 16:24,37; 17:13-14, 16; 18:12-17; 20:17-19; 20:22-23; 21:27-26; 23:12, 13-35; 25:10; 27-28 Paul arrives in Rome 2 Cor11:23-25;
Paul is now is now joyful not in persecuting the church of Jesus Christ but in being persecuted for Christ and being joyful in the Lord’s church. Cf Phil 1:4
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