What Does the Bible Say About: Women in Leadership?
What does the Bible Say About… Women
The Bible as a Story
God called many women to be ________________ and
_________________ in Israel.
Jesus always _______________ and _____________ women in
his ministry. (Luke 8:43-48, 10:38-42; Matthew 15:21-28; 28:10)
The New Testament church was full of ____________________
July 11, 2021
The Question Behind the Question:
Read as an encyclopedia, the Bible seems to clearly ___________
female leadership. (1 Corinthians 14:32-35; 2 Timothy 2:12)
As gender equality becomes more normal in our culture, this
position has become an _______________ to many.
This makes it especially important that we ask: is this __________
what the Bible says?
The Bible as an Encyclopedia
The “encyclopedia passages” are not actually as _____________
as we think. (1 Corinthians 14:33-40; 1 Timothy 2:11-15)
There are passages about ____________________ in the Bible
(that are ____________________ by some translations).
(Romans 16:1, 7; 1 Timothy 3:3-13)
The Bible does not actually have a _________________________
on women in leadership in the church. (1 Timothy 3:1-7)
The focus of the Bible is not on a __________________ to follow,
but on a ___________ to live out.
The story of the Bible includes many gifted women called to
_____________ and ___________ in many ways.
Our job as a church is to discern how to faithfully _____________
that story in our own _________________
Discussion Questions
What role did the women play in fulfilling the prophecy of
Why do you think God specifically included women the
prophecy about Pentecost?
1. Getting Started:
What did you find most interesting about the sermon this
week? The most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling?
If the Bible was an encyclopedia, what topics would you
want it to include?
Did you come to this sermon with a position on women in
leadership? Where did that position come from?
3. Going Deeper
If the Bible is a story to live out rather than a rulebook to
follow, how does that change the way we use the Bible?
Why do you think we try so hard to turn the Bible into a
How can we faithfully live out the story that includes women
like Deborah, Phoebe and Junia?
2. Into the Bible (Read Acts 2:1-4, 14-21)
Who was present in the room when the Holy Spirit
descended? (Check Acts 1:12-14 and Luke 8:1-3).
Peter quotes from the Book of Joel. Who did Joel say was
going to receive the Holy Spirit, according to verse 17-18?