What Does the Bible Say About: Spiritual Warfare?
What does the Bible Say About… Spiritual
What the Bible Says:
The Bible teaches that Jesus has already ______________ the
powers of this world. (Ephesians 1:20-23)
Through Jesus we can be _____________ from the oppression of
evil powers. (Ephesians 2:1-5)
The church’s role is to ___________________ the victory of Jesus
through the way we _______. (Ephesians 3:8-10)
Spiritual warfare is a _____________ battle: to resist intimidation
and _____________ while we stay on mission.
(Ephesians 6:10-18; 1 Peter 5:8)
August 8, 2021
The Question Behind the Question:
The Bible seems to describe a spiritual war between good and
evil being fought _________ and _________ us. (Ephesians 6:12)
Many are convinced that spiritual warfare is a _______________
of the Christian life. Many others aren't ___________.
How ___________ is spiritual warfare? What is our ________ in
the war?
What the Bible Doesn’t Say
The Bible doesn’t explain the ___________ or ___________ of
our spiritual opponents.
The Bible does not provide details on a _____________________
between angels and demons. (Revelation 12:7-8)
• There are real spiritual powers that effect our world—and Jesus
The Bible doesn’t say that all spiritual warfare is _____________.
(1 Thessalonians 2:18, Acts 16:7, 1 Corinthians 5:5)
___________ over all of them.
• We don’t need to defeat the powers, or ___________ over them;
we need to ________ them and stay focused on the Gospel.
The Bible doesn’t tell us how to ______________ or __________
demonic possession. (Mark 9:17-18, 29)
• The Good News is that there is ______________ for anyone who
seeks in in _____________. (Luke 4:18-19).
Discussion Questions
Verse 17 says that the failure of the Jewish exorcists
magnified the name of Jesus. How so?
Does this passage teach us anything about how to perform
exorcisms? If not, what does it teach us instead?
1. Getting Started:
What did you find most interesting about the sermon this
week? The most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling?
How do you feel about spiritual warfare? Does it fascinate
you, bore you, make you feel uncomfortable?
Have you ever had an experience (you’re willing to share)
with spiritual warfare or opposition? What happened?
3. Going Deeper
How do demonic powers intimidate or distract us from
fulfilling our mission?
2. Into the Bible (Read Acts 19:11-20)
In verse 12 we see a very strange method of exorcism. Why
do you think Paul’s handkerchiefs could cast out demons? Is
Acts trying to teach us the cast out demons this way?
What does spiritual bondage look like in our world today?
Where have you seen it?
The Jewish exorcists used Jesus name, but their exorcisms
were unsuccessful. Can we tell what they were doing
wrong? (Compare to Luke 9:49-50)
How can we help people in those kinds of bondage today? If
the Bible isn’t an exorcism manual, how do we bring them