What Child is This

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What Child is This?
Luke 2:1-20
Hymn: I have Decided to Follow Jesus

As we celebrate Christmas and remember the birth of Jesus, we need to stop and consider exactly “What child is this” whose birth we celebrate today.
Elizabeth and Zacharias Luke 1

Zacharias Benedictus Luke 1:68-80
Luke 1:67-80
Zacharias’ Inspired Prophecy: God’s Savior and His Forerunner,

1:67-80 1 Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit (v.67)
2 Part 1: God’s Savior (v.68-75)
The One through whom God visited and redeemed His people (v.68)
b. The mighty Savior: Of David’s house (v.69)
c. The One prophesied (v.70-71)
1) Since the world began (v.70)
2) The prediction: He will save us from our enemies (v.71)
d. The One who fulfilled the promised mercy and covenant, the oath made to Abraham
1) Enables us to serve God without fear (v.74)
2) Enables us to iive righteously and to serve God forever v.75)

3 Part 2: God’s forerunner, John the Baptist (v.76-79)
a. The prophet of the Highest (v.76a)
b. To prepare Lord’s way (v.76b)
c. To proclaim salvation: Forgiveness of sins (v.77)
d. To proclaim the rise of the heavenly Son (v.78-79)
1) Through God’s mercy (v.78)
2) To give light (v.79)
4 Conclusion: John’s childhood fulfills the prophecy (v.80)
Verses 69-70
Verse 70 “since the world began”
Hebrew word “alam”

Psalm 25:6

  • \\ Psalm 90:2*


Geneses 3:15
Protoevagelium: literally the first promise of a Savior.

Genesis 3:14-15
The First Judgment Upon Sin (Part 1): Judgment Upon the Tempter, That Old Serpent
Called the Devil 3:14-15

1 He was cursed above all creatures (v.14a)
2 He was to crawl upon his belly, that is, to be detested, degraded, and miserable— always (v.14b)
3 He was to eat dust: To be defeated and humiliated—always (v.14c)
4 He was to be the object of enmity—enmity was to be waged between him and the woman and her seed (v.15a)
5 He was to be crushed by one particular seed or descendent of the woman (v.15b)


Date 700BC
Isaiah 7:14
Matthew 1:23
Isaiah 9: 6-7
Child of Five Names
Isaiah uses five names to describe the Messiah. These names have special meaning to us.
1. WONDERFUL He is exceptional distinguished and without peer.
2. COUNSELOR He gives the right advice.
3. THE MIGHTY GOD He is GOD Himself.
4. THE EVERLASTING FATHER He is timeless, He is God our Father.
5. THE PRINCE OF PEACE His government is one of justice and peace.

  • \\ Isaiah 53: 1-7 *

Verse 2 nothing majestic in his appearance or bearing.
Verse 3: a man of sorrows rejected then and still rejected today.
Verse 4 smitten of God and smitten on our behalf
Verse 5 wounded and bruised and through His stripes we are healed.
Verse 6 We have ALL gone astray and our iniquity was laid on him by God
the Father.
Verse 7 But he opened not His mouth.

Date 740BC
Micah 5:2

“Unto me” first for God’s plan for His benefit in carrying out that plan. Secondly to relieve Israel’s distress.
Bethlehem so small and unimportant it is not even listed in Joshua’s conquests.
Micah predicts the promised eternal King in David’s line.

Promised from old from everlasting. Luke 1:70
Luke 9:51-56
Luke 9:51
His mission: To secure salvation (v.51)
a. By the ascension (v.51a)  
b. By death: He set His face toward Jerusalem (v.51 b)

Luke 19:41-44
The Dramatic Prediction: Judgment Upon Jerusalem, 19:41-44
1 The great love of
Jesus for the city (v.41-42)
a. He wept over the city (v.4fl
b. The reason: The city rejected the way of peace; that is, it rejected the Messiah (v.42)

2 The terrible fate of the city foretold (v.43-44b)
a. Was to be encircled (v.43)
b. Was to be utterly destroyed (v.44a)
c. Was to be personally judged (v.44b)
3 The cause of the city’s doom (v.44c)

John 19:30
Jesus’ great shout of victory—salvation and reconciliation (v.30)
What was announced in Genesis 3:15 was now complete.

Mark 16:7
The Proofs of the Resurrection, 16:1-13
1 The sad and despairing women (v.1-3)
a. They witnessed His death and burial (v.1 a)
b. They bought spices to anoint His body (v. lb)
c. They were strict religionists who obeyed the law (v.2)
d. They were practical, sensible, thinking women—not hysterical nor deceived (v.3)                                                                                                            2 The rolled away stone (v.4)
3 The young
man clothed in a long white robe (v.5-6a)
a. He sat on the right side (v.5 a)
b. He made a frightening appearance (v.5b)
c. He commanded authority (v.6a)
4 The missing body of Jesus (v6b)
S The compassionate, encouraging word to Peter (
6 The fulfillment of the Lord’s promise (v.7b)
This is the completed story of the child whose birth we celebrate today.
The complete work of the empty tomb
is the greatest gift you can receive.


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