Don't Feed The beast
This Mountain
This Mountain
We have talking a lot about prayer lately. Mainly because it is a praying time. Also because of our intercessory prayer call in on Wednesday nights.
Recently we had a bible study session lesson and then a sermon as a result of the bible study lesson. However, I felt compelled to stay on this subject just a little longer because I didn’t want to have any confusion and it is such an important subject. I don;t want anyone to get the wrong impression. I believe in prayer! I believe that prayer works.
I believe that we should pray at all times, in all seasons and in all circumstances. But as much as O believe in prayer, I believe in the purpose of prayer, and the spirit of prayer.
Come with me to Mark the 11th chapter 22 verse through the 26th verse.
Then Jesus said to the disciples, “Have faith in God. I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours. But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too.”
Father , I come to you seeking your guidance and your blessing, i come asking you to sanction this words that i speak, let me speak this words as you would have me say them and not as I would say them. Let these words strengthen a saint and have some lost soul come to the altar asking what must I do to be saved. This prayer and all prayers in the name of your precious son Jesus the Christ.
This mountain.
Faith in God
Faith in God
Faith in God is that which goes beyond merely believing , but trusting depending and needing God. Faith in God is taking god at his word about things unknown, unlikely and untried.
While believing is the first step it is not the last step. Belief in God is a head thing, a mental decision that allows one to accept the possibility that God exist. Belief in God is merely lip service to the idea. It a series of mental calculations that allow you to decide that it is more likely than not that there is a a Supreme being. You know scripture says even the demons believe in God. but Demons, evil spirits, do not place their faith in God. Faith that state of being where you trust him. Where you can accept that you waking up was in his will. Faith is about love , your love of God and your faith that God loves you.
That your traveling was in his will and your very life is in his will.
For faith is allowing his rules to guide your life, his principles as your principles, his ways your ways.
Faith in God , because he is faithful (trustworthy), he i s all powerful and he is good.
and you live your life accordingly.
Have you ever seen the boat racing called crew, all o the racers face backwards as they row, in the large boats one person doesn’t row and gives directions. Faith is getting in the boat ,and rowing unable to see where you are going, but trusting that the one who sees Jesus is leading you the right way.
Now, you can’t have faith in God if you doubt him Some folks say doubt and go without, believe and receive. For Jesus says says if you pray for it and believe you can have anything.
If I read this literally than it says that if I pray for it , and I believe he can do it then I will receive it. Preacher that sounds very much like I can pray for anything and I will receive it if I just believe God can do it. Is that prayer asked in Faith?
Yes it does sound like that. First think I will tell you that no verse can be taken by it self but must be read in context. Context is when you consider the verse in light of the preceeding verses , the following verses and other scriptures that talk about the same thing.
It is not the posture of your prayer, for pray standing ,sitting, kneeling or prostrate,
The Lord will not hear you because of the arithmetic of your prayers for he doesn to count the number of times you pray.
he does not answer for the geometry of your prayer for he does not care how long they are
he does not care for punctuation of your prayer, for he is not grading your prayer on grammatical correctness .
He will look to the source of your prayer. have you pled the blood of Jesus, is there an indwelling of the Holy Spirit, then let the blessings flow.
First , read the verse right behind it, for when you are praying first, forgive your neighbor. In other words get your heart right!
We do not earn God’s forgiveness by forgiving others, bit forgiving others shows that we have a humble heart before God.
The first step is having faith in God, but you must right so that God can have faith in you. How can you expect God to answer your prayers for him, and you are not on his side. What makes you think that God wants to strengthen the enemy.
First forgive your neighbor, so that God can forgive you. I am not saying you have to be perfect, for none of us our. But you have to be striving to be where God wants you to be.
The second thing , when Jesus gave us the model prayer, he taught us that to recognize in any prayer that it must be in God’s will.
Our father who are in heaven, hallowed be your name, your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
in the major league sport now they have a thing as a challenge to challenge a call that felt has been called wrong. The play is reviewed , and if the team that has challenged is right, then the call is changed. God has a replay, a do over, and when you pray , if all the conditions are met then you have a do over, God can step in and change the situation reverse the call.
So , the parts to prayer, is faith in God, heart right and in his will.
This mountain
This mountain
Jesus says that you can tell this mountain be lifted up and be thrown into the sea.
I belief this is jesus using figurative speech in order to show that the impossible is possible with God. There is no spiritual reason to toss mountains into the sea , but if his listeners belief in the power of prayer. the the impossible becomes possible.
the unthinkable becomes reality, and things that could not happen are suddenly happening.
So my people what I want us to do is to develop a mindset that truly believes that the impossible is possible.
I want you to belief just because it has not been done, that it can’ be done.
Faith and prayer bring miracles not because we are confident in ourselves but because it moves us to trust God.
Faith and prayer is the mountain mover.
I don’t what you have been praying for?
I don’t know what you are going through?
I don’t may not be able to understand the pain you are in, the hurt you experience, the financial hardship, the loss of your job., your loneliness.
But there is an obstacle in front of you. You are facing a difficult time, the loss of a loved one .
Whatever it is it is your mountain.
Now my mountain may not be like your mountain. But my mountain is mine. Your mountain may be higher than mine, and I may have been facing my mountain longer than you.
But when Jesus was talking , he said you and the word you was he Greek word you in plural. So each of them could speak to a mountain.
What I am telling you is speak to your mountain.
If you believe you can see it, if you have faith you can through it and you your heart is right you can move it.
Move mountain in the name of Jesus!
Sickness be gone in the name of Jesus
Depression be gone in the name of Jesus
This mountain be lifted up in the name of Jesus
This mountain be cast in the sea, in the name of Jesus.