Living Missionally: Following the Holy Spirit's Lead

Living Missionally  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Acts 18:1-28.  

I- Always be open to the leadership of the Holy Spirit (Acts 18:1-17).

A- The Holy Spirit leads by conviction (Acts 18:5).

1- The Holy Spirit’s job is to convict (John 16:8 – 11).
a- He convicts of sin (what we do wrong).
b- He convicts of righteousness (what we are supposed to do).
c- He convicts of judgment to come (what is on the way).

B- The Holy Spirit leads by confirmation (Acts 18:8).

1- He confirms that he was leading by a demonstration of his power.
2- He will only confirm his direction when we obey him.
a- Just as he did with Moses (Exodus 3:12).

C- The Holy Spirit leads by clearly speaking (Acts 18:9, 10).

1- When the Holy Spirit speaks, the believer knows what he is saying.
a- Paul do what the Lord was saying.
b- He reminds us of what Jesus said.
c- He reminds us of scriptural principles that we are to live by.

D- The Holy Spirit leads by conflict with the world (Acts 18:11 – 17).

1- When we are led into conflict with the world by godly living, we know that we are following the right way.
a- If we follow an uncompromising path of obedience to the Holy Spirit, conflict is certain. (2 Timothy 3:12).
* When Gideon destroyed the altar of bail, conflict was inevitable with his idolatrous neighbors. (Judges 6:25 – 31).

II- Allow the Holy Spirit to develop you his way (Acts 18:24 – 28).

A- He will develop special abilities in you (Acts 18:24).

1- He shapes you for his service.
a- Spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4).
b- Heart (passions and desires)
c- aptitude (the ability to learn certain things)
d- personality
e- education (formal training)

B- He will develop spiritual qualities in you (Acts 18:24 – 26).

1- a heart that is bent toward himself.
2- A desire to know and understand his word.
3- A genuine concern for the lives and souls of people.
4- A growing proficiency in the Scriptures (2 Timothy 2:15).

C- He will develop you in a way that will help other believers. (Acts 18:27)

1- The goal is ultimately that Jesus’ church and kingdom will be built up.
a- This is only done as we build up others in Christ.

III- Allow the Holy Spirit to use you to build up of the believers. (Acts 18:18 – 26).

A- Be available to encourage other mature servants of Christ. (Acts 18:18 – 23).

1- Encourage in word (Hebrews 10:25).
2- Encourage through fellowship.
3- Encouraged by example (Philemon 4 – 7).

B- Bill available to the Holy Spirit so that he might make you sensitive to the needs of others (Acts 18:26).

1- Physical needs
2 – emotional needs
3- spiritual needs
a- instruction
b- motivation
c- comfort

C- be available so that he might help others through you (Acts 18:26).

1 – do not just see the needs, but respond to them (1 John 3:18).
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