Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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> .9
Everybody, all of us have a relationship with God.
Not just the preacher.
That's a whole nother message.
But a lot of people are still operating under the old Covenant law in the old Covenant.
Only the prophet priest and King.
Had the anointing in and they didn't even have the spirit of God living in them.
They just had And I know one thing that came on them to function in their office and people will come to the priest to get a word from God.
You don't have to do that today.
That's all you get your own word today.
This is the Covenant that I will make.
It's already established.
so, It says in his new covenant.
They shall not teach.
Each one is neighboring and each one.
His brother saying know, the Lord for they all.
Santa Cruz, you know, me from the least of them to The greatest.
Oh, sucky sucky.
Look at this one.
Look at 12. I will be merciful.
For their iniquities.
Mercy is when you don't get what you deserve.
Are you thankful.
We don't deserve the blessings of God, but we got them because of Jesus.
I will be merciful toward their iniquities and I will remember their sins, and when they get to heaven.
I'm going to plan on the video screen.
No, I will remember their sins.
No more.
How can I show you?
The picture or show a video of all your sins in heaven when he don't remember.
You got a blank slate.
Hey, man, where we living under the waterfall of God's forgiveness?
As soon as you said is washed away.
Because of the finish work on the cross.
He said, I will remember their sins.
No more no more.
This is the same in the same book.
He's saying some of these same things.
This is the Covenant that I will see what we talked about.
The I Wills of God.
I will make Chris is already established.
I don't argue with people about it.
Yeah, but they know and yeah, but the Bible never tells us to argue with anybody.
Let me help.
You don't want it.
When people try to dispute things that the word clearly says.
And a God has shown you in the world.
That's why I encourage.
You just don't take things because I said make sure you see it in the world when it when you see it in the world and you get a hold of it.
Forget it.
You too late.
To come tell me this don't work and this is not true.
God is already.
That is what I will do.
You can undo, what God has done all you're talkin.
You're not going to undo it.
Amen, so don't let him anybody.
Rob you of your peace and get you all upset.
Cuz they don't accept.
Because I tell you sometimes people just religious they'll say a man to stop but then they act like they got to do something to earn God's blessings.
There's no conditions here.
He said, I made them.
I'm a woman with them.
After those days, declares the Lord.
I will put my laws on their hearts.
I talked about last week, are you, you know, right from wrong and she is built into you.
I will put my laws on their hearts and write them on their minds, didn't ask it is again, I will remember.
All your sins.
And I'm recording them.
So you better watch out.
The boogeyman to get you if you don't wash out God, going to get you.
God don't like ugly and he going to come after you and you keep on.
I got like that.
Gospel message.
It's kept so many people away from the church.
When I was deep in sin.
Yes, there is such thing as saying and I was deep into it.
Far from the peaceful Shores old folks to say.
There's a ham about that.
But sometimes, when we would talk about it, and we weren't churchgoers.
Ariana Cajun, we will go in college.
We would go because they serve dinner after church for lunch.
After church fried chicken green beans.
And they would throw down to sometime.
We would go just so we can get that meal they for free.
Cousin College, we were hungry.
So we will go to that church and eat but sometimes when we would talk about going to church and some of you may have heard this kind of talk.
You got it when you know, you're not living right?
And you look at each other said, man, you better not go to the church.
Lightning is going to strike when you hit that place.
See the church's place where you need to come when you're all messed up.
Thank you, Lord.
so, God said, I will remember their sins and Lawless Deeds, no more churches needs to be a place where people can come and understand what God already did.
He said, I will remember their sins no more.
The ministry that we've been given and it's very clear.
< .5
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