What He Must Be....
What is an investment
how many of you have made investments
Why ( Rate of Return )
How many of you have made bad investments
Once you realized you had made a bad investment, did you continue to invest in that commodity?
Protecting Your Investments
Protecting Your Investments
Anybody own a house?
would you allow a Hell’s Angel Biker gang to house sit for you while you went on a one month vacation?
Investing in Your Investment
Investing in Your Investment
Why do we maintain our investments? (Increase resale value)
What is your most valuable investment? Kids
Why are kids your most valuable investment?
How much have you invested in your kids financially?
How much does it take to raise a kid from conception to 18 years old?
I want your subconcious to chew on that while we switch gears and talk about your kids.....
We love our kids....
we don’t look at them as investments.... but....
I want to continue this investment threads
Again....Why do we make investments????
So why do we invest in our kids????
“Tell the Time Share Pitch”
to mold them into a Godly Spouse....
watercolor ponies....
“but baby what will we do..... mixed with a bitter cup of knowing the water color ponies, will one day ride away.
We invest in our kids
chicken or egg ( marriage vs kids )
parable of talents
chailren are an inheritance unto the Lord
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full
Proverbs speaks of the virtuous woman.... Prov 31:10
A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Coral and jasper are not worthy of mention;
the price of wisdom is beyond rubies.
Are you teaching your young men to be wise so that their value is far above that of rubies...
Gold there is, and rubies in abundance,
but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel.
Do your kids have KNOWLEDGE of this Book? because it is FAR more valuable than Gold and Rubies
Fathers… can your children see crystal clearly that your marriage reflects the relationship that Christ has with His church?
Fathers.... is the investment in your daughters such that their value to a potential mate is WAY more than they can afford?
Fathers.... is the investment you have made in your sons such that a potential wife would look at him and say, “YES,
So let’s come full circle now.....
How is your investment portfolio doing?
Are you spending the necessary time to polish and improve your child so that their value is far above that of rubies....
Are you allowing the Hell’s Angels to house sit for you?