Due Season Is My Reason
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doing evil is easy
to do evil, all you have to do is let your emotions, lust, and impulses drive you
to do evil, just let your desires and natural responses guide you
to do evil, just indulge or just retaliate . . . just do what you want to do
the only real question to answer is, “Can I get away with it”
doing good is hard hard
to do good, you have to work mentally, because often you have figure out what is right, what is best
what’s the right time
what’s the right place
to do good, you have to work emotionally, because often you have to fight your emotions
you emotions say slap, cuss, retaliate . . . and you have to work to bring them under control
to do good, you have to work physically, because doing good often requires you to expend energy
you have to physically get up and move to help somebody
call, write, walk
wake up, drive up, pick up, clean up
to do good, you have to work spiritually, because you have an enemy fighting against you, laying traps, trying to distract you, prevent you from doing good . . . so before you can even get to doing good, you’ve already fought a battle
So it is easy to get tired and worn down mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually when you are doing good
and it’s tempting to give up
it’s tempting to just say, “I’m tired of doing the right thing”
Therefore, I submit this scripture to you today . . .
9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
And let us not be weary in well doing:
And let us not be weary in well doing:
this word “weary” means don’t become discouraged, lose heart, lose your enthusiasm, lose your motivation
As you are living this Christian life, as you are doing things that please God, over the passage of time . . . don’t become discouraged, don’t lose your motivation, don’t lose your enthusiasm, don’t lose heart
For one of the top enemies of enthusiasm is the passage of time. We tend to be all fired up in the beginning . . . but as time passes, that enthusiasm disappears
just like Christmas toys, kids are so excited until about the middle of January
just like that new car . . . for a while, every time you sat down, you said, “thank You Jesus”
but time passed, and now you don’t know when the last time you told the Lord thank you for this car
just like that new house . . . at first and for a while, you were so enthusiastic, almost shouted every time you pulled up into the driveway
but time passed . . . it now takes a stranger coming by and remarking how you have a beautiful home, to remind you that you have a beautiful home
and when we, as Christians, accepted the Jesus Christ as both Lord and Savior, we were so thankful for what He did for us, so grateful that he loved us, called us, saved us . . .
that we were full of enthusiasm to serve Him, Please Him, to produce good works so that our Father in heaven might might be glorified . . . but as time passed
we start to get tired of doing good because it can be a strain mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually
this scripture acknowledges that fact, but yet it says . . . don’t become discouraged, don’t lose your motivation, don’t lose your enthusiasm, don’t lose heart, don’t be weary
and don’t skip over the “let us”
“let us” is a reminder that we all have to fight discouragement, you are not alone
we all can lose heart . . . lose our enthusiasm . . . motivation
the brother on the same row with you is fighting discouragement
the sister sitting in front of you is trying not to lose heart
singer on the praise time is trying to stay motivated
the musician on the instruments is striving to keep his enthusiasm
the usher at the door is trying to stay strong
the deacon, the preacher, the pastor, the pastor’s wife . . . all of us are fighting weariness
thank God that we are all here today, but some of us were “this close” to not joining the saints this morning
then especially when it seems that those who care not for the things of God, those who are not trying to please God, those who could care less about letting their light shine . . . have it just as well as you, or even easier than you
it can be discouraging
you can start to wonder if your living for Christ is in vain
and we might have a house full of discouraged folks today, Yet this scriptures says, “don’t be discouraged”
church member, don’t lose your motivation
deacon, don’t lose your enthusiasm
usher, don’t be weary
pastor, don’t lose heart . . .
for in due season we shall reap
for in due season we shall reap
this verse doesn’t just say, “hold on” . . .it gives us a reason to hold on . . . there is a due season
because it promises, “we SHALL reap”
because it guarantees, “we shall reap”
and since we shall reap, my due season is my reason for holding on . . . keeping the faith . . . not losing heart
cause due season reminds me that good deeds are seeds
it’s worth all the effort and work, because good deeds are seeds
when you plant seeds in the dirt, it seems like you’ve just lost the little that you had
the seed disappears under the dirt
the seed gets buried under the dirt
the seed gets covered up under the dirt
the seed gets hidden under the dirt
and it seems like/feels like you’ve lost the little that you had
at least when the seed was in your hand . . . you could see that you had something
the same with good deeds, because good deeds are seeds
when you help somebody, treat someone right, forgive, support, sacrifice
your good deed disappears under the dirt of life
often your good deeds are not seen, mentioned, remembered, nor recalled
and it seems like/feels like you’ve lost the little that you had
I could have kept that money for myself, devoted that time to myself,
I could have rested, I could have saved that extra trip
I could have protected my feelings
but now it seems that my good deeds are buried under the dirt of life
but good deeds are seeds, and seeds . . . do not bring a harvest over night
when you serve the Lord, don’t think that your living is in vain, but understand that there will be a time of waiting between planting and harvest.
understand that though your good deed is covered by the dirt of life, God is at work
understand that you will have to go through some other seasons before you get to due season, but due season is coming
understand that due season means that God will bless you at the proper time, the best time, the right time
some of it will be in this life, just when you need it most
some of it will be in eternity, where the harvest will never end
be patient and let God pick the due time, no one wants fruit that has been picked too early
when your season is DUE, God will bless YOU . . . . with a harvest, because good deeds are seeds
so don’t be discouraged, but be encouraged that due season is coming
let due season be your reason
also since good deeds are like seeds . . . don’t be weary because when due season arrives, you don’t get back just the seed, you get back fruit!
the fruit is the seed multiplied
the money you’ve given will be multiplied
the time you’ve sacrificed will be multiplied
the effort you’ve given will be multiplied
the love and concern you’ve shown will be multiplied
those who have sown in tears with reap with songs of joy
in fact some of you have recieved blessings and you don’t understand why
what is happened is that you have reaped some fruit, but the fruit looked so different from the seed you planted, that you did not recognize it!
let due season by your reason to keep on keeping on for the Lord, you’re investment into the kingdom will yield big returns, it will be worth it
if we faint not
if we faint not
in other words, Just don’t give up
we have been born into His family, so now we must continue to be obedient children
we have entered the race, so now we must continue to run
we have enlisted in His army, so now we must continue to serve like good soldiers
we have joined his workforce so we must be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord
we must keep the faith
we must hold on
we must hold fast
do not faint . . . don’t give up, don’t give up, don’t give up
so don’t grow weary of being patient . . . . kind, giving, loving
don’t grow weary of coming together to worship
don’t grow weary of coming together to hear the preached word
don’t grow weary of carving out time for Bible Study
don’t grow weary of taking the high road
don’t grow weary of showing integrity
don’t grow weary of giving for the kingdom
don’t grow weary of forgiving those who do you wrong
don’t grow weary of sacrificing for your brother or your sister
When you are in the Lord’s service, it is always too soon to give up
We don’t work to be saved, we work because we’re saved
We don’t work to be saved, we work because we’re saved
we should be thankful enough to continue our service to our Lord . . . . come what may
we should be so thankful that God loved us
sent his son for us
his son died for us
rose for us
that we need no other motivation
But God is so gracious that he promises us a due season . . . the season is my reason