Think of Excellence
When you think of the word “Excellence”, what does it mean to you?
Character, virtue, morality and goodness
With all that we know about excellence, how many of us can honestly say that we are living and operating within the plane of excellence ?
there is always room for growth, non of us has “arrived”
Why is this important?
- Anxiety disorders continue to be the dominant mental struggle and Suicide ideation has increased - upwards to 51% with teen girls
Depression among adults has nearly tripled in the last year
God talks a great deal about renewing of the mind and being transformed. He wants us to be aware of how to do just that.
Cornerstone is not just a ministry that teaches you the “What”, “Who” and “Why” of the christian faith , but more importantly the “How”. How to apply these biblical principles successfully while we are here briefly on this side of Jordan.
The greatest and most valued commodity on the planet is not food, water, land or monetary riches like diamonds, but peace of mind.
Its the search for that peace of mind that many may take a left turn and get themselves in unhealthy mental trouble which can lead to a spiritual deficit/block.
Jealousy and Envy that leads to terrible decisions to prove self worth or some other pointless point
Paralyzing fear and anxiety
Trust issues that lead to self sabotage
Grudges and Unforgiveness that keep you in ultimately in bondage and risking eternal damnation
general unhappiness and lack of satisfaction and contentment
Chemical dependance, depression and suicide
The body can not function properly without the mind.
The quality of your thoughts will, by enlarge , determine the quality of your life.
Today we are going to discuss how to maintain a healthy thought process that leads to a life of excellence and God’s peace
Lead Scripture: Philippians 4:1-9
Paul’s letter to the Christians in the Roman colony of Philippi is one of encouragement - to live their lives as a heavenly people. Not the like those they were surrounded by. A reminder of what the ultimate goal is which is to reign with Christ. Paul begins chapter 4 with some advice on how to maintain the mindset needed obtain
Step 1: Stand firm in the Lord (v.1)
Step 1: Stand firm in the Lord (v.1)
Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong 1 Corinthians 16:13
Conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Being of one spirit, of one mind collectively. Philippians 1:27
A house divided can not stand Matthew 12:25
Allows us to stay grounded and connected to the source that will help navigate decisions and build us through difficult circumstances
Step 2: Live in harmony (v.2)
Step 2: Live in harmony (v.2)
Our relationship with others is paramount if we as church will be able to move with power. A house divided can not and will not stand
Reconcile always. This is necessary before we even present an offering of any kind to the Lord Matthew 5:24
Bitterness can lead to mental health issues if left unchecked spiritually ( See Cain Genesis 4:5-8 , unchecked anger , an unhealthy mindset, to sear his consciousness allowing sin to take over and commit murder)
No sense of getting mad with someone else if you did what was excellent from the beginning (see Genesis 4:7 …If you do well, your countenance will be lifted up)
Step 3: Rejoice in the Lord Always (v.4)
Step 3: Rejoice in the Lord Always (v.4)
Hard pill: What you choose to rejoice in matters. It determines what you value. When you talk to your family/friends/co-workers, social media posts / comments, how often do you give the Lord praise privately and publically for what he has done?
To the super saints: Rejoicing that you have power over spirits will bread arrogance. However, rejoicing that your names are recorded in heaven brings confidence (Luke 10:20) The main thing should always be the main thing
Rejoicing in the Lord will help to keep your mind centered and focused where it ought to be focused - off yourself. Gives you strength to overcome and to see a situation clearly. Keeps the light in the midsts of darkness
Step 4: Let your gentle spirit be known (v.5)
Step 4: Let your gentle spirit be known (v.5)
Why pretend to be something your not?
If the Lord’s sprit resides in you , how you respond to others should reflect as such.
Be someone who attracts, not repels. Smiles attract smiles, while ugly will also attract ugly - reap and sow principle
Step 5: Be anxious for nothing (v.6-7)
Step 5: Be anxious for nothing (v.6-7)
*If - Then statement
IF - Prayer and humble petitions with THANKSGIVING in EVERYTHING to God
THEN - The peace of God that will cause you to look crazy to others will come upon you to guard your mind and heart. (Matthew 6:25-34 , Jesus gives a further breakdown on overcoming anxiety)
Anxiety leads to rash decisions and bondage - mentally and physically.
The worlds way of dealing
with anxiety (pharmaceuticals aka pharmakeia, greek for drug related sorcery/ witchcraft/idolatry. and meditation/yoga ) may not identify the root of the matter
Step 6: Think on whats true (v.8-9)
Step 6: Think on whats true (v.8-9)
Dwell on truth - Thee truth. The fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding - Proverbs 9:10
Whats honorable - regardless of the label, the name, the color, the party, the blood relation. We owe our allegiance to God first!
Whats right and pure
Whats lovely and of good reputation
Lift up what ever is of excellence and worth of praise
The quality of our mind and how we process information is critical to living life and living it abundantly. It is imperative that we become hyper aware of the thoughts that come into our minds and realize that we have a choice to make - enact or let go.
Negativity, negative emotions, negative environments, negative programming, will always lead to negative behaviors. These behaviors can often lead to an open gateway for demonic influence and oppression.
Today we choose freedom!
God wants to restore your mind today - Your thought processes that will lead to better outcomes.
God want you to involve him in your daily decisions so he can lead you in the path of Excellence.