Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
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And you may be seated.
I'm here we go.
Okay, it's not Packers.
I can leave it there.
That's sacrilegious, got to check these things, you know.
Thank you very much.
Let's go ahead and praise, shall we have a new father, we come before you, and we are in need of your Grace.
Today, we ask for your revealing Spirit to teach us to convict us.
Through the preaching of your word.
Today, we offer you our love, we offer you our bodies.
We offer you ourselves and we want to say, use us as you will Transformers as you might
And we just thank you for loving us as you do.
In Jesus name, amen.
Has any any of you warn those?
Steel-toed boots ever.
I remember asking if some of your member Geneva Crawford, I remember asking Geneva Crawford about steel, toe, boots around cows and I don't know.
The technology might have advanced to, she was over 100 when she died.
It might be Advanced.
And since then she said, you don't wear steel-toed boots around cows getting worse again, stepped on by a cow is getting stepped on by a cow.
And having the steel toe, crush your toe permanently, instead of, you know, just until the cow moves.
I'm not a cow.
I hope somebody can use me of that but you might want to put your steel.
Toed boots on today because the passage before us might step on some toes, I hope to not do so.
So that's just kind of like a warning.
A little bit of a community warning, the two maybe listen up.
Review your heart asked the spirit to work on you.
And at the same time, if I say anything that offend you, I apologize in advance.
Come talk to me about it.
Let's not break Fellowship because of it.
And, and I want to talk about a song right off the get-go.
I called this song with Chris, it's my British.
I call Eminem Eminem because I can never say magnificent marvelous, matchless in a row, I always say the word about love and we'll talk about Reckless Love Because by the way, the love of God is never Reckless.
You see the love of God is always measured.
And in its measured Ness it is unmeasured.
It is Limitless Reckless and flies as a popular Christian song is so popular in in declaring to us.
That The Reckless Love of God, Reckless and flies.
By the very definition of the word that God hasn't considered the results of his actions.
The love of God is as Matt.
Papa Aaron Keyes, Luke Brown Keith and kristyn Getty have.
So purposefully written it is magnificent.
It is marvellous, it is matchless, never Reckless.
It is measured.
You might even say, but in its measure, Dennis, it is limited.
That is the measure of the love of God is unlimited.
Let me just read it for you.
Were going to sing it next week.
Magnificent marvelous, matchless love to vast in a standing to tell forever existing in world of Bob.
Now offered and given to all over Fountain of beauty, Eternal, the Father, the spirit, the sun, sufficient and endlessly generous.
Magnificent marvelous, matchless love The love of God is is matchless.
It is magnificent as we Ponder the love of God, we could there has and there will be volumes written of it.
Tons of ink spilled on it thousand of trees, cut down to hold the paper.
That will be produced to hold the page that we could write of this wondrous love of Jesus.
the Book of James was very, very
Focused on speech epics and ethics are great.
But I'd like to be able to quote Doug moo to you if I might I think it's on my phone.
Is that real realization didn't put it on a sticky note.
I want on Facebook to welcome everybody to Facebook.
So if you're watching online, another welcome to you.
There's there's a lot of people joining us some from a over state lines and others just from their homes because of cold.
So, welcome to you.
Here we go.
Pulling this up.
I can't get in the next 5.
Seconds will skip it, but I think I got it right here.
Dewey, I have it on my iPad but I gave my iPad to my kid.
This is statistics.
That's okay.
I'll get to find it on there much faster.
How about I give you the gist of it Doug movie said of the love of God, that it is the Central Christian epic.
That the love of God, not to us, but the love of God in us to other people as revealed in Romans 12 13.
And 14 is defined as the Central Christian ethics.
That is the thing that we do to show that we are Christians.
You remember what Jesus himself said?
He said others right?
Come grocer we exist to see people come to Christ as a church to grow in Christ and to serve Christ together it's okay to see people come to Christ Jesus.
That all men will know that you are my disciples by your that the other love for one another, by your loved one for the other, it's the Central Christian ethical obligation.
Obligation is how we live our Christian Life.
Let's do this.
Define obligation.
Frank's going to pull up a little definition here for me.
Bound a Duty or commitment the condition of being morally or legally bound to do something.
If you want to come to Christ, we talked about for the last 15 weeks prior to this.
That the gospel makes a difference, right?
The god of the universe in Beijing.
Then Begins the transformation of your spiritual DNA to be from something that did not have pricing.
He was at war with Christ to someone who is united with Christ and is indeed changed from the inside out.
But then our actions not to earn that love because God already loves us limitlessly boundlessly, magnificently marvelously match, mostly not recklessly.
Because of that, love Our obligation as Christians then becomes to live in accordance with the love of God.
One for the other
I hope you're familiar with Romans 12:1.
It's one of the most significant passages and the entire Bible and all of the book of Romans really is, I think you might be familiar with the book of Romans the Apostle, Paul sending a letter really a support letter.
So a Christian Missionary support letter to the church and Roman and get I'm going to go to Spain on Mission when I come through Rome I'm going to ask for your physical support.
I'm going to ask for your moral support.
I'm going to ask for some food went after his money.
I'm going to ask her some courage and courage meant and the Book of Romans is kind of him laying out the entirety of the Gospel to the church in Rome.
Saying this is what the gospel that I will tell to the people of Spain.
Modern-day Spain is Again, Douglas at the bulk of Roman then.
Focuses on how God has acted in Christ.
This is something you should jot down, there's three sections all with the word individual in it.
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