2021-08-22 Acts 4:32-37 SPIRIT-FILLED CHURCH
(Acts 4:32-37)
Date: ___________________
1. Rather than a contemporary, or traditional or casual church service,
we ought to strive for a _______________-filled church.
2. The people in this early church spoke the word of God with
3. Boldness comes from the indwelling _______________________.
4. One way to speak boldly to friends who are having difficulties is to
ask if you can _______________________ for them.
5. Unity in the church doesn’t mean everyone ___________________
on everything.
6. The sign outside the church in Ipswich, NH read, “You are
______________________, just like everyone else.”
7. True or False: When you hit a tennis ball, every part of your body
does the same exact thing. ___________________
8. Spirit-driven people have unity of ______________________, not
unity in every function.
9. Wesley said: 1) _________________ all you can; 2) Save all you
can; 3) ____________________ all you can.
10. Joseph’s nickname was Barnabas which means son of
Name: __________________________
(Acts 4:23-31)
Date: ___________________
1. As persecution began in the early church, they knew that some of
them were going to __________________.
2. Two reasons for going to church is to stir each other up to
______________ and good _________________.
3. The renewed perspective the disciples got was that God is still
4. The opponents thought they were beating the gospel down; what
they were really doing was implementing God’s _____________.
5. A. W. Tozer said, “What comes to our minds when we think about
_________________ is the most important thing about us.”
6. Spurgeon said, “When you cannot trace His _______________, you
must learn to trust His _____________________.”
7. Instead of praying, “Please protect us!” the disciples prayed, “Please
give us ______________________.”
8. Attesting miracles were gradually replaced by the written
9. True or False: Only preachers can change hearts. _______________
10. True or False: When Paul was arrested, it came as a complete
surprise to him. ___________________
Name: __________________________